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The saying "stop and smell the roses," is a common phrase in our culture, but do we really listen to it? It is so easy to get caught up in classes.
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Every car in every direction came to a simultaneous stop. I never heard the screech of brakes or even the peep of a car horn. In that moment, time seemed to stand still for this family. Amazed, I looked at the cars around me to verify that we were all seeing the same thing.

Suddenly the driver to my right reacted. To your right! Never skipping a beat, the couple adjusted their course as they followed the coaching. Trusting their white canes and the calls from some concerned citizens, they made it to the other side of the road. As they arrived at the curb, one thing struck me — they were still arm-in-arm.

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I was taken aback by the emotionless expressions on their faces and judged that they had no idea what was really going on around them. Yet I immediately sensed the sighs of relief exhaled by everyone stopped at that intersection. Here were human beings stepping outside themselves for a moment to help four people in need.

I have reflected back on this situation many times since it happened and have learned several powerful lessons from it. Take time to look around and really see what is going on in front of you right now. Do this and you will realize that this moment is all there is; more importantly, this moment is all that you have to make a difference in life.

The second lesson I learned is that the goals we set for ourselves can be attained through faith in ourselves and trust in others, despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Their obstacle was eight lanes of cars aimed straight at them. Yet, without panic or doubt, they walked forward until they reached their goal. We too can move forward in attaining our goals, putting blinders on to the obstacles that would stand in our way.

We just need to trust our intuition and accept the guidance of others who may have greater insight. Finally, I learned to really appreciate my gift of sight, something I had taken for granted all too often. Can you imagine how different life would be without your eyes?

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Try to imagine for a moment, walking into a busy intersection without being able to see. How often we forget the simple yet incredible gifts we have in our life.

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As I drove away from that busy intersection, I did so with more awareness of life and compassion for others than I had arrived there with. Since then I have made the decision to really see life as I go about my daily activities and use my God-given talents to help others less fortunate. Do yourself a favor as you walk through life: Slow down and take the time to really see.

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Take a moment to see what is going on around you right now, right where you are. You may be missing something wonderful. We pray and cry out to God about something but when He does it we take it for granted. Listen, this life is meant to be lived.

Stop to Smell the Roses, Even if Your Roses Don’t Look Life Mine

If we are busy waiting for the next best thing or the next big moment of our life before we can be happy then are we really living? Remember the time that you were praying for the things that you have now. In Genesis, God created the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. When He spoke light into existence, He saw that it was good, when he created the earth and skies He saw that it was good.

When He created day and night, the seas and dry land, the animals and every single thing He saw that it was good.

God called everything good even when the work of His creation was incomplete. He knew that it was good regardless. Why are you waiting for everything to be perfect before you can celebrate and be content with where you are?

'smell the roses' as a way of life | KiwiReport

Be grateful for your portion and content in your current season. It stung! But it was true and I decided to do something about it, hence the gratefulness challenge. It was supposed to last for 21 days but I lost count and I, unfortunately, fell back into complaining again. I urge you to keep on keeping on but also extend yourself some grace.