
Definition of variant - a form or version of something that differs in some respect from other forms of the same thing or from a standard.
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Take the quiz Back to School Quiz Pop quiz! BUT then comes the second half where everything changed. And I could not put the book down. I can't actually TELL you much about the second half without ruining the nicely done twist. He thinks a scholarship to an elite private school is his escape from the foster system.

But Maxfield Academy is not what he thinks. It's not a wonderful opportunity, it's more like a prison than school. Instead he's trapped behind bullet proof glass and barbed wire fences, with no adults. The school is controlled by 3 different gangs and breaking a rule equals detention and detention equals death.

It's not exactly the bright future Benson hopes for. I feel like I should be able to sympathize with Benson. Maxfield Academy is horrible and it does suck. But his approach is wrong. He is single-mindly obsessed with escape. He's practically banging his head against the wall hoping to knock a stone loose. I spent the first half of the book wanting to shout at him. But then about halfway through the book, just when Benson is finally calming down, falling for a girl and starting to get complacent, everything suddenly changes.

Like me better now? As a matter of fact yes I do like you better. You should have dyed your hair this color pages ago, does wonders for your pacing! Honestly the second half of this book made me question my opinion of the first. Look how much you like it now! I don't think so, but you never know. Suddenly you can't trust anyone. Benson finally stops running in circles and starts thinking strategically. For me that's when the book gets good. When he stops banging his head against the proverbial wall and starts planning.

Omnium Mini Variant

Finally he's trying to figure out the big mystery of the school and tries to come up with a feasible escape plan whereas his plan before was just jump the wall and hope not to die. This gives the reader the opportunity to follow his investigation and put the pieces of the puzzle together along with Benson.

Then ending is twisty, leaving the reader on a cliffhanger that made me say "HUH". I re-read the passage and I was still confused, but it was a good confusion I was a Lost fan, clearly I have a thing for confusing cliffhangers. The ending left me curious enough that I want to read book 2. This book has a Dystopian-vibe without actually being a Dystopia. It's a little bit sci-fi, a little bit thriller and a little bit something else that I can't place my finger on.

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But overall I liked it. In fictional math that equals a 4 star review for me. So even though Benson is a little obnoxious at the beginning of the book, bear with him because he gets smarter. There's an interesting mystery, a creepy school and life or death stakes. The book is clearly meant to be part of a series trilogy is my guess because you don't get all the answers in this book. Assuming that the new and improved Benson plans to make an appearance in the next book I want to continue this series.

And the cliffhanger better be worth it! Not just a shark with a random dharma logo! View all 3 comments. Jun 13, Cory rated it really liked it. By the end of the book, my mind was completely blown. The places I assumed or expected this story to go throughout my reading, proved to be wrong every single time. Benson, the protagonist, thinks he just got a scholarship to an upper class prep school, but boy is he wrong. What he gets in re More reviews http: What he gets in reality, is a one way ticket to a prison. This prison isn't much different from a regular prep school though- Students, dorms, and classes.

The differences are that there are no adults, walls and locked doors prohibit escape, and calls home are replaced with death threats. All the kids are being treated like lab rats. Some of the student go along with what is happening, while others like Benson aren't as compliant. This is where the story takes off. Numerous situations at the "school" cause Benson to plot an intricate escape and trust no one. Benson's first person narration is quite refreshing. The YA genre is dominated by female narrators, so I jumped at the chance to read Variant.

Benson is an extremely determined fellow. Fear and rationality always seem to take back seat whenever his mind is set, no matter the danger. I found it to be a respectable trait, especially since it made for a suspenseful story! Robison Wells did a phenomenal job with creating a unique story in a popular genre. His dystopian world is controlled, and has the potential of going in multiple different directions. I'm having a hard time writing this review, because I don't want to risk spoiling anything. Everyone deserves to be as shocked as I was after reading all the rattling scenarios.

I know Variant doesn't come out till the first of October, but I just had to read and post my review of it. I am not one who can handle anticipation well. Variant kept me guessing till the very end, and then left me dangling off a cliff. Now to the best of my ability, I will wait anxiously for the second book in the series. Feb 25, Krista Jensen rated it it was amazing. I was fortunate to have read this book before final edits and I still can't wait to get it in my hands and read it again as a finished product.

