Überall ist es besser als hier (German Edition)

Endlich fiel es ihm ein, daß es vielleicht besser wäre, irgendwohin an die Newa zu machen, und, was wohl das wichtigste ist, das wäre weit weg von hier.
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Küssen – hier beliebt, da verboten, dort unwichtig – das Top-Thema als MP3

All this information may seem to remain on a biographical level at first sight. When we try to extend the canon of world literature to the peripheries — and German literature in Brazil obviously belongs to the peripheries — we are quickly confronted with a problem of reading capacities. This is one of the ways how we can examine translocal, transcultural, and translingual movements. The process of translation is one of such trans-movements which could help us to better understand the mechanisms that define German literature in Brazil.

First of all, we can highlight the fact that Caro translates into a language which is not his mother tongue and which he only learned during his exile.

However, he is aware of the fact that the French translation shows some problems, which were then incorporated into the Spanish translation, which had also used the French translation as a model. As a conclusion to his translation process he comments on the difficulties of working with these three languages: In , Caro had already translated Buddenbrooks and had even contacted Thomas Mann in order to ask him about a problem concerning the translation, namely how the question of dialects could be resolved. However, the very attempt of translation and the blending of two cultural and linguistic horizons within this process suggest a more modern concept of world literature.

In his letter to Thomas Mann, Caro makes use of both conceptions of world literature. Chagall, , Some readers will find the charm of exotic otherness in it, which descriptions of strange countries usually evoke in Europeans. Others will go beyond this and will be able to perceive the psychological profundity of this wonderful novel. The mentioned exoticism turns into a reciprocal experience and is no longer limited to a colonial perspective, but serves as perception filter for the other side too.

It becomes world literature not by its intrinsic qualities but because of the mode of reading Damrosch which places the novel in its process of reception. Two cultures are connected by the process of translation, and the translated work becomes world literature in this moment of cultural bridge building Damrosch Caro seems to be quite aware of the several sides of world literature which also include market strategies as well as editorial and economic decisions. In these articles, he wrote about German music, Brazilian politics, German and Brazilian literature and art, as well as about general topics of contemporary Brazilian society.

In his role as cultural mediator, he helped popularize the German writers Hermann Hesse and Elias Canetti, not only by translating their major works but also by placing his journalistic focus on them. Caro, , In the Old World an entrenched custom would take centuries to be abolished.

However, in our country a few years are sometimes enough to completely revolutionize the lifestyle of large sections of the population. Not only does Caro speak of Brazil as his country, he also points to the distinction between the Old World and the New World, and to the accelerating changes that he considers consequences of cultural contact. Herbert Caro is an example of several movements in different directions coming together and leading to a new cultural prosperity.

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By considering his translations, his letters, and his travels, we are able to trace the network of steps involved in a specific process of cultural contact, namely that of German literature in Brazil in the twentieth century. The life and work of Ernst Feder provides us with another example, albeit one with different consequences. Born in in Berlin, Ernst Feder is probably best known for being the last person to have seen Stefan Zweig and his wife alive, on the evening before their suicide. Although it was already quite difficult at that time to obtain a visa he succeeded in obtaining one and was allowed to write for Brazilian newspapers, for example for the Jornal do Brasil , only one year after his arrival to the new country — his success both with the visa and with his journalistic activities were probably due to his vast social networks, and to having the necessary connections.

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In addition to his work as a cultural mediator via informative newspaper articles, he also published two works which are important in our context because of their role as generic and cultural in betweens. The first of these is his Brazilian diary, which starts with the day of his arrival in Rio de Janeiro July 7, and which accompanies him during the process of acculturation in Brazil; this seems at first to be written in an autobiographical mode, but then instead turns out to be a collection of comments on global events and on the political and social circumstances both in Europe and in Brazil Eckl , This retrospective of the eighteenth century once again emphasizes that transcultural characteristics are not merely phenomena of the twentieth century, and that the many crossings and movements already existed centuries before.

He concludes with the following: The first movement is that of botanical knowledge, which makes its way from Brazil to Germany in the eighteenth century. Afterwards the plant is named after a German poet, who then develops a keen interest for Brazil and is finally celebrated in Brazil and honoured by a German writer in Brazilian exile — a crossing of several movements and directions.

[German] Translation Errors / Missing Translations - PoE 2 edition

However, the involvement of Feder in Brazil was totally different from that of Herbert Caro, especially because he was able to publish in German. In spite of his large network of social connections he suffered difficulties with integration from the very beginning and did not speak of Brazil as a paradise-like locus amoenus. In , he noted a poem in his diary: However, as was the case with many other people, the remigration was not successful.

Feder did not succeed in becoming part of the literary canon of either Germany or Brazil. It is only by tracing back the mentioned movements of the two characters and by applying a mode of distant reading that these works can be adequately evaluated. First of all, they do not belong to either of the national canons, German or Brazilian, and are therefore translocal. Secondly, they consist of an inseparable mixture of cultural influences and can be regarded as transcultural. And finally, many of the works I referred to were only written and published in one of the languages — German or Portuguese — often with words or sentences of the other language in it, which makes them translingual, therefore limiting their reception.

The case of German literature in Brazil, with the two exemplary biographies I have presented, shows the different processes that come together in cultural contact zones. They can be better understood by referring to TransArea Studies which take different movements as well as cultural and lingual parameters into consideration. We are, first of all, confronted with a translingual dimension: Translations were thus an important means of communication; they could be from or into the native language, or could even be self-translations. Third languages, especially French, often served to help in the translation process.

In some regions, translation was not even necessary because German was a minority language, as in southern Brazil. Secondly, we are confronted with a translocal dimension since several processes of migration and of remigration can be seen. When we try to trace this literature today, we will barely find reference to it in German or Brazilian literary histories. There are, still German-language documents in Brazilian archives so that we can speak of Literaturen ohne festen Wohnsitz Literatures-without-a-Fixed-Abode.

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Untangling the different movements involved in these processes can help us not so much to re define or categorize this kind of literature but to better understand the structure of different examples of world literature with their different facets. My essay is based on a talk I delivered at the conference Translation in Exile , which took place in December , at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

It focuses on difficulties with translations by giving examples of his own work, especially the translation processes of the works of Thomas and Klaus Mann. Primeiros registros escritos e ilustrados sobre o Brasil e seus habitantes. Caro also mentions the dialogue between a Bavarian beer brewer and a lady from Northern Germany who are not able to understand each other.

In the same letter, Caro asks for a photograph of Thomas Mann for his collection Chagall, , Du wirst daher im Vollbildmodus immer eine bessere Performance als wie im Fenstermodus haben.

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