Il segreto delluomo solitario di Grazia Deledda (Italian Edition) Il segreto dell'uomo solitario: romanzo (Italian Edition) ( ) by Grazia Deledda and a great selection of similar New, Used and.
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Grazia Deledda's Dance of Modernity - Margherita Heyer-Caput - Google Книги

This surprising novel paints the portrait of a woman facing the unknown with courage, faith, and self-reliance, and is the last and most autobiographical work of Grazia Deledda, who died of breast cancer in , shortly after its publication. Pero el diablo se llama Agnese. Una heredera que vive sola en la propiedad familiar desde la muerte de su padre y la marcha de sus hermanos al continente.

Resignado a pagar sus culpas con tal de volver al buen camino, Paulo se presenta a celebrar la misa. Reeds in the wind by Grazia Deledda Book editions published between and in 6 languages and held by 1, WorldCat member libraries worldwide Nella casa di Pintor, Ruth, Noemi, Ester, discendenti da una famiglia nobile andata in rovina, il servo Efix con grande fatica riesce a conservare il decoro, coltivando l'ultimo podere rimasto. In passato una quarta sorella, Lia, era fuggita in continente e Efix era stato involontariamente causa della morte del padre che cercava di fermarla.

Morta anche Lia, torna alla casa materna Giacinto, suo figlio, un giovane dissoluto che manda in rovina le zie. Noemi, legata da un ambiguo sentimento al nipote, rifiuta le nozze con don Predu a cui era stato venduto il podere. Efix che si era allontanato dalla casa da lui creduta maledetta per sua colpa, vi fa ritorno e muore il giorno stesso delle nozze tra Noemi e don Predu, avendo ritrovato la pace.

Elias Portolu by Grazia Deledda Book editions published between and in 15 languages and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide "After serving time in mainland Italy for a minor theft, Elias Portolu returns home to Nuoro, in rural Sardinia. Lonely and vulnerable after his prison exile, he falls in love with Maddalena, his brother's fiancee. He finds himself trapped by social and religious strictures, his passion and guilt winding into a spiral of anguish and paralyzing indecision. For guidance he turns to the village priest, who advises him to resist temptation; then he turns to the pagan "father of the woods," who recognizes the weakness of human will and urges him to declare his love before it is too late.

Finally Elias chooses a course that provides a measure of redemption but forces him into a position from which he can only helphlessly observe the results of his affair.

Reeds in the Wind

Ashes by Grazia Deledda Book editions published between and in 7 languages and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide When Oli realizes that public knowledge of her life in prostitution will jeopardize her son's impending marriage and professional success, she makes the ultimate maternal sacrifice to ensure his future. Deledda's novel explores the themes of filial duty, hypocritical societal expectations, the ravages of poverty, and maternal devotion. Marianna Sirca by Grazia Deledda Book editions published between and in 6 languages and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide Against the will of her entire family, the lovers plan to marry, but at Marianna's insistence only after Simone "gets right with the law.

El apego de Annesa a la familia es casi morboso; vive en Barunei como la hiedra que se atrapa al muro. Seguendo la storia di Efix e delle sue padrone, con le loro feste, le abitudini e i battibecchi, ho avuto una curiosa sensazione di timore e affetto, come quella che si avrebbe in casa di nonni premurosi ma molto severi. Travolti da un'insolito destino Un mondo lontano dove una storia lenta e quasi inesistente fa da sfondo alle particolareggiate descrizioni, quasi musicali, della gente, del cielo, della vegetazione, dei sapori e dei profumi di Sardegna.

Storie di paese, fatte di cose semplici, di caratteri forti e chiusi, di orgoglio, di isolamento, di non detto. Un libro molto importante sul peccato, sui rimorsi, sulla colpa e l'espiazione che sono stato molto contento di leggere, anche se non nego appartenga a un genere e un gusto abbastanza lontano dal mio.

Polizia Stradale in azione: sorpasso e superamento a destra.

Sep 09, Joseph Kugelmass rated it really liked it. Not only is it neglected, it's not summarized very well online, from what I've seen. Most of the summaries tend to portray the book as a depressing Christian parable about the hardships of life on Earth, perked up with a few colorful references to Sardinian folklore. Who in the world would actually want to read something like that? Fortunately, that's not Deledda. Reeds in the Wind is a subtle, tragicomic critique of Christian belief in Sardinia.

The characters are comedy mainstays: They are not really victims of fate, but whenever things go badly for them, they suddenly become pious. We must weep and be silent The Bible also keeps Sardinians from indulging in storytelling: She was beautiful and had a kingdom far away, with many gardens of figs and pomegranates and a palace all of gold. Others have to cry" This is not an injunction to be solemn, however; the novel is about "laughter and tears," mixed together as they are in the rough-and-tumble course of rural life.

The writing is frequently magnificent, and Deledda glides easily from lyrical prose, to hard-bitten minimalism, and back again. Although the novel reads quickly, and is not a "modernist" work, the style is often a comical echo of the exaggerated thoughts and reactions of the people.

