Guide Hollow Earth

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The Hollow Earth is a concept proposing that the planet Earth is entirely hollow or contains a substantial interior space. Notably suggested by Edmond Halley in.
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As Standish recounts, several pioneering modern scientists and thinkers, including the English astronomer Edmond Halley, the German Jesuit Athanasius Kircher and the Boston cleric Cotton Mather, had also advanced hollow-earth theories.

Subterranean Cinema: A Return to the Geo-Imaginaries of the Hollow Earth – The Brooklyn Rail

Since God would probably not have wanted to waste any space, Mather argued, an inhabitable hollow earth made perfect sense. Symmes was less persuasive as a scientist, however, than as an advocate for a national expedition to locate the polar opening.

One of his converts, an Ohio newspaper editor named Jeremiah Reynolds, joined Symmes on his lecture tour and later embarked on a failed polar expedition. But his efforts to explain the popularity of hollow-earth-ism — a Koreshan remnant survives today with the cult newsletter Hollow Earth Insider — are weak.

In the topsy-turvy America of the 19th century, in which the Civil War, industrialization, and urbanization caused all that was solid to melt into air as a contemporary of Symmes put it , what could have made more sense than an inside-out world?

Why Scientists Briefly Thought the Earth Was Hollow

Tell us what you think. If the Earth is hollow, where does all that magma spewing out of all those volcanoes come from?

Never miss a metaphysical beat.

Somebody must have a half-convincing answer to that question, presumably that handful of people who still believe the Earth is an empty shell. The idea seems quite ludicrous now, but in pre-scientific times it at least appeared to make sense: if Heaven was a place in the skies above, where else would Hell be than somewhere deep below our feet? In a scientific paper, Edmund Halley — yes, he of comet fame — put forth the idea that Earth consists of a shell about km thick, and of two inner concentric shells and an innermost core with about the same diameter as the planet Mars.

Halley did have scientific grounds for his rather bizarre thought-construct. It tried to explain why compass readings could be so anomalous: each of the inner spheres had their own magnetic poles and rotated at differing speeds. To compound his error, Halley proposed that the inner spheres might be inhabited and that the inner atmosphere was made up of luminous gases that, when escaping outward, cause the Aurora borealis.

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In the seventeenth century, Leonhard Euler proposed a single-shell hollow Earth with a small sun 1. Others proposed two inner suns and even named them: Pluto and Proserpine.

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Symes apparently was utterly convinced by his own theories: he campaigned for an expedition to the North Pole. The intervention of President Andrew Jackson was needed — to stop it, that is.

Hollow Earth

The pulp science fiction magazine Amazing Stories ran with a fantastic tale called the Shaver Mystery from to An even crazier theory holds that Hitler and other top Nazis escaped the Allies by fleeing to the inner Earth via an entrance in Antarctica. The hollow Earth theory has a particularly strong hold on the imagination of writers such as E. Poe, Jules Verne, E.