The characters, the twists, the mind-blowing premise of this YA thrill ride has left me needing the next book. Benson is the perfect reluctant hero, and I really hope he figures this thing out. Wells, get on that. Oh, and the cover? I'm not ordering it for my Kindle. I want to SEE it up close in all its shimmery beauty. I can't wait until its release. This one is going to be fun to watch. Feb 25, Erin Bowman added it Shelves: From the second Benson sets foot within the grounds of Maxfield Academy — which happens within the first several pages, mind you — things are intense.

This book is fast paced and near impossible to put down. Benson is not a perfect person, but he has a good heart. He tries to do the right thing in the upside-down world into which he is thrown. He is on a constant lookout for answers and while that narrow vision sometimes had me pulling at my hair, he is a fabulous reluctant hero.

This book is FULL of them. Oh boy, the ending. Just get your hands on this.

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  • Originally reviewed here NOTE: This review is based on an ARC Feb 25, Heather rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book is a definite must-read for It's being promoted as dystopian, but it could easily take place in our day. Benson is a foster kid, moved from place to place for as long as he remembers.

    So when he gets a "scholarship" to Maxfield Academy, he jumps at the chance, thinking he can finally get out of the rut he's lived in for so long. When he arrives at Maxfield, he immediately starts noticing strange and bizarre things. First of all, there are no adults. Second of all, no one can leave. In this rollercoaster of a plot, readers will soon discover that nothing is as it seems at Maxfield, and when rules are broken, detention is the least of Benson's concerns.

    Aug 21, Sara rated it it was ok. I don't know what to think of this book. This book was just strange to me. I found the believability aspect of it to be extremely lacking. I just didn't believe these kids would conform to a school like this rather than trying to get out.

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    I didn't believe the circumstances they were given and when we found out the big secret, I didn't even believe the explanation we were given. None of it m I don't know what to think of this book. None of it made sense. I don't want to give spoilers so I can't go into too much detail, I just didn't get it. Maybe it was because I kept thinking of the Maze Runner The kids at Maxfield Academy were just mindless and boring after the kids in the glade.

    As I stated, maybe it was wrong of me to compare the books, but it was hard not to. The situations were a lot alike to me. I may read the next book to see what happens, but I'm glad I didn't buy this book. May 26, Pip rated it did not like it. I'm glad you've completely overcome your trauma because you've fallen in love this week!

    Don't even get me started. I don't think I've ever come across such a great idea completely and utterly destroyed wi 1. I don't think I've ever come across such a great idea completely and utterly destroyed with ridiculous, pointless complications and sub-plots. I think the phrase 'this is so dumb' sprung to mind approximately 80, times while reading this. Sep 05, Elana rated it it was amazing. VARIANT is the kind of book you race through, unable to stop even though you're eyes are tired and it's late at night. Wells has created a compelling closed society, with characters that live and breathe on the page.

    Not really a dystopian, but with the chills and twists of a boarding school that creates a dystopian-esque atmosphere. One of the best reads of for me. Aug 12, Joe rated it it was ok Shelves: Variant is the perfect name for this book, because it is, itself, a variation of Lord of the Flies In Golding's classic, which has its fair share of detractors, children and teenagers are thrust into a truly upsetting situation that supplies a chilling context for Golding to explore mob mentality, primal urges, and the tightrope walk of animal instinct and human compassion.

    Wells attempts to expand this theme by putting teenagers in a boarding school with no teachers and a sloppily constructe Variant is the perfect name for this book, because it is, itself, a variation of Wells attempts to expand this theme by putting teenagers in a boarding school with no teachers and a sloppily constructed social order that is meted out via three groups: The Society, Havoc, and V's the titular Variants, which was enough to make my eyes roll so far back into my skull that I could see my brainstem.

