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This important collection makes a compelling argument for the importance of theory in Native studies.
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Beyond Recognition. These narratives may bear the marks of their production in chaos, but they cannot be ignored, since they too represent discursive strategy. How do museums play into this? Is housing art a perpetuation of life, or at least part of it?

Theorizing Native Studies | Books Gateway | Duke University Press

Intellectual Promiscuity. The scope of the seminar was global while the impact was local, presumably Teaiwa It is in this way that academia acknowledges and honors its responsibility to the local Theories also transform through engagement. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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Theorizing Native Studies-Introduction.pdf - I NT Ro Du c...

Notify me of new posts via email. July 18, July 18, faerieguts. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Harvey Mudd College. Pitzer College. Keck Graduate Institute.

Pitzer Faculty Publications and Research. Authors Joseph D. Program International and Intercultural Studies Pitzer. Abstract Decolonizing feminism has its risks, and this edited collection provides an impressive overview useful for navigating effectively through the high-stakes political encounter of feminist work with native studies. Recommended Citation Parker, Joe. ISBN For the last several decades, the use of Western forms of intellectual analysis to explore the historical and contemporary circumstances of Indigenous peoples has been, for the most part, discouraged.

Despite a few tentative steps towards Marxist interpretations in the s and 70s, the use of theory in the field of Native Studies has been viewed as some sort of intellectual capitulation to the colonial mindset, an unwelcome and not particularly useful distraction from the 'real' business of protecting Aboriginal rights and fighting poverty. It has also not helped that many Indigenous activists have a deep-seated distrust of educated people in general, particularly those who might unseat them from their well-paid sinecures in the First Nations establishment.

However, the passage of time, combined with increased opportunities for post-secondary education, have produced a sizeable group of Indigenous scholars who are not only well-versed in various schools of theory, but are able to clearly articulate the rationale for their proper place in the broad field of Native Studies.

This anthology consists of an introductory chapter and ten chapters by individual scholars from across North America. The Introduction, as penned by editors Audra Simpson and Andrea Stewart, is a fine start to this collection.

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