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The Adventures of Lady Harpur (Complete) - Kindle edition by Anonymous. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.
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There, the passions are as torrid as the Trade Winds. Eventually Queenie will be kidnapped and ravished by pirates, survive a shipwreck, and come into wealth and title when she meets, beds and weds Lord Harpur. My father possessed a large and flourishing estate on one of the West Indian islands before the emancipation of the slaves. My baptismal name is Charlotte, but from the fancied likeness to a picture of the English queen of the name, my father called me Queenie, which pet name has clung to me ever since.

The first event of any importance in connection with my subject which I can remember occurred when I was about ten years old.

Now, as he lay soaking in my arms, he asked me to tell him more about Susy and Davy. His father has charge of the barracks garden, and Davy worked there with him, and often brought Susy in to get fruit. So this morning he went out to renew her acquaintance.

He seemed delighted to meet her again, and drawing her under the shade of wide-spreading banana trees, he took her in his arms, felt her young breasts, and then suddenly stooping ran his hand up her petticoat. I saw it all, for I was watching through the jalousies, and although she pretended to me that she was very angry, she certainly showed no displeasure at the time, so far as I could observe, for she remained quiet, and even opened her thighs to give him more room; what more might have happened I would not venture to say had not Zilla come into the garden to call her; when she heard Zilla's voice, she jumped and ran to meet her.

I pass much of my time there reading in the upper room.

If we could get there without being seen by them, we might watch all their manoeuvres and see everything they did through the jalousies. But perhaps the plan would be to take Davy into my confidence, and let him know beforehand that I was looking on and that he was giving me pleasure, as well as getting it himself.

The Adventures of Lady Harpur (Vol 1,2 & 3) Complete

You might, without his knowledge, enter the grounds by the wicket gate close to the kiosk, and be there before me. The very thought of it is stirring me up, and making me disposed for a second turn. So leaving the governor to settle himself again behind the door in my darkened room, I stepped into the garden and called Davy. After a moment, he showed himself at the farther end, looking flustered and hurriedly getting his dress into order, while at the same time I caught a glimpse of Susy's skirt as she hastily disappeared through a side door.

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Davy, gather some, please, and bring them into my room. He quickly followed me with the flowers in his hand. As I took them from him, I said, 'I am sorry to have disturbed you just now, Davy, what were you and Susy about?