At other moments, however, it is just flat-out gorgeous: And yet he had the impression of dreaming. Deledda is on par with other, much more famous chroniclers of village life, from Sholem Aleichem to Gabriel Garcia-Marquez. Her book is a delight. Grazia Deledda sa mettere l'amore per la sua terra nelle descrizioni dei paesaggi che si riempiono di luce e di colori, acqua che scorre, erba che cresce tra le pietre, canne che si flettono producendo fruscio, insetti che ronzano e fiori che sbocciano.

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Questi squarci di Sardegna mi hanno ricordato una certa iconografia giapponese ma, a pensarci bene, gli stessi giapponesi sono isolani. E Oscar per la letteratura. Solitamente non commento mai un grande classico. Chi sono io per farlo. Mi limito a metterci delle stelle, che sono solo la cifra del mio privato gradimento. La folla non si decideva ad uscire, sebbene il prete avesse finito le sue orazioni, e continuava a cantare intonando le laudi sacre. Era come il mormorio lontano del mare, il muoversi della finestra al vespero: Purtroppo non posso dire lo stesso sulla narrazione delle vicende che mi ha lasciato piuttosto perplesso.

Provava un senso di attesa, di qualche cosa che ancora doveva succedere,- e intanto girava per il paese, si ubriacava di sole davanti alla porta della chiesa. Il villaggio bianco sotto i monti azzurri e chiari come fatti di marmo e d'aria, ardeva come una cava di calce: Mar 29, Laura rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: From BBC Radio 4: Grazia Deledda's powerful story of love, poverty, honour and retribution set in the rugged landscape of 's Sardinia.

I absolutely loved this book in such a way that I'm planning to read the printed version. View all 12 comments. Comments in English and in Italian here: With this novel, Grazia Deledda won the Nobel prize for literature in the early 20th century. Ma erano altri tempi e, soprattutto, altri luoghi. Della Deledda mi porto dietro, fin dai tempi del liceo, una sensazione di pesantezza e lungaggine. La famiglia Pintor, i nobili, si disfa quando una delle figlie scappa a Civitavecchia. Ora rimangono solo tre so Della Deledda mi porto dietro, fin dai tempi del liceo, una sensazione di pesantezza e lungaggine.

Ora rimangono solo tre sorelle che vivono semirecluse, assistite dal servo Efix che ne diventa l'angelo custode. Sono a cambiamenti a creare problemi, e credo anche che Efix abbia peccato di hubris nel volersi ergere a protettore delle sue padrone, influenzandone le decisioni. Saranno state al vento, ma di qualcosa Grazia pur sempre si faceva. View all 5 comments. Sep 18, Inderjit Sanghera rated it it was amazing. From holes in the wooden roof rained oblique rays of silvery powder that fell on kneeling women And up, up, over the wide road the first gray, then white, then rosy; the dawn seemed to rise from the valley like red smoke inundating the fantastic peaks on the horizon Yet beneath this beauty lies a decaying town, a decaying family and a decaying society.

Some of the characters seem a little date, but are believable in the context of when and where the novel is set-from the irascible Giacinto, to the inflexible and indomitable Pintor sisters and the most human and complex character in the novel, the pathetic though kind-hearted servant Efix. Dio solo lo sa.

It is difficult and if destiny seems to be all powerful what is the role of God? The answer remains with God alone. But having God as the only solace is the only way open to an ordinary man to cope with the everyday sufferings. At times God alone does not suffice. So the man takes recourse to superstitious beliefs. He creates the other world of fairies, ghosts and gnomes. This is a story set in a Sardegnian village of the initial stage of the 20th century.

It was the time when Nobility was at its decadence and economy was setting the new standards. Everything of this is very graphically captured by Deledda in this novel. She presents the Sardegnian set up and the landscape in an inimitable style. The language is very evocative and makes visible everything of the landscape - be it the rough mountainous terrain, or the simple rising of the moon as the sun goes down, or the natural habitat with its flora and fauna, etc. Besides giving the landscape Deledda also introduces the readers to the socio-cultural ambiance of the then Sardegnian village.

Everything finds place in the book and they are presented not as to disturb the flow of the story but are very casually and naturally are interspersed in the story. There are also some interesting analysis of characters. A Lovely Book and it is with a heavy heart that I came out of the Sardegnian village as I completed reading the last pages.

I recommend you to take this trip to Sardegnian village of the early 20th century. Mar 18, Ruth rated it liked it.

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Below is a complete list of Deledda's works: Deledda's birthplace and childhood home in Nuoro has been preserved as a museum in her honor the Museo Deleddiano. The museum consists of 10 rooms where the stages of the writer's life are reconstructed. Grazia Deledda Grazia Deledda. After the divorce , La regina delle tenebre Elias Portolu Cenere ; English translation: The Woman and the Priest , ; English translation: The Mother , by D. Lawrence , Il segreto dell'uomo solitario Cattive compagnie: Retrieved 16 April Fidelity House in Italian.

Retrieved 24 May Laureates of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Eliot William Faulkner Bertrand Russell. Nobel Prize in Literature Library resources about Grazia Deledda. Resources in your library Resources in other libraries.