The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure [Grant Cardone] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Achieve Massive.
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If you ever wondered what really separates the successful from the average this book gives you the answer, straight up, no BS. I would seriously recommend it for everyone, it doesn't matter what you do in life this book will kick you in the ass and get you moving in the right direction.

In essence the book will brain wash you and insert a "Take massive action" mindset right in your brain. The author broke down the formula to success and the effects of thinking big in a very clear way, t 5 stars!

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The author broke down the formula to success and the effects of thinking big in a very clear way, there's absolutely no excuse for you to NOT take action after you read this book. Don't wait, get on it, I mean right now. View all 3 comments. At first I thought this book was a just a massive oil slick from a fast talking sales guy. But when I read a book I never let the first impression stop my from going the distance. This strategy always pays off for me and it was no different this time around. I'm not a sales guy, and the good news is, you don't need to be one either to lean something really valuable about success from this book.

If you follow my reviews then you know that I listen to a lot of books on audio instead of actually rea At first I thought this book was a just a massive oil slick from a fast talking sales guy. If you follow my reviews then you know that I listen to a lot of books on audio instead of actually reading them.

I do this so I can maximize my time while working out early in the morning. I found this book was great as an audio version as it's read by the author and he genuinely conveys his passion for the program outlined in the book. I had some really good takeaways from this book, I won't share them all because you really should take in this book in its entirety.

Table of Contents - The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure [Book]

Never reduce the targets of your goals, set them really high. There are 4 levels of action, massive action being the best. You'll know you are taking massive action against your goals when people start criticizing what you are doing. That's a strange idea at first, but when you play through the scenarios in the book it really makes sense. The one I loved the best is commit and figure out the how later.

When an opportunity presents itself, don't get stuck in the how, just say YES and then figure out how to deliver afterwards. Again, this is something that seems totally foreign to people as it puts everyone outside of their comfort zone. I'm a pretty engaged person when it comes to my work, but I wanted to test this out so I started going at a few things harder - with massive action.

I saw the results immediately and I'm looking forward to doing more of it. Apr 10, David Bradley rated it it was amazing. Where are you at in your life? Are you satisfied with that? This is NOT just another how to get rich quick book. Especially if getting RICH is just a money thing for you. Success with anything you want to excel at. Your faith, your relationships, your career, your finances. The 10x Rule will teach you exactly what you need to know in order to achieve the success you desire and deserve in life. Grant's writing will do a few things for you.

The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure by Grant Cardone

There are no punches pulled and this road map to success is laid out for anyone on any budget to follow with pragmatic, practical, common sense approaches to achieve anything you want from life. Jun 08, Yolanda Solo rated it really liked it. I really wanted to dislike this book. Grant Cardone is so unforgiving of any excuses and has a very aggressive attitude to winning and sales. As a woman and as a mother I find it too extreme It made me uncomfortable because it highlighted how many excuses I make.

Even if I dont want to take it to his level, he is right in demanding more, in telling us to aim higher, aim bigger. He reminds me of an army officer at boot camp screaming at you to get off yo I really wanted to dislike this book. He reminds me of an army officer at boot camp screaming at you to get off your arse and do more, be the best you can be. You would curse them during training, but when it is over, appreciate how they helped get the best out of you. Sep 13, Rolando Gill rated it it was amazing.

I know that I don't want to recommend this book. I dont want any Realtor in my area to read this book until I have time to establish my footprint on the market. The book didn't start out very well but it gained momentum and really helped me change the way I see my profession.

Great book because it spurred so much thinking and optimism. I think I could follow Grant Cardone anywhere. Aug 21, Ciro rated it it was amazing. Grant Cardone is not a self help guru who will blow smoke up your butt about what it takes to succeed or achieve your goals.


Most people are average—they think average, they work average, they have average relationships. They do the minimal amount to get by and claim they are a success. Cardone says you need to take MAS Grant Cardone is not a self help guru who will blow smoke up your butt about what it takes to succeed or achieve your goals.

