e-book Getting Cain and Gain (Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture Book 15)

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Getting Cain and Gain (Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture Book 15) eBook: Matthew L. Bowen: leondumoulin.nl: Kindle Store.
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Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Explore Now. Buy As Gift. A fuller form of this etiology, known to us indirectly through the Book of Mormon text and directly through the restored text of the Joseph Smith Translation, creates additional wordplay on "Cain" that associates his name with murder to "get gain. The original etiology exerted a tremendous influence on Book of Mormon writers e. Moroni, in particular, invokes the Cain etiology in describing the destruction of the Jaredites by secret combinations. The destruction of two nations by Cainitic secret combinations stand as two witnesses and a warning to latter-day Gentiles and Israel against building up these societies and allowing them to flourish.

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About the Author Matthew L. He and his wife the former Suzanne Blattberg are the parents of three children: Zachariah, Nathan, and Adele. Average Review. Write a Review. Just as the Cainitic secret combination before the flood culminated in the near destruction of humanity, the derivative secret combination among the Jaredites destroyed that civilization and not just once! Prophets came crying repentance, but they were rejected — This is the second near-total destruction of the Jaredite nation due to Cainitic secret combinations.

Later in his translation of the Jaredite record, Moroni makes clear that the final, permanent destruction of the Jaredites also began with the revival of the secret combination that nearly destroyed them twice previously:. And it came to pass that there arose a rebellion among the people, because of that secret combination which was built up to get power and gain ; and there arose a mighty man among them in iniquity, and gave battle unto Moron, in which he did overthrow the half of the kingdom; and he did maintain the half of the kingdom for many years.

Ether —23; Moses Coriantumr alone that we know of lived to see the prophecy of another people possessing land — the Judahite Mulekites of the house of Israel. That etiological narrative exerted tremendous influence on Nephi, Alma, Mormon, and Moroni who are perhaps most responsible for the contents of the Book of Mormon. The way that all churches and organizations are formed and the purposes for which they are formed truly matter.

Printer’s Manuscript of the Book of Mormon, circa August 1829–circa January 1830

This is most apparent, of course, in time of war — a Catch Today the biggest business in the world is the selling of deadly weapons by all to all, with the advantage going to the most efficient killing machines. Not long ago it was drugs, but it is all the same in a descending scale of accountability, where none is free from guilt: the hit man, soldier of fortune, weapons dealer, manufacturer, plundering whole species for raw materials, destroying life in both processing them and getting them by pollution, dangerous work conditions, and so on , and by distributing them additives, preservatives.

The fearful processes of industry shorten and impoverish life at every level, from forced labor to poisonous air and water. In the end, it will come down to a simple choice: to gather to Zion i. We cannot do both. In view of the fact that Cain and Satan are forever miserable, may we choose the Savior, liberty, and eternal life to our eternal happiness. Evil will be done away and humanity saved as soon as — and to the degree that — the Gentiles and all the house of Israel give heed to their words of warning.

The author would like to thank Suzy Bowen, Daniel C. Peterson, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Reva C. Nashville, TN: Abingdon , In Scripture such stories are typically told about names of persons and places, rites and customs, ethnic identities and other natural phenomena. See James R.

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Daniel H. Ludlow; New York: Macmillan, , — Milton Cowan, 4th ed. Richard D. Draper, S. And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door, and Satan desireth to have thee; and except thou shalt hearken unto my commandments, I will deliver thee up , and it shall be unto thee according to his desire. And thou shalt rule over him; for from this time forth thou shalt be the father of his lies ; thou shalt be called Perdition ; for thou wast also before the world.

And it shall be said in time to come — That these abominations were had from Cain ; for he rejected the greater counsel which was had from God; and this is a cursing which I will put upon thee, except thou repent. And Cain was wroth, and listened not any more to the voice of the Lord, neither to Abel, his brother, who walked in holiness before the Lord. Moses ; 25— H, Nicolaisen; Aberdeen: Dept. A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian , ed.

Wehr, Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic , Thomas O. This contrast is particularly evident in the Joseph Smith Translation of Genesis, but not in Genesis as it now stands. See Brian M. Maxwell Institute, , 8. See Kevin L. See, e. Special thanks to my friend David J. Larsen personal communication for this insight.

