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It's just a thought. But I've noticed somethin' strange, Gettin' harder to explain; All the years are passin' by and by, Still I don't know what makes it go; Who said to.
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This may culminate in the establishment of a relationship where a request is made and some of these organizations or clubs agree to sponsor the attachment of Zambian administrators in the relevant sports for a short period. Who knows, we could have some of soccer administrators and coaches spending two weeks at Old Trafford or Stamford Bridge seeing how these clubs are managed or at the Football Association Headquarters learning how football can make its own money and run without government support.

There are areas in which they can run different businesses which will grow to a point where they will not need any government financial assistance every time. FAZ should be in business selling sporting goods, publishing sports magazines or manufacturing nutritious energy drinks for sportsmen and women. Sharp shooter Norma Thompson One of our major failures has been in the lack of sports development at early ages of our children.

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A sporting nation begins by providing facilities at the lowest level possible, but how can this be done in primary and secondary schools which are built with poor or no sporting facilities? How are these children going to learn gymnastics, swimming or relay races? Our children run school races in lanes of tall grass and you expect them to participate successfully at international meetings in the future? These institutions should have top sports teams competing at national and international levels. They should be churning out soccer stars, tennis players, swimming champions, world class athletes.

Students cannot be sitting behind a desk all day and then go out to burn tyres on the roads and throw stones because of grievances all the time. There is need to brighten up the school environment.

Creedence Lyrics: It's Just A Thought

Government must as a priority construct complexes that cater for all kinds of sports and all the universities being built now must have sports complexes. Sports experts must then be employed as part of the whole program.

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Our communities do not have recreational areas which can be used to develop our boys and girls into world class athletes; this must be brought to an end. Community centers where kids played table tennis are now taverns. We need to pay serious attention to proper sports development if we are to make a mark in world sports.

Building a huge stadium which is only used for political rallies will not win us any gold medals in sports. Finally, I think it is high time the people of Zambia were told the circumstances which led to the death of our football national team and officials in a plane crash over Gabon in The relatives of the deceased and all the people of Zambia need to be told the truth with no cover-up for diplomatic expediency. If the Zambian Government was to blame, then it must meet the necessary compensations.

If a foreign country was involved it must also face the consequences. It is wrong to keep quiet. Those men had families who have a right to know what happened. The fact that subsequent government administrations coming to power have remained quiet tells me that they are hiding something. Even in this country autopsies are conducted on questionable deaths and reports given to families. The Benghazi incident where the American Embassy was destroyed and the Ambassador killed has been a hot issue in America and Americans want to know the truth. Zambians want to know the truth about the Gabon air disaster.

It's just a thought. Wynegood G. Malunga I was just thinking. Africa cannot have every other leader adjusting their time in office as they please. What is wrong with these dictators? Even when they lose an election, they still want to hang on to power. Yahya Jammeh of Gambia has just lost an election but now refuses to relinquish power. Namibia, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa, although not perfect, are some of a few examples of African countries with political parties that respect the electoral process and presidential term limits.

You do not hear the incumbent Presidents, party cadres or government controlled media being used as praise and worship teams to perpetuate power for certain individuals in these countries. As I write this, the defeated Gambian President Yahya Jammeh is acting in a very stubborn manner and refuses to vacate office.

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Elsewhere, we have political parties in power which will impose anything from the Department of Dirty Tricks to suppress the rule of law. They hang on to power and when the writing is on the wall that their time is up, they refuse to accept in order to remain comfortable in their corrupt comfort. In the Bible, we read in Chapter 5 of the Book of Daniel about Belshazzar the king of Babylon holding a feast in the palace for a lot of people, boozing, munching, praising the gods of their gold and silver.

Its just a thought

Belshazzar is frightened and calls in all his prophets, sangomas and astrologers to try and get an answer but no one has any idea what this all means. Someone remembers a young Hebrew named Daniel and he is called to come and explain. He tells the king that there is serious jelly coming his way. That very night Belshazzar is taken out. There are some leaders illegally and corruptly hanging on to power whom God has numbered their days and given power to someone else but they refuse to read the writing on the wall.

Fast forward to Luke The Lord Jesus has left Jericho and as He draws near Jerusalem, He sees the city and weeps over it saying, "If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation.

Now parallel this with the events surrounding the dictatorships of some world leaders. They refused to discern the time. They know you are heading for the farthest tunnel in your home town. Big mistake, because as sure as the night turns to day, a trigger happy soldier is going to put a bullet in your head and you will be in another tunnel heading for a different destination. The coming year is going to be tumultuous for some countries as long as leaders behave like elected kings. The blood of innocent people will be crying out for revenge from the ground and yet there are Congolese citizens singing praises to Kabila, Mugabe, Museveni and others.

Remember King Herod enjoyed the praise of people so much that when he spoke, it was like the voice of God. And he was eaten by worms and died. The people of Africa must stand up for their rights and refuse to be intimidated by young leaders whose lust for power undermines good governance. We need to hold our leaders accountable, even in the face of persecution.

Just a Thought—The Book

The honorable thing to do is to retire to your farm or dacha before the chickens come home to roost. I was just thinking. I would love to know what every one of these men and women had in form of money, property and other assets and what they now have, or had when they left office. How do you explain sudden educational scholarships for their children in Beijing, Moscow, London and Pretoria? Yes, and the top civil service brass with their juniors; how come they own all these mansions, lodges in exclusive areas when we all know they get a penny and half for their mediocre disservice?

It's Just a Thought - Creedence Clearwater Revival - Cifra Club

There is no difference between some of our politicians running for public office and the to California Gold Rush which brought people from all over the United States and the world to search for gold. There is gold available by hook or crook in Zambian politics and people seeking office from all over this Republic know that there is something in it for them. I guess this explains why people will do anything to get into political office, stay in there and do whatever they can to stay in there until that untimely call from yonder.

I want to petition God for a special place in hell where the temperature is a trillion times higher than the total Zambian debt, where these thieves can be cast away and their weeping and gnashing of teeth goes beyond what the Richter Scale can measure. These people are so rich that some have become uncomfortable in their comfort because of weight gain.

Malunga I was just thinking:.

Creedence Clearwater Revival - It's Just A Thought

Some preachers of the gospel, both men and women have dangerously drifted onto the popularity stage and some have become masters of strange doctrines and showmanship by which, sadly, a gullible multitude seeking all sorts of miracles and excitement are being led astray. This is not of God and it is time that true believers began to speak out against this perversion of the word of God. Strange titles tag the names of preachers. The Church is now at a place where preachers seem to be more popular than He who supposedly called, chose and sent them. The messenger is more popular than the message and the servant looms way above the Master.

Which scripture supports such foolishness and how can people allow themselves to be deceived to such levels? Foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? While thinking with deep concern about this in the last few months, I have been led over and over again to the passages of scripture pertaining to the building of the temple in Jerusalem and its dedication by King Solomon. Whose name is on the ministries and churches of some of the preachers we are seeing today? I dare say that it is not the name of the Almighty God but of man. King David had told his people:. How have those thoughts served you?

How have they limited you? How about giving them a few mindful sniffs. Is that who I really am? Who would I be if I let that thought go? Thank you for the distinction around identity thoughts. Good to see that dropping even the negative ones can feel threatening or, at least, disorienting. Recently a client said she wanted to shift from basing her vision of her work on her low self-esteem to basing it on her values. And values basis shifts the evaluation from low-or-high and opens a path for on-going and ever-deepening congruence.

By eric. In Dharma Doodles , meditation , Spiritual practice. She thought it was someone lurking in the dark. I never. I always. I hope.