His best tidbit of advice: View all 4 comments. Starts with almost half an hour of empty promises and then doesn't deliver. Don't bother listening to it. Oct 21, Kelly Hudson rated it did not like it Shelves: There are some good nuggets of information. I quickly got tired of Grant's style of self promotion with - Look at me, I'm awesome. Sep 29, Rocio rated it liked it. His energy is definitely inspiring, and he does make a great point at taking action. No action, no results whatsoever. However, he is tone-deaf in several ways, including how he talks to women phrases like "this chic" , very keen on "bro" culture, and the likes.

May 04, Mahmoud Sarrieeldin rated it it was amazing. This is a life changing book, the type of books that has a powerful, heartfelt,and honest message. It's the opposite of the new age that spreads the message of "work less, have fun, life is short". On the other hand, Anything that is plentiful has a low VAlue. Success is your duty, your responsibility. Treat success as if it's your kid, Your kid has a duty towards you, you have no option but to fulfill this duty. It is not another JUST "dream big" and "think big" book.

Not another one speaking about birilliant "get reach quickly" guide or believe in "law of attraction". It's book for everyone, no matter in what position you are right now. It will not only tell you to get your ass up - it will give you many reasons to do so.

Jan 25, Stan rated it did not like it. Really hated this book, the author comes over as someone with a lot of issues narcissistic and neurotic , he wants to play the motivational though guy but he overdoes it way too much. His way of speaking only annoys me and remembers me of what I dont want to be. So one star for remembering me for what I should not go for.

Apr 25, Chris Henry rated it it was amazing. This book is a game changer.

The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone

In terms of creating a successful mindset, it would be hard to find a better and more motivating book. Peter Thiel has a 10x technology rule, Grant Cardone has a 10x success rule.

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This is an important book for anyone looking to maximize success in all areas of their life. May 26, Stephen Smotherman rated it did not like it. Take massive action by skipping this book and spending your time on a much better book. The book can be boiled down to this Set massive goals and take massive action I think the book would be half as long if you took out the words "massive," and "important. Mar 12, Tony Jr. A highly repetitious book with a simple message that was summed up in the first chapter.

A decent reminder of the common denominator of all successful people This book has 23 chapters and is pages. Theres an incredible amount o A highly repetitious book with a simple message that was summed up in the first chapter. Theres an incredible amount of repetition, rambling and fluff. That being said, there were a few chapters I found to be extremely powerful, not because of the authors delivery per say, but because of the core messages contained in them.

Chapter 4 - Success is your Duty This chapter talks about how we should see success as our duty in life Chapter 10 - Competition is for Sissys This chapter talks about how we need to shift our thinking from just competing to dominating our entire market. There were a couple of other nuggets here and there but overall in my opinion this is all the good stuff. I would buy it again because I love the messages in the chapters I listed above so much but overall the book as a whole is 3stars at best.

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Tony Rogers Jr Author of Visionary: Making a difference in a world that needs YOU This 4th degree, also know as the 10 X Rule, is that level of action that guarantees companies and individuals realize their goals and dreams. It also demonstrates why people get stuck in the first three actions and how to move into making the 10X Rule a discipline.

Find out exactly where to start, what to do, and how to follow up each action you take with more action to achieve Massive Action results. Extreme success is by definition outside the realm of normal action. Instead of behaving like everybody else and settling for average results, take Massive Action with The 10 X Rule , remove luck and chance from your business equation, and lock in massive success. Request permission to reuse content from this site.

E-Book Information about e-books: E-books have DRM protection on them, which means only the person who purchases and downloads the e-book can access it. E-books are non-returnable and non-refundable. Added to Your Shopping Cart. Description Achieve "Massive Action" results and accomplish your business dreams!

Learn the "Estimation of Effort" calculation to ensure you exceed your targets Make the Fourth Degree a way of life and defy mediocrity Discover the time management myth Get the exact reasons why people fail and others succeed Know the exact formula to solve problems Extreme success is by definition outside the realm of normal action. Customer Satisfaction Is the Wrong Target. Determine and Take the Right Approach. Stay ahead with the world's most comprehensive technology and business learning platform. With Safari, you learn the way you learn best. Get unlimited access to videos, live online training, learning paths, books, tutorials, and more.

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Start Free Trial No credit card required. What Is the 10X Rule? Success Is Important Chapter 4: Assume Control for Everything Chapter 7: Massive Action Chapter 8: