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“I should have separated his head from his shoulders. Did he really think manhandling my wife would move his application to the top of “If the odor from his breath was any indication, McCabe was drunker than a frat boy on spring break.
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Walking past, you could see their temporary owners sitting on beds, yelling about nothing in particular, while listening to the same EDM music that blared from the stage mere paces away. They were here to celebrate a weekend devoid of noise constraints, devoid of RAs breathing down their necks. A weekend without rules; a weekend without adults. But the adults, like the ambulances, are always a stone's throw away, there if necessary—Lake Havasu City also acts as a tourist destination for middle-aged water sports enthusiasts, who share the space with spaced-out youths.

In my meandering, I came across a green-haired girl who told me this was the smallest crowd the event had seen in years. She had spent her spring break here for the past three years and told me this year, only 25 of the hundreds of Cal State Fullerton students who normally attend came. None of the Las Vegas crew—students from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas—could make it, as their spring break this year didn't coincide with the dates. Even with less of a crowd, she said, it's still fun, as "less people means less drama.

No one would leave their rooms until at least 11, so she suggested I find some people to pre-game with, as outside alcoholic drinks weren't allowed in the concert area. I chose, instead, to go to the concert area. My year-old daughter, Jessie, latched onto something big the first night and it had her pole bowed way over. I stood by to help in case her arms gave out, but whatever it was swam under the peer and the line broke.

Cousins Nick, Elyse and Sierra are old hands at ocean fishing and laughed and helped out my kids a bunch. Of course, Uncle Eric had to razz Tyler about his inability to catch a stingray when everyone else had already done so; but Ty hunkered down and put all his concentration into just that very task and eventually joined the crowd.

Fraternity Vacation (1985) 80's spring break mischief

TIP: Squid turned out to be the most successful bait. A hunk of squid with a decent-sized sinker, plopped out next to the pier worked the most magic. One late afternoon for dinner, we decided to hit a Chinese buffet. My family is, shall we say, not quiet. Anyway, the problem came when the hefty bill arrived and gratuity was already included in the price.

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Some members of my family do not appreciate the practice and complained long and loud at the front counter. I grabbed Terri and Grant and slipped out the front door embarrassed. Still, that was the only real hiccup of the entire week, which is pretty impressive if you ask me. Terri and I ate there for lunch on our ninth anniversary and I had awesome crab cakes. We went back that evening for dinner with the whole crew and Grant ate two bowls of shrimp bisque. I was impressed.

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He announced one of his hens had new chicks, which brought his overall total of chickens to about His rooster or roosters — who can keep track — often woke my wife with their crowing through the woods. Country boy that I am, I could sleep through the sound, but it drove my wife batty. After a few more days, we packed up the car and my dad prepared to drive us to the airport in Pittsburgh.

I worked extra shifts as a gym monitor to help cover the unavoidable costs of staying on campus during breaks. At the gym, the vending machines were stocked with Cheetos and Yoo-hoos, welcome complements to the ham-and-cheese and peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches I got from CVS; there are no corner stores or bodegas in Amherst.

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Not so welcome was the air conditioning on full force in the gym, despite lingering mounds of snow outside. I would check in 20 or so people during my hour shifts, mostly faculty and staff who lived in the area. Friends would not return until the Friday and Saturday before classes began again. Many came back tan.

But what I noticed more was how so many of them returned rested — how different our holidays had been. We like to think that landing a coveted college spot is a golden ticket for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. We think less critically about what happens next. I lived this gap as a first-generation college student.

  1. Fraternity Vacation () - IMDb.
  2. Worse Than It Looks;
  3. Penn sent Veronica and Keith on a wild chase to prove his innocence?
  4. And I returned to it as a first-generation graduate student, spending two years observing campus life and interviewing more than undergraduates at an elite university. Cash Rules Everything Around Me — borrowing the title of that still-relevant Wu-Tang Clan track — in which we examine how poverty shapes the ways in which many students make it to and through college. Admission alone, as it turns out, is not the great equalizer. One minute phone call with an Amherst football coach when I was a high school senior, and a college brochure that arrived two days later, brought this dual citizenship into existence.

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    Charles Drew. Now maybe his baby brother could be one, too. The path from Miami to Massachusetts was not one that everyone around me could see. Before the starting bell one day, an assistant principal from Carver saw me goofing around with some friends from around the way. That assistant principal saw black, boisterous boys and deemed us, and me, less than.

    I developed my hypotheses and outlined my proposed methods without the materials and had everything ready to go when we were able to afford the supplies. I missed the ribbon but got the A. That would have just played into her preconceived notion of who — or rather, what — I was. I had to prove her wrong. I had to prove myself right. The nerdy, chubby kid who geeked out to novels and cartoons did not pose as much of a threat as his less bookish football teammates.

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    We ran into some folks from school near the corner of Frow and Elizabeth and stopped to joke and roast one another. Then, up ahead at the corner, we heard raised voices. We could make out three men starting to fight. As we watched, frozen, one picked up a cinder block and heaved it down on the head of another man on the ground. After seconds that felt like forever, doors slammed and a car sped off. We came out only after the roar of dual exhaust pipes faded away and raced home in the opposite direction, knowing better than to stay and invite questions.

    Once I was at Amherst, the phone would ring with news of similar nights. Neither did I, really. No one had ever left.

    Dead Frat Boys

    We normally went through these events together. But I was no longer able to help figure out when the coast was clear, to investigate the flashing police lights. I always wondered, unnerved, just how close my family was to whatever prompted such a call.