Manual Pastoral Work and those who practise it (Leading Schools in the 21st Century)

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In the Northeast and the Midwest, changes like this are more recent. As a researcher of U. Catholicism, with particular focus on the Hispanic Catholic experience, I get to meet incredible people in faith communities across the country: Tireless pastoral leaders, families passing the faith on to their children in different languages, young people discerning how to integrate the Gospel in their lives, immigrants searching for a new life with the same longings as their sisters and brothers who have been in the country a little longer.

And they all love being Catholic. This is not the first time that U. Catholicism has been drastically transformed. The arrival of millions of European immigrants in this country in the 19th and 20th centuries had a similar effect. Catholics of all cultural backgrounds find themselves sharing their churches with fellow parishioners about whom they know little. Rapid demographic changes along with the fear of the unknown seem to explain some of the anxiety that invades the hearts of many Catholics in the United States today.

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The best remedy to address such anxiety is to know more about each other. To that end, here are 10 ways Hispanics are redefining American Catholicism in the 21st century—and why this is good news for all. In , there were Fifty years later the number had risen to 75 million. Despite millions of baptized women and men who stopped self-identifying as Catholic, the number of Catholics in the United States is growing.

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Hispanics account for 71 percent of the growth of the Catholic population in the United States since Long before , the first Catholics in what is now U. They became part of the country as the nation expanded its borders e. Over the last half century, the growth of the Hispanic population has come through sustained migration patterns from Latin America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean, including significant numbers of exiles and refugees; high birth rates among Hispanic women, especially immigrants; and family reunification policies. Hispanics are forming a new geographic center for U.

The vast majority of Catholics who arrived from Europe during the 19th century and the first half of the 20th settled mainly in two regions: the Northeast and the Midwest. These immigrants and their descendants built there thousands of parishes, established the largest network of private schools and founded hundreds of universities. They also built a large network of social services, rivaled in resources and outreach only by the U.

Thanks to this structural presence, Catholics became not only the largest church in the country, but also one of the most influential. It is imperative for the church to build parishes, schools, universities, pastoral institutes and seminaries and houses of formation in the Southwest. About 61 percent of parishes, 61 percent of Catholic schools, 83 percent of Catholic colleges and universities, 60 percent of seminaries and houses of formation, more than half of Catholic hospitals and most Catholic publishing companies are located in the Northeast and the Midwest.

More than 50 percent of archdioceses and most U. But during the second decade of the 21st century, a major threshold was crossed: the majority of U. Catholics now live in the South and the West. Hispanics are the major reason for this geographical shift, joined in these regions by the fast-growing Asian population.

This is a time for Catholic pioneers and entrepreneurs, a time for true missionary work that sets the foundations for what most likely will be growing centers of Catholic life in the United States. Hispanics are transforming how we communicate with each other. There are 20 million immigrants from Latin America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean presently living in the United States mainland. About 14 million 60 percent self-identify as Catholic. If these Catholics constituted one nation, the population would be larger than that of every island in the Caribbean and larger than that of most countries in Latin America.

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These demographic comparisons help us assess whether we are investing enough in welcoming and embracing a population that is transforming thousands of Catholic communities in the United States. How much do we understand the lives and practice of the faith of Spanish-speaking Catholics? Do we integrate that knowledge as part of our pastoral planning and outreach?

According to the National Study of Catholic Parishes with Hispanic Ministry for which I served as the principal investigator , there are about 4, parishes in the country with explicit outreach efforts to Hispanics Catholics, primarily in Spanish. Most dioceses and parishes in the country define Hispanic ministry mainly as ministry in Spanish with a focus on immigrant populations. Hispanic immigrants come from every Spanish-speaking nation in the continent.

They bring a rich array of cultural and religious traditions that are redefining the American Catholic experience in the 21st century. Thanks to Hispanics, in many parts of the country U. Catholicism is de facto a bilingual reality. Two-thirds of Hispanic Catholics in the United States were born here. Some pastoral leaders, and many Catholics in the pews, are bewildered to learn that nearly two thirds of Hispanics are U. But it should not be a surprise, given that Hispanics are the oldest Catholic group in the land and their growth has been steady for more than a century.

About half of U.

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Their lives unfold in a constant process of negotiating identities as both Americans and Hispanics. Hispanics are expected to assimilate quietly into the mainstream. These Hispanics, upon whom much of the future of U. Catholicism rests, are forging a new way of being Catholic.

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A majority of U. Catholics under 18 are Hispanic. The median age of Hispanics is 28, significantly younger than White 43 , Asian 36 , and Black 33 populations. About half of Hispanics are younger than How are Catholic pastoral leaders reaching out to youth and young adult Hispanic Catholics? About 60 percent of all U. Catholics younger than 18 are Hispanic.

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Of that population, 93 percent were born in the United States. Most young Hispanics remain significantly influenced by their immigrant families, retaining their faith, culture and language. More than half of all U. About half of all Catholic millennials are Hispanic. Although most are English-speaking and grow up embracing many of the values of the larger U.

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Programs of youth ministry and religious education serving young Hispanics must engage the family. They are choosing careers, deciding on family life and re-evaluating their faith.

10 ways Hispanics are redefining American Catholicism in the 21st century | America Magazine

They question how much to draw from their Hispanic background when integrating into the larger U. Whether the Gospel and the best of the Catholic tradition will inform these decisions will largely depend on adequate pastoral accompaniment. About one in four Hispanics is a former Catholic.

The engagement of Hispanic youth and young adult Catholics may be the single most significant factor that will determine the vitality of Catholic communities and pastoral efforts during the next 30 years. These are the young women and men who soon will be sustaining parishes, sending their children to Catholic schools and universities and leading church ministries.

Yet it is estimated that about a quarter of Hispanics are former Catholics. That is almost 14 million people who could have been in our communities partaking in the sacraments and discerning ways to better live the Gospel. Most are joining the ranks of the non-religiously affiliated i. This is a clear indictment of how inadequately we welcome and create spaces for people to fall in love with Jesus Christ and the mysteries of the Christian faith.

Hispanics are underrepresented in Catholic education. By the middle of the 20th century, more than five million school-age Catholic children more than 50 percent of this sector of the Catholic population were enrolled in Catholic schools. Many went to college and then on to successful professional lives. Many became priests, vowed religious and lay ecclesial ministers. Our development plans are dedicated to bringing quality staff to school whilst ensuring committed investment in infrastructure and facilities.

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