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Recent laser tattoo removal technology, such as the PicoSure laser has become Avoid heat treatments such as saunas and steam rooms as well as Jacuzzis.
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If you are undergoing laser tattoo removal or plan to do it in the near future, here are some tips for faster recovery.

NEVER Take Your New Tattoo Into the Sauna or Steam Room | Heat and Steam

You must use a cold compress for the first 24 hours after the session to alleviate the redness and pain, which is a common side-effect noticed in most people. It is a temporary phase, and the cooling effect of the compress will take care of the inflammation.

Thoughts and Afterthoughts

Do not try to pick or scratch the surface and avoid touching the treated area. A cold compress can be easily prepared at home with the help of a cloth dipped in cold water and wrung thoroughly before placing on the skin. You can also use an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables which is readily available in the Melbourne supermarkets.

It will help in reducing the discomfort right away.

You should stay away from hot water baths, sauna, swimming and high-pressure showers for at least one to two weeks after the laser tattoo removal treatment. However, you need to clean the skin properly to minimise the chances of an infection.

You can gently apply an antibiotic cream, advised by your laser technician , without rubbing the surface and then cover it with a bandage for up to three days to avoid contact with germs and water. You should avoid sweating profusely for the first few days. Wear loose cotton clothing to eliminate any friction caused by the material of your dress. You can use a plethora of creams after three days of keeping the bandage on the treated area.

Over the counter creams available in Melbourne containing vitamin E oil or hydrocortisone can ease the itchy feeling. Scratching is a strict no-no under all circumstances as you do not want to end up with scars in place of your tattoo. Additionally, you must apply sunscreen for up to three months after the last session of the treatment. Sun exposure can delay the healing and even lead to scarring, so keep the area covered and apply sunscreen regularly without fail.

You should avoid skin tanning of any form whether it is from the sun, spray or any other product. The best way to recuperate is to keep yourself healthy so that your body responds to the healing process faster. After the first few days of the treatment, you must start working on boosting your immune system through enhanced physical activity and healthy foods. Ensure a nutritious and wholesome diet which is rich in all the vital nutrients.

You must also start exercising to burn all the calories and build your stamina. You must stay hydrated and drink a lot of water as it helps in removing the toxins from the body. Besides healthy eating and exercising, you need to make sure that you are calm and relaxed at all times.

Laser Tattoo Removal: Importance of Proper Aftercare

Tension and anxiety can affect your health adversely and in turn, delay the healing process. So you must keep yourself away from stressful situations which can give you a headache or hypertension. You can devote a few minutes of the day to meditation to feel tranquil and peaceful. Avoid for the next weeks: Direct sun exposure, hot tubs, pool water and salt water until tattoo is healed.

How long does it take for a tattoo to fully heal?

What should I do after my laser tattoo removal treatment? Avoid for the next 24 hours: Physical activity, hot showers and saunas. Keep the treated area clean and dry while it is healing. Clean the area with antibacterial soap if needed and then pat the area dry.

Laser Tattoo Removal Aftercare Suggestions

Some scabbing, blistering, light bleeding and itching may occur. Immediately after treatment, there may be erythema redness and edema swelling at the treatment site. This usually lasts 2 hours or longer.

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The erythema may last up to 10 days. Do not pop blisters. If you do blister, continue to apply one of the recommended ointments until the blister has popped naturally. Do not pick at the scab or allow the skin to become scraped, as this may result in infection and scarring.

Shaving should be avoided in the treated area until it is completely healed You may notice that blistering may occur in some treatments and not others. If blistering does not occur, it does not mean that your most recent treatment was less aggressive or your treatment is not working.

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Sometimes your body will react, while other times it will not.