Manual Success With Body Language: Know What They Really Mean

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Mar 9, - You don't have to think about using body language to your advantage all day. That's definitely cool, because persistence is a trait most successful In short: Mimic my expressions and you'll better understand how I feel -- which means (Standing really closely, face to face, seems really confrontational.).
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Amy Cuddy demonstrates a power pose — spreading your arms wide to appear more powerful. Image from TED. There has been some debate recently as to whether power posing is actually effective. Read more here: Power posing replication failure. Making eye contact with your audience builds a connection between you and them and they feel more valued by you. This makes the audience more likely to respect and listen to you because they feel important.

Confident body language can also be used as a feedback loop. Making eye contact is the easiest to way to receive feedback from the audience about your speech. You can see if your audience are listening and read their facial expressions to see if they are interested, bored, angry, happy, and so on. You can then alter your speech accordingly based on the feedback you see. Without making eye contact, you could go through your whole speech irritating the audience!

Practice your eye contact in the virtual world with the VirtualSpeech app.

A heatmap shows you where you were looking. When used correctly, hand and arm gestures can help enhance your message and make you seem more confident and relaxed. Gestures amplify your stories and will help you come across as more genuine and believable. Hand gestures are one of the most clear non-verbal ways we communicate confident body language or nervous body language - and your audience will react more positively to the former.

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People depend on facial expressions to interpret motives and emotions so an audience will respond better to you if you are expressive. This is a bit like acting - you want to emphasize your expressions so that everyone in the audience can interpret meaning from them. You could film yourself speaking and identify artificial or unfriendly facial expressions you make when telling a story and replace them with more genuine, believable expressions. Try to practice speaking with your face to show happiness, sadness, anger, and surprise.

You Don't Say? Body Language Speaks Volumes More Than Words.

Your face should reflect the emotions within your stories. You may have mastered your poker face, and your facial expressions reveal nothing about your true emotions. It speaks volumes about your fear of presenting, and maybe even your insecurities. When your audience gets clued in, then you could very well lose your credibility.

How is that going to help you or your message? You and I both know the answer to this. The point is, if you want people to listen and engage with you during your presentation, then you have to initiate and show them how to! Have you ever come across someone who looked to be strict and unapproachable, but when they smiled at you, your perception instantly changed? Smiling, quite literally, can instantly change the way someone perceives you. When you smile, people often feel compelled to smile back at you.

It will cause your eyes to crinkle at the corners and light up your whole face. When you slouch, you literally look like you have the world on your shoulders. This is not the kind of image you want to portray to your audience. Standing up straight is really easy. Simply pull your shoulders back, tuck your stomach in, and lift your chin up.

You want your power poses to look as natural as possible.

7 Surprising Truths about Body Language

Therefore, you should try practicing your poses before your actual presentation. This is where you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your hips, and put your chin up. But the point is, this pose will help assert your authority in front of your audience. The stage is yours for the taking, so put it to good use. Rather, you want to move around from one spot to another. Sure, that can be your starting point, but after one slide or two, you may want to step out from behind and show yourself to your audience.

Some people use podiums as barriers to put a distance between themselves and their audiences. Facial expressions can do so much to help your audience connect with you as a person. Try talking in front of a mirror. Or better yet, video yourself while you practice your speech.

Then analyze your facial expressions. Or are you only going through the motions of presenting? So, show them and use facial expressions appropriately. Stuttering and mumbling are but natural side effects of nervousness.

Actors' Advice: Eye Contact for Body Language Success

If you want your message to be heard, then you need to stop for a moment and gather your thoughts. Take a deep breath before speaking. Speak loudly, speak clearly, speak confidently. This is how great presenters do it. The best way to combat this is by practicing your speech until you feel comfortable enough delivering it. Many people with accents manage to deliver their presentations perfectly!

Clear your mind and focus on the present as you take deep breaths.

So here are 5 body language tips that can help set you up for success in business and in life:

Be aware of your breathing — tell yourself to inhale and exhale. Breathing properly will help you pause or stop between ideas. It will also help you use the right pitch in your presentation. So, stop for a moment and breathe until you find yourself back in control. Some presenters are afraid of facing their audience, they tend to show their backsides more often than not. This right here is an example of bad body language during a presentation!

If you need to go do something on stage, you can try walking sideways — this will at least allow your audience to still get a glimpse of your face.

  1. Korea.
  2. 8 Elements of Confident Body Language!
  3. Start your free trial with Blinkist.
  4. Positive female body language!
  5. The effect body language can have on your Life & career.
  6. Body Language In Business: Decoding The Signals.

It might sound simple enough, but many presenters forget this simple tip. Pointing at your presentation slides will help your audience focus on you. Your body language says so much about you as a presenter. It can also make or break your presentation.