Fighting Disease, Not Death: Finding a way through lifelong struggle

All rights reserved. Permission is given to use this study in conjunction with the book Fighting Disease, not Death: Finding a Way Through Lifelong Struggle.
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Design Group International is a process consulting and organizational design firm. Finding a way through lifelong struggle Drug Addiction: Get the latest health news from Dr. Here you'll find stories about new medical research, the latest health care trends and health issues that affect Earth and Environment - Telegraph. When people hear the words drug addict, these words have negative Fighting Disease, Not Death: Finding a way through lifelong struggle Cushing's with Moxie: Ordinary e-mails are welcome. Topic Galleries -- chicagotribune. I was the only one of us 3 kids to get sick a lot and my sister was too overweight as a child..

This article and study hits home. I lost my father to cancer at My mother remarried so that was very traumatic too. I have suffered with Lupus and have had so many illnesses and surgeries. My latest illness is seizures.

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I wish I had someone who had listened to my concerns and had acknowledged my feelings. I have suffered terrible trauma as a child, violent abusive alcoholic father, then leading to abusive partners, continuing the traumas threw my mother after my father had left, I have fybromyalgia, IBS , bad back , in constant pain. We have worked with many people walking them through emotional and heart healing as well as releasing the weight of debt the trauma has set against them.

I speak as a frustrated parent who feels helpless when veiwing my adult child going through the episodes. The irony in this! Glad others are being helped and more will be helped.

Actually you be surprised how trauma from one generation shows in another. Look for the documentary call Ghost in the Genes: Maybe the support and common purpose they had made them even stronger. When you are alone or unsupported everything is tougher. Wow, did this ever hit home. The Naturopath had me list all the traumatic things, physical and psychological that happened to me in my life. It was pretty extensive. His comment was that my life read like a soap opera and it really did.

Among many things; abusive alcoholic father, mother and father divorcing when I was 5, younger brother sent away for 2 years to dryer climate because of illness, reaction to OPV and development of Hypothyroidism, mother remarrying wonderful man and that step father murdered 12 years later, terrible allergies, decent into alcoholism and drug abuse, failed marriage, successful 2nd marriage, 4 children in 6 years, CFS, Fibro, hip replacement, etc, etc, etc.

For the past 6 years my health has improved significantly from a Gluten free, modified vegetarian diet, supplements for damaged MTHFR gene, and medical Cannabis. Alopathic medicine was a big factor in destroying my health, and other than emergencies, I will never trust them or their meds, again. I truly believe all men and women need to be signed up to mental health classes from H. Reblogged this on amy millard and commented: The author expect from the medical system to compensate for the disfunctional community she has lived in. It is true that medical conditions are deeply connected to emotional experiences.

Thank you for addressing this neglected information in depth. Another option for healing is Emotional Brain Training, by Dr. Reblogged this on shirleyannelindberg. Reblogged this on mamangateaublog. Yes this is a great book that I am also reading and it is such an important validation to everyone who has lived with childhood trauma. My childhood was experiencing my fathers violence and abuse, the trauma that children should not ever live with. EMDR was not beneficial to my child.

At age 5, his father died next to him in a head on collision. He was asked to draw pictures of what his father looked like at the time of the accident! He is now 27 and has had counseling that has not helped. He became defiant and frustrated when he felt no one was helpful and started self medicating. He suffers from anxiety, depression, PTSD, numerous health issues. This article is so beneficial and I thank all who have shared their stories to help our understanding of my sons undiagnosed symptoms.

There is also a website totally devoted to EMDR. VanDerKolk writes of his experiences as he learned to deal with many different kinds of trauma over the years. I myself is being tested for lupus, which is another first in my family and I suffer from depression and anxiety. We both had something traumatic happen to us when we were children. It is just now, after 28 years in education, that I have seen this study play out day after day with the students I work with…their parents and in some cases the teachers.

Thanks to the innovative leadership at this high poverty elementary school, I have been introducing mindfulness to the school..

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  6. 2. Avoid excessive use of alcohol or non- prescribed drugs..

I can hardly do anything else in my life since I have seen the impact Childhood trauma is having on our youngest. With every moment I have, I want to learn all I can in order to make a small difference in their script. I would be interested to learn of other avenues for learning more. Currently I have completed Mindfulness for Educators, Love and Logic, Conscious Discipline, star of Florida Exceptional Student Education certificate, yoga hr certificate , restorative practices for the nervous system and teaching how the brain works when under stress.

