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Your Life Compass is your ultimate goal setting companion for ! Proudly built in Ireland by me, Tara Rafter, The Navigation Coach, ICF Ireland Life Coach of the year. When you consistently use your Life Compass you will move from dreaming to achieving and from thinking about it.
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The course was about six hours on a Saturday at a forested park within the city limits of Seattle. I loved the day and the experience — being outdoors, being a geek about navigation tools, and being with other like-minded outdoor enthusiasts. First is North. North is the pivotal direction for compass navigation. In the northern hemisphere, maps are usually aligned with North at the top of the map.

Magnetic North where your needle points on the compass for the Pacific Northwest is It is important to calibrate your compass for Magnetic North depending on where you are, or your alignment will be off. If not, you could walk in the direction of North and still miss your target. Second is Bearing. Once you take your bearing for North and calibrate for Magnetic North, you then use the red arrow on the compass to help you navigate which direction you want to go.

The Heart as our Compass in Times of Great Change

Third is Directional Arrow. Every compass has one. It really helped me to prioritize the next steps and keep me accountable. Thank you, Amy, I am in such a better place today because of you.

Beginners guide to using a compass

After a few sessions with Amy, I was able to clear away the clutter, formulate a plan and execute it. Her questions and guidance pushed me to think outside the box, rather than the standard way I was used to in my approach to solving problems.

In just two sessions she helped me find the clarity and insight I needed to move forward in a new and exciting direction. Thanks to her trusting presence and skillful intervention, I am able to let go of the old and allow my self to be drawn to something new and energizing, and that feels really good!

She is masterful at asking powerful questions which allowed me to really look within and in the process, I was able to let go of some of the old stories I had been telling myself. Throughout my coaching with her I found myself becoming more confident, self-aware and grounded. Rhode Island. Her thoughtful, pointed questions guide you to a simple answer to a complex problem.

In just a matter of weeks, she has become a transformative person in my life. If we wish, we can look at our mind with its conscious awareness as the scale of the meter. One end, , is what totally serves our being, 0 does nothing, negative - is causing maximum harm to our being. The instrument itself is the body and it is our body what is sensing the energy. What needs to be understood is that non conscious awareness [knowing without a conscious mental way of knowing] and heart consciousness [awareness of feelings and direction of flow of the energy] that feels the infinity of being lies outside of the mind as we know it and what the mind thinks and knows.

It cannot see into the unknown. However both the nonconscious awareness and heart consciousness are in direct communications with all that is. As such it can perceive and look it the unknown beyond mind. It is about mind understanding there is information beyond what our current mind knows an has experienced. Calibration can be seen as about bringing the awareness of the heart consciousness into the consciousness of the mind or as expanding the consciousness of the mind into the realms of the nonconscious for heart consciousness and nonconscious awareness is not normally available to mind to use.

In either case it is about making the nonconscious conscious and then creating from that awareness. The key to this process is understanding the flow of energy as perceive by our being. Doorway to conscious creating - navigating from the heart Top.

The Backpacker's Field Manual

Navigating from the heart is about learning to discern the subtle feeling we sense and use feelings as an internal compass to know where we are going in life and with any creative activity. We also view the feelings to align with and hold focus on the deep undercurrent for our creative efforts. The main feelings that we will discern are those that arise from the intention we hold, those that arise from the intention that brought us into this world and those that arise from within our environment.

Navigating from the heart is a bridging technique that allows us to move between mind and heart allowing mind to intend and heart to attend to create what one desires and alternatively surrendering to the existing flow in our life by allowing the heart to intend and mind attends to the details of life to bring the existing desired creation into form.

But is the conscious navigating from the heart that allows us to dance between the masculine and feminine aspects of the creation process to become a conscious creator and bring harmony into our life.

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Navigating from the heart is much the way and captain of on old sailing ship would use a navigation star to steer them across the unknown sea. Knowing the position of the starts, that always remained outside of one immediate environment, the captain would never get lost.

If a storm arose and blew the ship off course, as soon as the sky cleared the captain could figure out where they were and what direction they needed to sail to get back on course. No matter how much the surrounding environment changed or appeared not to change, for example when traveling across a very large sea, the stars always read true and the captain could always know where they were relative to the stars.

We too have an navigation system that can guide us through whatever experience we have in Creation whether it be an experience in the seen or unseen realms. However, rather than being external to our being, we have a navigation system that is internal to our being if we knows how to use it. To use it, we need to awaken to our feelings and to the existence of the heart consciousness or a consciousness of the heart.

That is our ability to discern what we feel to know its source.

The problem is that it’s never enough

The heart consciousness, whether used consciously or nonconsciously is capable of guiding us through whatever is happening in our life. It is also capable of providing an internal bliss and joy that has little to do with the external world. But to use the flow of our creative life energy , we have to know the flow is there and how it can serve us and when to step out of it or step into it and align with it. Heart consciousness, using and discerning the flow of our creative life energy in conscious awareness, is about feeling.

Additional information

It is about an internal knowing that tends to be seen as illogical from the perspective of the mind. Heart consciousness includes the body wisdom that grew us from an fetus in the womb into an adult body without the need of our mind as most of us understand mind. It is also about intuitive guidance and seconding knowing.

Intuitive guidance , body wisdom , and seconding knowing all have their origins in the energy we experience and the feelings that arise from that energy. Their difference is only in is how we become aware of the information that they communicate to us. Intuitive guidance is an awareness of about situations and people that we cannot find a rational way of knowing from where the awareness comes.