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Social psychology is to do with the way these feelings, thoughts, beliefs, intentions and goals are constructed and how such psychological factors, in turn,  ‎Social Roles · ‎Social Facilitation · ‎Attribution Theory · ‎Self Concept.
Table of contents

While there are many similarities between the two, sociology tends to look at social behavior and influences at a very broad-based level.

Social Psychology Key Figures

Sociologists are interested in the institutions and cultures that influence how people behave. Psychologists instead focus on situational variables that affect social behavior. While psychology and sociology both study similar topics, they are looking at these questions from different perspectives.

Social Psychology Nature, Characteristics and Subject Matter

What makes social psychology such an important topic? A quick glimpse at the daily news shows just how profoundly social problems can impact people's lives. By better understanding these issues, psychologists can look for ways to prevent, identify, and remedy such problems. Social psychologists focus on societal concerns that have a powerful influence on individual wellbeing as well as the health of society as a whole, including problems such as substance use, crime, prejudice, domestic abuse, public health, bullying, and aggression.

social psychology

Social psychologists typically do not work directly in the field of mental health, but the results of their research do have a significant influence on how psychologists and mental health professionals treat behaviors that are influenced by social factors. Public health programs, for example, often rely on persuasion techniques identified by social psychologists to encourage people to engage in healthy behaviors while avoiding potentially dangerous ones.

  1. Social Psychology?
  2. The Crisis in Social Psychology That Isn’t.
  3. An Introduction to the Science of Social Psychology.
  4. Social Psychology | Simply Psychology!
  5. Ph.D. in Social Psychology.
  6. Social perception.

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Mitchell JP. Social psychology as a natural kind. Trends Cogn Sci. Lindzey G, Aronson E. The Handbook of Social Psychology. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley; Social influence on risk perception during adolescence.

Psychol Sci. Martin J. Ernest Becker and Stanley Milgram: Twentieth-century students of evil. Hist Psychol. Milgram S. Behavioral Study of obedience.

Social psychology questions (practice) | Khan Academy

The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. Students are also expected to gain research mastery in one or two specialty areas. Research training focuses on mainstream experimental methodology, complemented by opportunities for specialization in social cognition, social psychophysiological and immersive virtual environment techniques.

In addition, the program offers opportunities for interdisciplinary training in communication and human development.

Defining Social Psychology: History and Principles

We intentionally limit the number of students admitted to our program so that students are able to work closely with faculty and other graduate students in research and teaching. Each student works with a primary advisor, but is encouraged to collaborate with other members of the program to develop an individualized program of study and research. The Social Psychology Program enjoys truly outstanding research facilities which are equipped with state-of-the-art video, audio, computer, and psychophysiological data collected capabilities. Then you should consider specialising in Health and Social Psychology.

Experience Maastricht University: find out more about one of the most international universities in Europe, immerse yourself in your programme of choice, and explore our beautiful city. Meet Gwenn: the student ambassador for the specialisation Health and Social Psychology. Follow her to get a sneak peak of your possible future! Visit our Virtual Open Day.