I have been slowly talking to our faculty about the dangers of chronic stress since our population of students can take its toll on our faculty. I have recently had my Masters degree confirmed allowing me to take the required courses to sit for my BACB certification. I am not sure if that is the right path but want to continue to build my tool box to share with staff, students and parents. I am open to input on this before moving forward as well as information on future training resources I might get involved in.

I currently work as a Behavior Specialist. I entered into psychotherapy with an excellent therapist and, with her help, worked my way through a childhood of PTSD. I am also a mandala artist and teacher and THAT kind of creative, expressive work has saved my life. Hi Melissa, have you heard about Somatic Experiencing? The basic practitioner training is a wholly trauma-informed course, conducted over a three-year period. Yes, I experienced many childhood stressors. I fight depression through my belief and faith in Jesus Christ who gives me strength each day to live my life with hope and enjoy living.

I have been referring and use for my own benefit to 2 types of Transformative Prayer forms of process prayer that are powerful, sound, and effective with permanent tangible results in ACEs related cases: These are both used worldwide with documented results. Charlene Meisner, I posted above how I overcame trauma by the grace of Jesus Christ but did not leave the cause till the end. I copied it here —. Overcoming Trauma I had many autoimmune diseases growing up — arthritis, narcolepsy, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, chronic fatigue… related to childhood trauma Roy Masters who started the Foundation of Human Understanding, helped me the most and helped many people.

I fought to a place of everything going good in my life. When I got there a part of me that was terrified from childhood felt comfortable to come out in the form of a horrible depressed feeling. I observed it, using meditation I learned from Roy, for about 3 months until an almost car accident adrenalin rush made me aware the depressed feeling was identical to fear.

As soon as I saw it was fear it tried to hide by pretending to go away. I continued to be on guard cause I did not know why it was there even though it seemed to go away. After another 3 months an incident made me aware it was a fear of abandonment from a specific set of childhood traumas.

Seeing that changed me from the inside of my mind. I was never the same and got much stronger. Give them the tools they need so they can find out on their own when they are ready. While he lies about his personal history, Castaneda came up with an interesting method of recapitulation that makes sense to me. His alleged teacher had him make a list of everyone he knew starting in the present all the way to his parents.

Once the list was made he was supposed to start with the first person and remember every detail about that person. Starting in the present hones the memory skills. At a certain point of honing the skills memories related to the present start to come up, slowly at first, of their own volition. I relive them and then jump back to the present a different person. It clears a path to an objective pre reacting natural inner sense part of me that is motivated by wonder and curiosity and restores my natural inner filter I lost through trauma. I think it is also related to a discovery I made about mankind in whole I posted at my blog http: I have a room full of patients ready, willing and deserving.

I have not read the book yet but this is what I have been doing for the past 25 years: The trauma needs to be connected energetically not only mentally then the body recovers its state of balance! Hi Laura, I have developed BodyMind Bridge; a highly effective method that guides people like your patients to heal from early traumas. I am located in Washington state, and also have long-distance sessions available over the phone.

Where is your practice located? You can get a sense of my work at http: Sebern Fisher claims to be able to heal such people with many sessions of NF.

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  • Fighting Disease, Not Death : Finding a way through lifelong struggle.
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  • I have been exposed to a type of therapy that allows a full release of stored trauma. It brings hope to those of us suffering from childhood trauma and a healthy way to recover. A kinesiologist can help clear or support physical and emotional trauma. It is amazing stuff. Yes, there are Somatic Experiencing therapists who have been trained in trauma renegotiation using a body-based neurobiological method that was developed by Dr.

    Peter Levine, about 45 years ago. A practitioner who has meta-health, Matrix reimprinting and EFT training is able to work with people who have traumas which stem from childhood and is now experiencing chronic illness. Or in the UK, Penny Croal https: Or in Australia, http: We learned about this in massage therapy school. As massage therapists we have a lot of hands on time to work with our clients as opposed to doctors who have maybe 15 minutes with patients.

    We are taught to see the person as a whole — mind, body, and spirit and how our touch can affect all three. Massage can help with this. Perhaps we should work as a team more often with medical doctors prescribing other methods of healing rather than drugs, for a more holistic approach to healing patients. Like Liked by 4 people. I have found that massage therapy is one of the best things for me. I was kid napped and the man attempted to rape me at age Now at ge 54 I still recall that day with vivid memory and have fought depression and alcoholism my whole life.

    Please realize the struggle is real with young children being paralyzed by fear and not knowing how to deal with their emotions. Emotional trauma and how it can affect your immune system. I hope this information reaches the Doctors in Sweden. This could be the missing link.

    This is a very interesting article and I believe there is much truth to it. Therapy, pills, and psycho-babble are not truly going to fix the major mental and emotional issues that plague society. The fact is our foundation of family, morality, and true spiritually continue to deteriorate in this nation and really around the world and we are paying the price for it. People have forgotten how to truly love and care for each other including honoring commitments and vows and the notion of God is relegated to being a nice fairytale.

    Add to this the incredible amount of stress placed on children these days-now more than ever. When I was growing up I might be involved in activities at the most. Now children are involved in more sports, groups, and school activities than ever while still having to keep up with homework and other family obligations. Yes, such stress is surly a form of trauma too and will shape these kids into adulthood.

    Download Fighting Disease, Not Death : Finding a way through lifelong struggle

    Then they will move on to more stressful jobs or careers which will also impact their relationships and so on. Is it any wonder why mental and emotional health have deteriorated the way it has? The solution or rather solutions are not going to be easy. This is so true! I read a book years ago on this and since then I have seen how it absolutely correlates in peoples lives. I also came from childhood trauma and see how it affected me. I am going to try to get the book. I hope the doctors begin putting this all together. I hate seeing so many people medicated and addicted while the root of the problem never gets solved.

    It just creates more problems. Angela, This is true. I have all kinds of psychobabble relating to how I healed from childhood trauma that leads back to many events but all the healing leads back to 2 events in my life and beyond my own life. The first event was reading the gospel and believing I could have eternal life through Christ.

    The 2nd was admitting to someone who asked why i was so happy and not using drugs any more that it was because I hoped in Jesus. What a fantastic read. Indeed, the whole person has all these levels and we know that energetically everything is connected. Makes perfect sense to me. Reblogged this on Life Going Down and commented: This piece is important and it resonates with me, but not because of health issues. What is left goes on.

    The upside of facing trauma is that there are ways to heal now that genuinely work at the deepest level. In each case, there is excellent training available world wide, and thousands of practitioners to choose from. Many people with autoimmune disease are greatly benefitting from LDN Lowe dose naltrexone. It allows the body itself to produce more endorphins this strengthening the immune system and reducing inflammation.

    I believe there is truth in this article.

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    We are spiritual beings. How could a broken heart not be manifested physically? This is my year of reckoning with my Maker and what is being put in front of me is that I need to forgive. It is very hard. I do know that to forgive does not mean saying that what happened is okay.

    But what I have carried for so many years is not mine to carry. It is not who I was created to be. I want to do more than just survive. I want to thrive. I believe it is possible. It would be amazing if the medical community in the western world acknowledged the connection this article talks about between childhood trauma and lifelong chronic illness. It can be so shaming to deal with some doctors who think we are making it up.

    What I am learning is that I have yearned my whole life to be validated and acknowledged for what I went through. And I have been, as an adult woman, to some degree. My heart, my body are literally crying out for it. And the biggest lesson of all for me is learning how to validate and honor myself.

    Part of this process is walking in forgiveness. For the offenders, and for myself. I see in my life where I resumed the destruction that they began. We are children of God and have been created to walk in an amazing destiny. When we honor our hearts, we walk in our destiny. I pray that the medical community would be more compassionate and wise as instruments of healing in our society. I pray that we will learn how to thrive, and walk in dignity. I pray that we will honor our hearts.

    You just spoke my words. Yes I truly understand your words.. I have healed at many levels finding along the way there is more and more to heal … finally a deep resentment arises that I was totally unaware of and that sits solidly and I find it impossible to dissolve. I think sometimes we can KNOW things like total forgiveness being required … but our adult self knowing is futile if there is an inner child that has absolutely no intention of forgiving the acts or childhood it suffered. How to soften that child, how to coerce her to let go. Many people suffer and suffer because this is truly NOT understood.

    Unfortunately many people profit from their pain. Can the inner child forgive if their soul is still fragmented? Oh my God your article just opened my body mind and soul. It sounds like my life of nothing but trauma. I have suffered many dieases and have been paying a price my entire life. I want a life of my own without suffering. God bless you and namaste! I can see it being possible, for sure! I had a very, very traumatic childhood and I developed MS at a very young age; diagnosed at 20!

