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The Old Man Who Flirted with Young Waitresses book. Read 2 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. The Basic Story LineThe.
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As they were leaving the one who had grabbed my wrist yelled across the restaurant I was serving another table that I was an 'ugly cunt' anyway. He said it was a "calming" technique his family used. How creepy is that? They made it sound like I didn't have a choice and that being married is more important than being happy. I heard so many appalling statements from various people regarding wait times. One time that really sticks out in my mind was when the restaurant was short staffed. We were down one waitress who was late to her shift leaving us roughly tables short.

I, being the hostess, had to deal with the wrath of customers who were angry because they 'see plenty of open tables' and there was 'no reason they couldn't be seated. While explaining that those tables were unavailable at during this time, a man who was there with his wife and a teen daughter roughy my own age told me to 'hustle my buns back to a waiter' so he could 'address this personally with someone who was competent enough to be a host.

This was my first job and all I wanted was to do it right, which I was doing. To be treated like a lower class citizen as a young female, really terrified me and opened my eyes to how unfair women get treated in the work place. We had a few regular customers that I just couldn't stand — all white, cishet men in their 50s. One guy in particular used to come in and every time he would comment on every female employee's appearance, including:.

The Old Man Who Flirted with Young Waitresses by Frank J. Bruno

During his visits he also would regularly defer to male employees on any question of substance. Frequently I or a female coworker would answer a question about our products or something else coffee shop related and he would always ignore us and repeat the question for the nearest male coworker. They had a promotion on a certain drink and we had to wear promotional tops men had full long sleeve shirts, women had spaghetti strap vest tops they only came in one size, which was two sizes smaller than me. I was told I still had to wear it and I'm not a girl will a small bust.

It looked a bit obscene. Very few men looked me in the eye while I was serving behind the bar and more than one either spilled their drink or tried to make me spill the drinks when I was out on the floor collecting glasses. He and his friends were the first to enter the bar on a quiet Sunday evening. The customer paid no attention to my male colleague who was also working the bar, and decided to grab my attention by shouting 'Oi blondie' down at me from over the bar.

But after that I said 'I do have a name,' which was the wrong thing to say because after that of course he wanted to know it. I told him my name in an attempt to calm the situation a bit hoping that would be enough for him and he'd just order some drinks but instead what he decided to say was: 'Well then, Jess, feel free to flirt with me as much as you want while I'm here. I was 18 at the time this happened and this man was around 55 to 65 years old. He was with a group of men between the ages of 30 and 60, and none of which thought what he was doing was inappropriate.

A co-worker drove me home so I could get in his car without the creep spotting me he was parked on the opposite side of the building.

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The whole time he kept looking at my name tag and repeating my name, which isn't inherently bad but it felt so possessive I asked to have my tag changed to my middle name so it didn't feel so personal and invasive if people called me by first name. I was serving them, leaning over the table to pass plates etc, when one guy there with his family, his ELDERLY family grabbed my waist and whispered in my ear, "Are they tights or stockings? I'd like to find out. I was so shocked I very loudly exclaimed that they "were tights, thanks for asking," so his grandparents etc could hear. He found it funny and started laughing with his family at my expense, until I loudly told him I'd just turned 16, and did he still want to find out?

I immediately got him kicked out and was sooooo grossed out I almost threw up. He called me a bitch in the process. They said it was 'no job for a woman.

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Mind you I had to train the new maitre'd how to do his job and basically had been doing it for the past few months on my own. Thanks guys! Another time I was walking through cleaning a table and an acquaintance, drunk at this point, grabbed and hugged me.

Ask Dr. Marcia: He’s flirting with waitresses

He told me he was trying to get some, and then went straight for my lips. I hated that job anyway, but what really made it terrible was on man who came in when I was working by myself. I am a bigger chested woman I'm a size D cup with a small waist, and I'm numb to men staring at them without any sort of tact, but this guy was the worst. He was straight-up staring at them, stumbling over his words and even licking his lips.

Fortuna Russo. Fortuna is from New York. Get A Copy. Kindle Edition , pages. More Details Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Aug 18, Paula rated it it was amazing. Age Is Only A Number I spend a good amount of time reading and enjoy reading all types of books mystery, romance, sci-fi, fantasy, non-fiction, and more. When I read the description on the product page, I became intrigued by the set of characters that were introduced in the prologue.

Bruno offered a fresh Age Is Only A Number I spend a good amount of time reading and enjoy reading all types of books mystery, romance, sci-fi, fantasy, non-fiction, and more. Bruno offered a fresh storyline to an often redundant genre.

My Response

I had never read a romance novel with an older gentleman as the focal point and was impressed with how well the author developed the relationships between each of the characters. Flawless writing, smooth transitions, along with vivid descriptions of places and the personalities of characters in this novel make this one of the best reads of the summer. The relationships between parent and adult children, best friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, acquaintances, and of course lovers all come together to create a well-rounded and believable story thanks to this masterful storyteller.

Growing up with both my parents having Italian heritage and seeing the interaction with my grandparents and great grandparents as read I was reminded of so many conversations that I eavesdropped on as they sat around the kitchen table with company from the old country. It was refreshing to read about man's appreciation for the human form, lust, romance, sex, emotions, morals, character, etc. Best of all it was done without being vulgar or distasteful.

Flirting Waitress Disrupts Date - What Would You Do? - WWYD

I am looking forward to more great reads from this well versed and talented author. Aug 25, Julie Baswell rated it really liked it. His days were routine, breakfast with the guys, Sunday church with mama, Friday nights with his girlfriend. When Terry, his nineteen year old waitress, slips him her phone number, he eventually takes her out.

True to her word, Terry drops Roberto immediately upon Johnnie showing up. When she goes back to Johnnie though, Roberto realizes he must step up and fight for what he wants. This book was a pleasant surprise. I went in thinking the read would be totally different than it actually was. I liked Roberto from the start. All the surrounding characters were well-rounded and thought-out. I was rooting for Roberto and Terry to be together, but I also know how hormonal nineteen-year-old girls can be.

Without giving it away, I can only say that I loved the ending even though it left me wanting more.

The first time he did this, I asked him on the way home why he asked her when she could never know what he likes. He replied because she works there she would know what is good.

Knowing what won’t work is as useful as knowing what will

For one thing, having been a waitress in college, I know the chef asks them to push what they have a lot of. Second, everyone has different tastes and she does not know his. I find this extremely insulting to me. We were at a bar having a drink, and he asked the barely 22 year old bartender what wine SHE recommended.

I have tried several times to discuss with him how this makes me feel, and to the wine example, how absurd asking a barely drinking age barkeep her opinion. But the icing on the cake is, that if it is a guy behind the bar or waiting on our table; he will never ask.