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Minutes ticked away in the cold silence of space, two hundred fifty miles above had spent a lot of time thinking about what they would find on the Red Planet.
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In August , the PEDE entered its secondary decay phase and all the dust that was lofted high into the atmosphere began settling out and drifting back onto the Martian surface. The windy cycle was slated to begin in mid-November and blow through at least January 26 th , On August 30 th , the space agency announced its decision to adopt a two-step plan to try and recover Opportunity, in a press release quietly posted online. Once the Tau dipped below 1. The ops team was already conducting both of these strategies. Now it would be allowed to increase their efforts, for a limited time.

And if she does, we will be there to hear her. Zurek subsequently challenged that notion. As the dust continued settling out, the sky over Endeavour brightened noticeably in September. The storm would soon be officially declared over. Although the Tau was on the hazier side of the Martian winter spread, it had dipped to 1.

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The start date, as per the press release, put the end of the day period of active commanding and listening in late October. Actually, the original MER team talked about the dust a lot and the generally held belief back then was that the dust would be the most likely cause of demise for both Spirit and Opportunity.

Once, they even blew into March and the very end, arguably, of the dust season. Meanwhile, the day endpoint for active commanding was looming. And they want us to do all we can to try to recover Opportunity. The mission is funded through end of FY Nevertheless, it was still a race against time with so many odds against them. In the words everyone on the team: it was really nice to see Opportunity again. It was no surprise for some, but discouraging for other members of the MER team.

It was an unofficial, self-imposed description of their level of readiness. Inspired by the U.

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It was clear however that the team was missing Opportunity, a lot. By now, there seemed little doubt that Opportunity was one dusty rover. It also alleviated a huge amount of pressure, allowing the ops engineers to breathe again, if only for a few minutes. A host of false alarms lit the Twittersphere, but the signals all turned out to be from other spacecraft.

As tenacious and undaunted as their robot, the MER team had not lost hope, not yet. From the most recent HiRISE image of the Opportunity site, there was no discernable change at the site, and no obvious indication that dust-cleaning winds have kicked up since the windy season began. Once they do make contact with Opportunity, if they are able to do so, the MER engineers will have to address a mission clock fault, a low-power fault, and an up-loss timer fault. They are well prepared for that and just about anything else imaginable, except a broken part.

The ops team continued routine planning as they have since Opportunity checked into hibernation. This extension would keep Opportunity roving for three more years, take the mission through Perseverance Valley, and into Endeavour, if the team succeeds in recovering its robot field geologist. Become a member of The Planetary Society and together we will create the future of space exploration. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Here are instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Atkinson Silent days, silent nights Opportunity has been hunkered down about halfway down Perseverance Valley since June 10, , not far from where the rover took the image above.

A planet-encircling dust event PEDE or global dust storm forced her to shut down and go into a kind of hibernation. In mid-November, the much-anticipated windy season brought cause for renewed optimism. But As December came and went and faded to history, the rover still had not responded. This view overlays a HiRISE image over a topographic model with five-fold vertical exaggeration to better show shapes and morphological features.

Another was taken in November, but shows little visible difference, according to MER science team members. The square highlighting the rover is about one kilometer a half-mile across. MER enthusiast and image processor James Sorenson did the processing honors here.

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In addition to processing MER images, he devotes the rest of his spare time to long exposure deep-space astrophotography and 3D printing. It is comprised of three facilities approximately degrees apart around the world: at Goldstone, in California's Mojave Desert; near Madrid, Spain; and near Canberra, Australia. This strategic placement allows for constant observation of spacecraft as the Earth rotates on its axis. The image above, processed in approximate true Martian color, looks across Endeavour Crater from the inner slope of the crater's western rim.

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Despite radiometric correction, interpolation to fill in gaps in the data caused by saturation due to Sun's brightness, and warping the red and blue images to undo the effects of time passing between each of the exposures through different filters, the image still includes some artifacts from pointing a camera with a dusty lens.

Sorenson, D. Davis Opportunity sol self-portrait: official and amateur-processed versions Several members of the MER mission team worked together to help Opportunity celebrate her 5, th day on Mars Feb. Using the Microscopic Imager MI , the robot took most of her self-portrait that sol, and then added to it a week later to include her right wheel s. James Sorenson processed the version on right with Don Davis colorizing it using a realistic Mars palette.

The scientists have found some interesting chemistry changes inside the freshly grinded rock, but found nothing that advanced their cause of discovering what formed Perseverance. That's the kind of thing that outsiders have been trying to do for decades to the insular and sometimes antiquated Coors family — the kind of thing they have almost always rejected, preferring to go their own way.

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Support Us. Remember Me. NASA hasn't set any deadlines for the mission but will be briefed later this month on the progress and prospects for the recovery campaign being carried out at the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. JPL engineers are employing a combination of listening and commanding methods in case Opportunity is still operational. It's possible that a layer of dust deposited on the rover's solar panels by the recent global dust storm is blocking sunlight that could recharge its batteries.

No one can tell just how much dust has been deposited on its panels. A windy period on Mars -- known to Opportunity's team as "dust-clearing season" -- occurs in the November-to-January time frame and has helped clean the rover's panels in the past. The team remains hopeful that some dust clearing may result in hearing from the rover in this period. Opportunity has exceeded its expected lifespan many times over.

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Both Opportunity and its twin, Spirit, were designed to last only 90 days on the Martian surface, with the expectation that the planet's extreme winters and dust storms could cut their mission short. The rover has lasted nearly 15 years: It last communicated on June 10 before being forced into hibernation by the growing dust storm. With more sunlight reaching the rover's solar array, the Opportunity team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, are increasing the frequency of commands it beams to the plus-year-old rover via the dishes of NASA's Deep Space Network from three times a week to multiple times per day.

Passive listening for Opportunity will also continue to be performed by JPL's Radio Science Group, which records radio signals emanating from Mars with a very sensitive broadband receiver. The original story has been updated in paragraph six to reflect NASA review at each step of the recovery process.

Updates on the dust storm and tau can be found here. A planet-encircling dust storm on Mars, which was first detected May 30 and halted operations for the Opportunity rover, continues to abate. To prepare, the Opportunity mission team has developed a two-step plan to provide the highest probability of successfully communicating with the rover and bringing it back online.

Assuming that we hear back from Opportunity, we will begin the process of discerning its status and bringing it back online.