    I found a method of transforming the trauma that works. Thank you for this article. My mother died when I was I have cervical dystonia, chronic migraines and occipital neuralgia. And one has had a TIA at My other 2 brothers who were out of the home when she died have none of these problems. I know they suffered tremendously when she died also but the trauma of living daily without a mother and squelching that pain down daily in order to function has to have an effect on your body.

    My youngest brother just saw orthopedic dr for knee replacement. Will need a total knee replacement. If they did these people would be helped. This article holds so much truth — I relate to it and my adult experience is a reflection of this. It is about time the health care students are taught how childhood abuse and trauma affects everyone. This information must be taught to All doctors and health care providers. Could this be the same for me? My Dad got crushed by his JCB digger back in the 80,s and he nearly died. Just after i was 14 years old i was diagnosed with JA but then it changed to PA.

    Iam now 51 and have struggled with this condition. No one in my family has this condition and heard it could of been trauma and stress. We have professionals who are experts in assessing and treating trauma. If physicians discover trauma they need to refer, and where we live they do. Medication might help when it is for specific illnesses but it is not a substitute for skilled trauma treatment. The cost should be reasonable and not an opportunity for a medical person to recoup their educational costs from their first 20 patients!! The problem is that mainstream psychiatry is really not working.

    The method of bringing up past trauma and rehashing it over and over does not work. The medical system is in the dark ages when it comes to the knowledge of how spirituality and science really work. For instance, scientists have found that our bodies at the smallest particle are just suspended in energy. We are energy and light beings.

    If you compress our matter, you can put into the size of a golf ball. It shows that there are spiritual energy forces that are all around us and influence us. Bringing up the energy of the past does not do us good, it keeps those energies around us. What we need is to increase the vibration of our body to reduce trauma. When a person is happy, their cells vibrate very fast, like being in love. When a person is sick they have a low body frequency. The psychiatric system will not do anything unless they get to the core of who we are.

    We are not material beings, we are energy. This is where we need to go to get out of the dark ages of Psychiatric B. I found inner silence like Roy from the FHU teaches helps me be objective to my thoughts. If I want to find the source of the pain IMO recapitulation helps by making a list of everyone you can remember starting from the present going back to the past. When the list is done start with the first person and remember every detail you can about them.

    Some pains I have from childhood but some are from lyme disease, however dealing with the first helps me deal with the second. This is a great article. Doctors should treat the whole person. It is very frustrating to be sick and test show there is nothing wrong with you. My favorite words of wisdom were just get over it. Once I took control of my well being and sought counseling I started to heal. Doctors are trained to give a pill which just masks the problem. I work in healthcare. You are missing one thing. Many autoimmune diseases are inherited in genes.

    They are only waiting for something to ignite them, if they are not active at the moment when you are young. The stress, traumas and missfortune in life can make you sick, along with some bad genes. And these are passed on to offspring. We are carrying our parents trauma in our genes. The more severe the trauma, the more generations are affected. I work in Mental Health, and am still amazed at new research.

    Yelling at someone is quite abrasive especially if you want sympathy for your condition… I suffer from inflammatory bowel disease as well and would never correct someone in the manner you chose.

    My whole life has been a never ending nightmare. Even everything I dream all night every night. I have a lot of compassion for people who have the same or similar. I have no doubt that my mother died of humiliation. Circumstances before her death would have left her feeling publically humiliated in a small southern town. These findings are the foundation of the CranioSacral work Dr. John Upledger developed, used and teaches to help people heal.

    Traumatic experiences stored in the body, even as an adult, lead to illness. As a CranioSacral Therapist it is a part of the treatment to blend and meld with the patient and facilitate the release process. Sometimes it is complete, sometimes it goes in stages, depending on the persons state. It does not make the trauma undone, but it releases the emotional attachment and allows the patient to feel very different about the situation.

    I am forever grateful for being part of this team. I have a scar on my left hand from when my mother put my arm through the wringer of a washing machine. I was four years old and I screamed so loud that the neighbor next door came to our house, looked at me.

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    He just put me and my so-called mother in the car and drove us to the Doctor. All my life, not once did my mother tell me she lived me, or give me a hug. Not once did she say good job or that she was proud of anything I done. The only form of any encouragement I ever got from my mother was when she used to say to me. It was never to happen, even to this day, I live with the terror of what happened to me. When I got Annie at the end of November of the first thing I done was put her in the car and went to see my brother in Vancouver. He is my older brother by eight years and he is also a R.

