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This is a High Yield Review Virology for Medical Students - Notes are in colors in pictorial demonstrations / photos to help you to UNDERSTAND Virology and.
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Just stick to your plan and you will see improvement. I started reviewing Step 1 during Winter break of M2 year. Specifically, I focused on watching all of the SketchyMicro videos and making flashcards out of them. I knew I was weak on microbiology and because there is an enormous amount of information to memorize, so I wanted to get a head start on that as soon as possible. When dedicated period began, I switched gears and focused on doing practice questions in UWorld. My schedule revolved around doing three timed blocks of 40 questions every day questions per day.

I did organ-specific blocks as well as random blocks. It's especially important to do random, timed blocks because these simulate what you will see during the real test. After finishing each block, I reviewed each question and read the explanations for the answers.

Reading the explanations took the most amount of time but was also the most helpful aspect of using Uworld, because it filled the gaps in my knowledge and helped me become a better test taker.

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I scheduled days to take practice exams to assess my progress and pinpoint areas of weakness. The two most important times to take practice exams are the midpoint period and several days before the actual test. Taking a practice test at the midpoint period gives you a sense of where you are in terms of preparation. And the practice test several days before the real thing will give you an accurate prediction of what your score will be.

If possible, schedule more days to take practice tests in between these periods. These practice tests, however, don't run for the full seven hours. I did one practice run consisting of a four-hour practice test and three Uworld blocks, which total seven hours. I found this helpful because it gave me a sense of what the full test would feel like and helped me develop endurance. I found that identifying my optimal study environment and building a routine around it was very important. For example, talking to other medical students was stressful for me during the time leading up to Step 1.

It was impossible for me not to compare my study methods with classmates, which in turn made me question my approach. I am really happy that I came up with a study plan in early December and studied a little bit most mornings during winter break.

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It made January and February a lot less stressful and was a more low-key way to just study for an hour or so most days. It wasn't fun at the time, but I'm glad that I went through FirstAid and the RX question bank before dedicated time started. It meant I had a decent foundation and didn't start doing UWorld without knowing anything and getting really discouraged. And it gets painfully boring, but it is true that the more times you see something the better. I used Anki both for UWorld questions that I got wrong, and I made cards for subject areas that I thought were more memorization as opposed to understanding concepts i.

I found that helpful, but I've also always learned well from both making and doing Anki, and it was a nice change of pace from just reading and UWorld.

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I think what worked best for me was identifying what were the resources I really wanted to get through. I really set out a goal for myself that I wanted to complete a first pass of UWorld and, at the least, be able to go through all the questions I got wrong a second time around before my test date. I also wanted to go through First Aid once in January prior to starting dedicated. Doing UWorld little by little starting in January, along with reading 10 pages of First Aid a day, really made my dedicated study period much smoother.

By the time my five-week dedicated period came around, I already had a good idea of what my weak spots were and what I needed to work on. I focused on making flashcards on my weak spots or on things on UWorld that I wanted to reinforce. UWorld was by far the most useful. I started doing 20 questions a day in January to get in the groove. I think starting early was very important because it made me feel confident about my progress. I never thought about pushing my test back. I think it is important to pick a few resources you like using and study those completely.

I ended up doing UWorld twice, as well as all of the questions I got wrong, which ended up being around 6, questions.

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I did not use any type of flash cards. I found First Aid useful more as a reference than as a primary study aide. I started watching those videos in January to get better at topics I knew I was bad at biochemistry, microbiology. It was a pretty easy and passive way to get a head start on studying. The best thing I did was start doing a little each day in late December. I watched about an hour of videos and did some UWorld questions a little more on one weekend day so that by the time I got to dedicated study time I was going through the material for the second time.

Also, I timed this review so I was going through the organ systems we were learning about in class about two-thirds of the way through the unit, so I could study for both the Feinberg test and boards at the same time. I felt like during my second pass during dedicated study time, I picked up on more nuances of the material and was able to focus my studying on the topics that I performed less strongly on during the NBMEs. The UWorld practice tests are more indicative of what it feels like to take the actual Step 1 exam compared to the NBME exams, so I would highly recommend doing those practice exams.

Alternating reading a section of FA and doing UWorld questions. You can do the questions before you've mastered the particular subject.

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It helps you learn along the way. And, of course, Sketchymicro when my brain felt broken. I kept the same schedule every day starting at 8 a. Interspersed were breaks for lunch, working out and dinner. Each weekend, I left the city and spent time with family and friends. All in all, I studied five days per week and any more would have burned me out.

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

I learn by reorganizing information my own way, so I made study sheets from First Aid that consolidated info and laid it out in a way that could better understand. I also learn by repetition, so I'd go through those sheets multiple times. I always set it to "all topics" because that's what the real test is like.

For each question I got wrong or found very challenging, I wrote the general punch-line on a piece of paper. I organized these by topic, having one page dedicated to Cardio, another Micro, another Biochem, etc. This made it easy to review the questions I got wrong.

Mixing up my study materials worked well. When I got tired of reading or annotating, I'd take a walk and listen to Dr. I found he was a great way to both start and break up my day so I didn't get as bored. Also, doing qbank nearly every day was really helpful in focusing my studying even if it's only 20 questions. I took the practice tests like the real thing.

I think this helped my stamina. Taking a practice test halfway through my studying helped me focus the second half of my time better. For example, peer teaching helps to prepare physicians for their future role as educators, to train leadership skills and confidence, to create a comfortable and safe educational environment, to practice peer feedback as part of their multi-source feedback, and to enhance intrinsic motivation in students Bene and Bergus Despite the great benefits of peer teaching, it is often practiced unsystematically and informally without staff involvement.