    Each group falls so neatly into stereotypes that it makes Divergent 's world-building look like poetry. Anyway, the groups have a truce that has existed among them to maintain order in an adult-free school. The reason behind the truce is such an obvious plot device that it's pointless for me to explore its lack of depth here. Just know that it exists and it is beyond stupid. When Benson arrives at the school, the social order begins to crumble. Because Benson is a renegade. He doesn't play by the rules.

    Abrams' television series was compelling, fun, and slightly scary for the first season. Then as the story dragged, it became pretty apparent that the writers had painted themselves into a corner. To this day, I still haven't watched the last four seasons because I just stopped caring. From what I understand, the whole series became convoluted and culminated in a thoroughly unsatisfying series finale. Wells follows a similar trajectory.

    The first hundred pages of Variant are filled with an endless parade of fascinating questions: Why is Benson at Maxfield Academy? Why are some of these kids acting so brainwashed? What's the meaning of the paintball wars? What's with the constant surveillance? Who is the Iceman? As the book barrels along, though, these questions become less interesting and more frustrating. This is largely due to the fact that Benson is constantly asking himself these same questions, voicing the readers' curiosity with the incessant insistence of a curious 3 year-old.

    The more Benson wondered about his fate which, to reiterate, is literally every chapter , the less I cared about what happened to him. By the time the "shocking" violence takes place followed quickly by a plot twist that is hilariously awful , I had checked out entirely. Nearly every YA "dystopian" trope ever hewn and re-hewn and re-re-hewn ad infinitum Seriously, YA authors. Teens showing atypical agency and bucking the system! Teens facing an uncertain and cruel future!

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    This book barely qualifies as a "dystopia", yet it is clearly marketed as such. Its science fiction factor is at, like,. I am so over this trend. After The Hunger Games which I still love, but fully blame for the virtual tsunami of shit that has been on its heels , every editor in the world should have rejected the endless dystopia book pitches instead of accepting such blatant mediocrity.

    In fact, Wells was allegedly working on his Master's degree in finance while writing this book, which makes its existence seem even more As a teen librarian, I know how much appeal there is to a book like Variant , and I will recommend the hell out of it to kids who will love its "twists", reserving, as I always do, my personal opinion and head-banging view spoiler [about raccoons that are actually robots hide spoiler ] to the comfort of my own home.

    En el que no hay adultos. En el que los alumnos se han dividido en grupos para poder sobrevivir. En el que saltarse las normas significa la muerte.

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    • Define and Configure Variant Sources and Sinks.
    • Pero cuando Benson tropieza con el verdadero secreto de la escuela, 4. Cada vez que tengo la oportunidad de leer un libro narrado por la perspectiva de un chico, me alegro de hacerlo, de descansar un poco de esas protagonistas femeninas no todas que llegan a ser insoportables e insufribles. Ha pasado toda su vida en hogares de acogida o con padres adoptivos que no eran nada agradables. This was one awesome book. I can easily say that this book was one of the most compelling reads of The blurb, the cover, the trailers, I guess everything made me read this.

      First of all, I loved the story. After finishing "The Maze Runner" series, I was just all broken down because I adored 'The Maze Runner' trilogy and when it ended, I was so sad knowing that I won't be able to read a book like that anymore but this book just proved me wrong. The twist behind it all is my favo This was one awesome book. I think people who rated this book stars didn't read The Maze Runner trilogy before or are just not YA. Because readers complained alot about the book being slow and that the main character is annoying, but The Maze Runner, infact every dystopian book taught me that sometimes you have to wait for the answers and the characters to develop.

      The story was really good. From the start, when Benson came to the school to adjusting till he was fighting for his life, I read this book continuously. Even though I will say, yes, the story became slow in between but then it picked up its pace and the twist in the end was just wow. I think the cover somehow gave the story away. Click Apply ; otherwise, your changes are not saved. Simulink verifies that only one variant is active for simulation. When the control condition does not activate a variant, Simulink uses the default variant for simulation.

      Double-click the Variant Sink. Simulink propagates the variant conditions to identify which model components to activate. In the Variant Condition Legend dialog box, click through the hyperlinked variant condition annotations to observe which parts of the model each condition activates.

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