    I went there to ask him one question and one question only. In closing I want to say, I see abuse everywhere. I see it in traffic, I see it in stores, in restaurants, I see it with employers with their staff. I see it with people and the pets they claim to love and I even see it with people and the materialistic possessions they worked so hard to acquire. But most of all I see it with parents and their children. And that is only one example of many of the triggers I live with everyday.

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    But I will say this, I do not have any memory of anybody really loving me. The closest I could find of anybody loving me was my wife and even then, I wonder in it was love. Deep down inside I think it was more understanding than love. Now I have a service dog trying to teach me not only what love is, but also how to try and live the rest of this life full of the triggers that haunt my mind. But rather, let us try to understand those that criticize.

    There just may be a reason they see things just a little different. No child should ever have to go through what you did. I also felt unloved by my mother, and that affects me in my relationships with other people. I can never have a normal relationship, even friendship.

    I hope you find a way to heal the damage your mother did. Les I had that kind of a mother too. It took so long to undo at least some of what she did to me. Anyway I think you have high standards. Hopefully our next life makes up for this one. Thank you for sharing. I am so sorry you have lived this experience. Yes, I too see so much abuse everywhere and I know things could and should be different. We are strangers but I am sending you some love. Someone said a dog is the only creature who will love you more than himself.

    May God bless you. Hello Les … you have my deepest sympathy.. They are so disconnected from all that is good.. Finding a spiritual path helps.. Wow, this sounds like my son! He has never been sick a day in his life until 16 but carried the world on his shoulders! He worried and stressed about everything! Oh boy , I would be a perfect candidate for case study on this…. This was a devastating read, but a very important one.

    Nakazawa is absolutely right. This dovetails with the idea that trauma can cause neurotransmitter imbalance which ultimately presents with all kinds of symptoms, chronic and otherwise. Trauma informed Out of the Rabbit Hole. I too have been diagnosed with ptsd, high anxiety disorder and many other things, like Karen my mother never liked me and our dad left us so I never knew the love of a parent, My mom lied about me because my step-dad molested me and then I got In to very abusive relationship.. I long for a feeling of peace and likeing myself , I sometimes wonder if my mom looks down on me and is sorry!!

    I did have a wonderful friend that loved me so much and she passed away 8 mos ago.. I would love to be able to say these things to someone but I cant.. Life is a test difficult to go trough alone. A mother is the back bone of life. Yes not many people will find d the support they need once loved one is gone.

    I wish you strength and luck in your life to live the best possible. May you find your peace. I hope you can find in yourself what others love about you. Do you have a pastor or someone that you could talk to that you feel comfortable with? I wish you well. God cares about the oppressed.

    I do hope you can feel some peace and comfort.

    1. Develop Rational Thinking Skills

    I experienced receivng bodytalk sessions to release the root causes behind imbalances on all levels. It released my anxiety, emotions held in body, released generational trauma and trauma at a genetic level and worked on my brain releasing the trauma from there. I was so impressed by it i studied it myself and became a certified bodytalk practioner I have been working with people all over the world dealing and releasing their childhood trauma and issues.

    Im sorry for all your pain and suffering. I can relate a lot. I was adopted in to a home in Canada at birth that i supposed appeared ideal but if the Govt would have searched further would have found it was the opposite. She was raped until contracting polio a yr before a vaccine was found. My adopted Father was an actual product of a rape. Needless to say when i was a young girl my Adopted Mother wanted to further her education and took child psychology at night school. This was when he came in to my room before bedtime and take my hand and this is when the abuse happened. He made me touch him.

    After he would make me get a rag and put it in the laundry. I was helpless to tell. I didnt want to hurt my Mom. I knew how much he meant to her. The anger inside me know comes from the adult me im 48 knowing how he duped me and my Mom. I wish i could go back and stick a stick in his eye and run. I wish i could hurt him but i cant. At age 21 i was very sick with an eating disorder and ulcerative colitus. The words or actions we use in our attempts to help hurting people may unintentionally add to their burdens instead of easing their pain.

    Their lives would never be the same. Yes, with God all things are possible. Find Hope, Humor, and Truth for Your Marriage"Approaching the seriousness of marriage in a lighthearted manner, Carey and Dena Dyer help couples laugh through the tears, accept each other's flaws, and love each other through it all.

    Ladies, are you tired of trying to engage your man in something he is reluctant to do? You may be thinking, P When all seems lost, where can hope be found? As they pursued their dreams, they planted their lives in the city and in their church community.