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Paranormal Parlor is an eerie assemblage of affordable digital editions, The Ghost in the Cupboard Room: Paranormal Parlor, A Weiser Books Collection.
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The Ghost in the Cupboard Room - eBook -

The kitchen is all that a room of the kind in a village cottage should be, is not very large, and contains an ordinary wood stove, a large pine table, and a small washstand, has a door opening into the side yard near the stable, and another into the wash shed, besides the one connecting it with the dining room, making three doors in all, and one window. The fourth room is very small, and is used as a sewing room; it adjoins the dining room, and the parlor, and has a door opening into each.

Besides the four rooms on the first floor, there is a large pantry, having a small window about four feet from the floor, the door of this pantry opens into the dining room.

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Such is the arrangement of the first floor. Instead you will be treated to a story of a different ilk. In a very Clue-like scenario, the host invites several guests to take residence in the house for one night, the Twelfth Night of Christmas, each taking a room of their own--The Clock Room, The Cupboard Room, The Garden Room, and so on. Dickens also used this story as the setting for a collection of stories in which he commissioned various writers to take on a character and a room from the story he had written, and detail the character's encounter with the ghost of the room.

Watch for each of these stories to come in the Paranormal Parlor collection!

Here's the Latest Episode from GHOST MAGNET With Bridget Marquardt:

Ellen Streater was thrilled to play Joan of Arc, burning at the stake. It was for a good cause—to benefit the eerie old Clayton House, soon to reopen as a museum. They said the house was haunted. Ellen didn't believe it—until she felt a strange, icy feeling when she touched the beautiful Fairylustre bowl.

Then she saw the ghost in the mirror—a beautiful phantom who beckoned her into a nightmare beyond her wildest dreams. The Burt Award for African Literature is a new literary prize that the recognizes excellence in young adult fiction from Africa. He continued reading about the different methods of grafting, about how to cut and store and protect scions and what the best time for planting was. The light from the torch began to grow dim. Koku checked the time. It was almost midnight, he had been reading for almost two hours. He had to sleep now or he would never wake up on time in the morning for his lessons.

The Ghost in the Cupboard Room

He switched off his torch and turned unto his side still excited. He was dozing off when he heard a sound and sat up. He couldn't exactly say what it was but heard it. He got out of bed and tiptoed down to the hall. A light glowed dimly from the family room. Was it TV?

His parents forbade them from watching late night movies but occasionally he and Sena disobeyed them and sneaked downstairs anyway. But if it was TV how come there was no sound?

Om Haunted House of 1859

He stuck his head round the wall. Sena was behind the computer, her fingers pecking at the keyboard quickly. We proudly present to you, our first episode of Tales of the Strange!! Join me and the lovely hosts of Ghost Chronicles, Ron Kolek and Anne Kerrigan, as we gather round the radio-machine to discuss all manner of creatures real and imagined.

Tune in live tonight, Wednesday, March 22nd at 7 p. Good evening. Since my new book is about to get inked, I simply cannot sit still and have already begun working on another!

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The next one is focused on ghosts, paranormal parlor games, tricks and history, seances and forgotten lore. Got Ghosts?

Ghost activity while reading from my book

Happy Holidays, you weirdos! Me, a couple of freaky hosts, and a whole lot of banshees.