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Biella, Dictionary of Old South Arabic , Again, special thanks to David J. An alternative description used in 3 Nephi ; Ether ; See Moses ; John ; Helaman , Ether makes the daughter of Jared and then Jared the subjects of this expression with the end result that Akish established a secret combination among the Jaredites.

The unstated, but clear implication is that Satan put it all into the heart of the daughter of Jared, thus setting off a horrific chain of events. See Noel B. The Nephites followed the way of Cain and the antediluvians. See also 1 Nephi ; 2 Nephi — See also Isaiah 1 Nephi ; 3 Nephi See further Numbers —52; Deuteronomy —24; Judges —24; and especially Micah ; —9; 3 Nephi —20; Mormon Nibley, Approaching Zion , — Isaiah —8; 1 Nephi , 19; 2 Nephi —13; With one exception this was a very interesting essay and I found it highly informative.

The exception to this in my view came with the conclusion. Before even reading it I knew you were broaching dangerous territory. I was disappointed, but not shocked, that your example for the dangers bequeathed to us by the Satan and Cain covenant of murder, etc. What comes to mind for me are the terrorist groups who openly and honestly murder in the name of God to get gain—territory, power, wealth, and ruling authority.

The groups that treat everyone as expendable and kill for even the slightest perceived offense to their religious and world view.

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The organizations ISIS, for example that are right now overrunning the Middle East and growing their operatives throughout the world. Maybe as a result of the ills Nibley sites making us too spoiled and too lazy to recognize evil and treat it as such.

Is it really so controversial or dangerous to point out the obvious? Again, I was disappointed, but not surprised. Thank you for your response, Brown. You certainly have done so, which was the very thing I had hoped. Thanks for the neat insights. The angel telling Adam that his sacrifice symbolized Christ strongly indicates the Day of of Atonement preceded the Children of Israel by a couple of thousand years.

If that is correct, then Abel being the offering for sin is possible. You offer some valid criticism, and some points to be resolved. So Barker may be correct. The scapegoat in the atonement statute Lev 16 is a pure vessel that has the sins of others placed upon its head.

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In my opinion, they are placed upon the head of the scapegoat because of a righteous intercession, not because of personal sin. BOTH of the kid goats were without blemish and taken from the congregation of the children of Israel and offered as sin offerings, There is nothing mentioned in the atonement statute that would indicate that the scapegoat offering was not acceptable to the Lord. Were Cain and Able taken from the congregation of the Children of Israel?

Israel did not exist yet. Were the sins of others ever placed upon Cains head? He was not punished for the transgressions of others. He was punished for his own transgressions.

Increasing understanding of scripture one article at a time

It sounds as if you are accepting the commonly accepted interpretation that postulates that the two goats are representing Christ and Satan. I believe that interpretation is hugely problematic. Although an event that took place before the establishment of the House of Israel could have typological applications, statutes are enactments of future events. It might be more practical to find a realistic type, or literal fulfillment of the atonement statute in a prophetic event that happened sometime after the atonement statute was given.

See the general summary and evaluation of M. We also have another cathartic ritual, a bird sacrifice: Wilhelm, Hurrians, 74, citing Lev These are merely examples of a whole range of rites which preceded the existence of Israel, but which show up in Israelite cult. It seems to work. Very interesting article, Matt. Someone reversed the Hebrew in endnote 4.

Thanks, Bob! It looks like Bryce fixed the Hebrew.

Getting Cain and Gain | Book of Mormon Central

Behold, is there not an account concerning them of old, that they by their secret plans did obtain kingdoms and great glory? And it came to pass that his high priest murdered him as he sat upon his throne. And it came to pass that one of the secret combinations murdered him in a secret pass, and obtained unto himself the kingdom; and his name was Lib. That is one reason I really enjoy being a teacher. While learning, students sometimes come across insights that they are uniquely prepared to receive and impart.

When they voice those insights in class some truly serendipitous learning occurs for everyone involved cf. Your email address will not be published. All comments are moderated to ensure respectful discourse. It is assumed that it is possible to disagree agreeably and intelligently and comments that intend to increase overall understanding are particularly encouraged. Your Website.