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Two Flutes Playing: A Spiritual Journeybook for Gay Men (White Crane Spirituality) [Andrew Ramer, Mark Thompson] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on.
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When I landed in Shanghai and then in Beijing, I saw nothing of this huge country. Everything was a white mist around me and light yellow smog clouds.

Just a week ago, there was a sandstorm from the Mongolian desert that caused fold air pollution in Beijing. The weather was crazy. It was winter in China. We landed in the snow and it was so cold. I had to meet Pablo who was my contact at the airport, otherwise I would have been lost in this huge and unknown country. For the privacy and security of those Chinese faeries who were attending the gathering I had not been told where the Gathering was to take place or who else should pick me up.

My only thoughts were would we actually make contact?

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Will Pablo be there? After some initial panic, some Chinese faeries arrived at the airport and took me through a snowy landscape resort outside of Beijing, where the four day gathering was to take place. I will not announce the location for safety reasons. But I safely arrived at my final destination. At the entrance of this place stood two golden lion statues, who bring happiness and prosperity to the newcomer. I was greeted by about 24 Chinese young faeries. But that did not matter. All these wonderful, loving young faeries I was allowed to hug.

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Every single one I found beautiful in their own way. Yes, I saw so many beautiful faces — or rather, the souls behind the faces. Young faces, with an incredible smiles that were heart warming and lovely. The next morning Chas Nol asked me to facilitate the Heart Circle. Some sharing of young faeries here almost broke my heart. The speciality of this gathering was that nearly two-thirds of all participants were young, students between the ages of 19 and They all told things as they might have been in Europe in the s, where homosexuality was almost still illegal in all countries.

In China, family ties are much stronger than in Europe, and if you come out here as a gay in front of your parents, this can mostly lead to exclusion from your family, because it is the biggest disgrace. Not only will you be cast out, you will lose all rights in your society. It may also be that you are being persecuted by your own family, or that your own father wants to kill your boyfriend.

So it was not surprising that nearly every second person in the group spoke of suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts, both by himself or his friends.

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What came out of the mouths and hearts of the young Chinese people was so real and so heartfelt and so intelligent that I was totally entranced. It showed a different reality that we can no longer imagine in our western liberal world. Most of them had never felt the true love of a man and they longed for it. So many here believed in love. How beautiful the world can still be in young hearts, and how much the grown-up world denigrates and above all, does not appreciate, it and even tramples it in every way.

For relaxation we went to a nearby restaurant where food was served extensively on a round table and the over-filled plates were shared. On the way back to our home it snowed again. The Chinese are very good at trading, so the auction was a big deal and was extensively prepared. But also for the show there were some wonderful Chinese music and literature acts.

The Best LGBT Children’s Books: A Sweet and Assuring Celebration of Diversity and Difference

Everything was pre-pared via WeChat platforms as Facebook and other social media platforms of the West are blocked in China. I hosted the show together with Chiffon, the very talented second youngest Faerie here. Every morning there was Heart Circle. It was the centre of our gathering and that made the Chinese Gathering very intense and exhausting for me as well.

You almost could not relax your head. However I did not find this source of joy in the mountains, but in the hearts of the faeries here, in their yearnings and dreams. And I noticed how body contact and tender touch among the young Chinese faeries increased during the gathering. The true smile that we give ourselves here is the greatest gift that people can give themselves. It ascends hope, affection, openness, beauty — everything that people can give — even sex. It radiates your innermost self: — your Being as Radical Faerie.

Do not use your power for wars, negativity and cynicism, but for love. At the end of our last full day, we formed a circle where we should reveal our Emperor and our angel — slowly, gently, yet persistently. And I was surprised. Even I had an angel here, it was my last translator. With more than amazement, yes, admiration, I went to bed exhausted. On the last day the sun suddenly shone friendly over the valley.

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How nice it was here all at once. Now my soul finally found satisfaction and relief. We all left as friends and enriched ourselves with the message that we should all be our faerie-selves, and that no one can take that from us. Chas and I loved these wonderful intelligent faeries here in China who were able to organize such an intense gathering. I was so impressed and wanted to carry this message around the world. The golden lion has really made his positive side resonate in us and brought us to enlightenment. Despite being relieved to leave the emotional intensity of the gathering, I also left with new wisdoms as I went back to the juggernaut of Beijing and into the Forbidden City.

This association already exists after Austrian Law since june We already announced this at the last Global Gathering in Fatherstone It will be one of the main topics of this gathering in Austria.

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But stars are made visible by darkness, and hope appears in all the unlikely places. We gather in the dark to light together the first beacon in the gloom. We will light a candle by the window to guide your way.

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This time, we will also experience in the sacred intimacy that Winter naturally inspires natural healing and deep relaxation in the warm waters of the thermal lake. The lake is a paradise, it is warm with more than degrees in winter. We are staying in a house near the town centre and within walking distance m from the thermal lake. Our Apartment has 3 double beds, 2 sofa beds and 4 twin beds for 14 people. Like all Faerie events, this is co-created and self-managed. Everyone is welcome to contribute.

Please bring sacred objects, ideas, fun things, and everything you need to make sure you will have a pleasant stay and we will all have a good time. No dogs or pets allowed.