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Hollie Porter Builds A Raft (Revelation Cove) [Eliza Gordon] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. raft (noun): when two or more otters rest.
Table of contents

When a hockey player with a major PR problem finds himself on a bad date with a redhead, he has to tough it out for five dates without flaking - or falling in love.

Review: F-Stop by Eliza Gordon

Holly has a plan for everything. But she never could have planned for this. Sera is usually a good girl. Except for one wild night in the back seat of a stranger's car! But what happens when that bad boy turns out to be her new boss? And what happens when he wants more than one night One night and my life completely jumped the tracks. Actually, a pack of expired condoms did that - the rest of the night was pretty amazing.

Open bar at a friend's wedding. Bad dancing all around. Stupid trivia bets with my fellow Ice Knights hockey teammates. And Tess Gardner. Still, it sucked she left our room without giving me her number. After the death of his father, Lincoln Moorehead finds himself in the middle of a drama. Nadia gets the 7. Daniel really does get the 7. Drink sometime? So begins a not-quite-romance of near-misses, true love, and the power of the written word.

The only child of a single mother, Nina has her life just as she wants it: a job in a bookstore, a kick-butt trivia team, a world-class planner and a cat named Phil. If she sometimes suspects there might be more to life than reading, she just shrugs and picks up a new book.

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When the father Nina never knew existed suddenly dies, leaving behind innumerable sisters, brothers, nieces, and nephews, Nina is horrified. They all live close by!

They're all - or mostly all - excited to meet her! She'll have to Speak. It's a disaster! Cosy Felton is great at her job - she knows just how to handle the awkwardness that comes with working at an adult toy store. Griffin Mills is using his business trip in Las Vegas as a chance to escape the broken pieces of his life in New York City. What do you do when you discover your super-hot blind date from months ago is now your super-hot Russian lit professor?

You overthink everything and pray for a swift end to your misery, of course! His body is as chiseled as Adonis. His lips are as sculpted as David. And his ego is the size of the Guggenheim. You know the type: wolfish smile and the gravity of a black hole - the kind of man who sucks all the air from the room the second he enters it. If I can stay away from his devil lips, that is Have you heard the rumor around campus about the locker room?

If you haven't, let me enlighten you: Legend has it, if you bring a girl into the sacred aftergame domain of the baseball locker room, it will end with a walk down the aisle. But not all baseball players are superstitious, me included.

One More Life (Last Heartbeat Series #)

Andrea is always a lovely hostess and she even bought doughnuts to match the DearDwayneWithLove cover. Who knew this would lead to more signings and book adventures! Thank you for being amazing Raftmates.

The Kendallverse

And fellow authors, befriend the staff at your local bookstore. They will become some of your biggest supporters! It is so fun putting together silent auction baskets for siwcpics each year! Here is our ElizaGordon themed basket for this year. Eliza Gordon books at SiWC18! Getting ready for the big author signing tonight. It is Canadian Thanksgiving and leaves are finally falling, which means fun fall book photos!

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  • Month: October 2016.
  • The Purple Hare and I Dont Care!
  • Astract Underwater Art: Book E81 (Abstract Underwater Art 2).
  • Exciting Comics v1 2 (2).

Man, time flies! Thank you for being amazing RaftMates. The vanaqua shared this adorable and sweet moment of Tanu and Katmai rafting!

The Kendallverse

Hello, fellow bibliophiles! Just wanted to invite you to sign up for our newsletter. Future topics of conversation include personal collections, my writing schedule, our favorite movies and TV shows, why authors use pen names, favourite seasons, what I read while writing, what I'm working on now -- there's lots to talk about, so come on over and join the conversation. Link in bio! The book that started it all and the most recent adventure.

The original three that started it all! Must Love Otters on a weekend getaway. When we visited everyone at marinemammalrescue a few weeks ago, they also had AquaAdopt kits available. All of the money raised from the kits go toward the sweeties who call vanaqua home. Our family symbolically adopted Hardy! Guess what I did today! There are seals in the care of these awesome folks. We saw the ones who are plumped up and about to be set free, babies who are gaining weight, and OMG the tiny little sweeties who are still fur and bones. We saw them in action today.

Thank you, marinemammalrescue, for all you do! Never get tired of seeing books in the wild! Thank you, Andrea. Welcome to the Raft I have not mentioned this before but I adore otters, I look for otters in every ottery place I pass by.

The perfect book when you are crazy stressed and need something to make you laugh and swoon - also there are otters. Happy WorldOtterDay from our Raft to yours! How sweet is this baby from vanaqua?! Our Raft. Our Rules. What are some of your favourite Ryan Fielding quotes? Books in the wild at Chapters Metrotown! Thank you for reading and sharing, lovecamping. Seaplanes and books. Liking the way the new office is shaping up. At the siwcpics book signing Saturday night, my first one with the conference.

Thank you so much for inviting me! And thank you, Margarita, for coming to see me. Ohhhhh, you should definitely come bid on the Hollie Porter-approved Goodie Basket of Awesomeness at the siwcpics silent auction this weekend!!! Are you coming to the Surrey International Writers Conference siwcpics this weekend? Or come see me on Saturday night from to 7 p. Books will be available on-site from me or from the chapters booksellers.

Hope to see you there!