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Editorial Reviews. Review. "Social movements often target corporations rather than governments as a more direct means to achieve social ends, from economic​.
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The article contributes to understanding the manifold ways in which dissent is disciplined in global governance, pushing critical engagement with indirect technologies of government beyond the liberal self-image.

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Volume Oxford Academic. Gladwell, M. Small change: why the revolution will not be tweeted, The New Yorker, 4 October. Granovetter, M. The strength of weak ties, American Journal of Sociology, vol.

Social Movements - Communication - Oxford Bibliographies

Howard, P. The role of digital media, Journal of Democracy, vol. Hunt, S. Inglehart, R. Juris, J. Keck, M. Latour, B. Livingston, S. Networks and the future of foreign affairs repor- ting, Journalism Studies, vol. Lupia, A.

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Which public goods are endangered? McAdam, D. Recruitment to high-risk activism: The case of freedom summer, American Journal of Sociology, vol. McCarthy, J. McDonald, K. Melucci, A. Micheletti, M. Morozov, E. Olson, M. Polletta, F. Freedom Is an Endless meeting. Tarrow, Transnational Protest and Global Acti- vism, ss. Social Movements: An Introduction , 2. Putnam, R. Put People First Rheingold, H. Robinson, A. Hayden, Confronting Globalization, ss.

Routledge, P.

Are You Ready to See Your Business in a New Way?

Segerberg, A. Is a threshold of size or influence necessary for something to be described as a social movement? Do large, professional organizations fit as part of social movements, or should they be considered something different? Does the breadth of interests represented in European political parties mean that those issues should be considered within institutional politics rather than as social movements?

The questions point out the complexity of understanding the relationships among types of communication and types of social movements. The evolution of new information communication technologies has further changed the relationship between communication and social movements, spawning its own related but separate literature.

Research indicates the breadth of available ways to examine the relationship between communication and social movements. This means that no single published work is sufficient to capture the relationship, perhaps because each element targets a different audience. In the field of communication, overviews of the way mass media operate especially the news media will sometimes include segments on social movements and related political processes.

Core texts in sociology and political science examine the use of communication, including mass media, by social movements or discuss how communication influences the way these groups are featured in the mass media. All of these core texts are useful for broad audiences, including undergraduate and graduate students.

Principal texts from communication focus on the various internal and external influences that determine what gets news coverage as well as how it is covered. Gans , Shoemaker and Reese , Johnson-Cartee , and Tuchman each give perspectives of news making within the context of social movements. Key texts focused on the perspectives of social movements also highlight the importance of communication in various ways; these include Tarrow , McAdam, et al.

Books that are focused on computer-mediated communication and political action, such as Bimber and Chadwick , mix together communication and social movements in various ways. Bimber, Bruce A. Information and American democracy: Technology in the evolution of political power. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. DOI: Focuses on the transition of American democracy in the changing information and technological environment, including new forms of political advocacy.

Author argues that traditional structure-oriented social movement theories may be inadequate to explain new types of political advocacy. Author offers examples of new forms of collective action. Chadwick, Andrew. Internet politics: States, citizens, and new communication technologies. New York: Oxford Univ. Gans, Herbert J.

Alexander Mersereau & Nicolas Mottis: Corporate Social Responsibility and Management Control

New York: Pantheon. Sociological investigation of how newsrooms work, including details about news norms and news values.

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