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Editorial Reviews. From the Inside Flap. Thisstarted out as the transcript of an imaginary poetry reading. I've never done apoetry reading and this may be as.
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What roles might peer-review play or not in the realm of digital publishing? All of these dialogic features have been made possible by Blogger. I knew what I wanted: a free, open-access publishing platform; simplicity and reliability; development potential; built-in troubleshooting; and Google visibility. I also experimented with WordPress which would have been equally well-suited to all of those needs but ultimately decided to begin designing the journal on Blogger for one key reason: I wanted Reconfigurations to embody and enact the digital aesthetic; to feel and function NOT like paper while also playfully invoking the aura of book culture where appropriate.

Our accomplishments, strengths, and weaknesses arguably turn upon that crux. We have effectively merged the antithetical worlds of small press and academic publishing.

Poetry Breaks: Charles Simic on His Writing Process

Each of our annual volumes gathers a rich array of works. As previously noted, three of our special features since have invited artists, writers, readers, editors, scholars, and publishers to participate in conversations facilitated via wikis, which I have launched and then curated on PBWorks. Those collaborations have been challenging and rewarding, especially with regard to our shared albeit contentious interests in digital media.

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We allowed several weeks for the conversation to unfold. During that time, I did my best to stay out of the way, checking in only once or twice to ask our guests if they would like to have more time. When they were ready to return the wiki to us, I lightly edited the format, added selected hyperlinks to underscore noted topics, and then sent the wiki out to my editors for an evaluation.

Everything about the creation, distribution, evaluation and use of digital scholarship and creative work must be re-imagined. Our wiki-conversational-special-features at Reconfigurations embody those qualities in vivid detail, as they animate clusters of WYSIWYG characteristics, including peer-reviewed, simultaneous, multi-platform publication; collaborative authorship curated by an editorial board; open-access and open-source content; multi-media and cross-disciplinary forms of discourse; and hypertext dialogue.

Should commentary become part of the content? Should open-access policies also welcome open-source permissions? Questions such as those call for advocacy and involvement, vigilance and serendipity. Scott Howard received his Ph. Image source: Wikipedia. Reconfigurations publishes a variety of images in our sidebar, some of which we obtain with permission from private collections; others, from open-access resources.

All of our policy and process information may be found on our sidebar, which also provides clusters of thematically organized links to a wide range of web resources, including: AWP and PennSound podcasts, booksellers and blogs, archives and libraries, gateways to other e-journals in the field, and so much more. The vastness of this contentious topic exceeds the scope of my work here. These cataloguing and indexing resources do not gather information about the overwhelming majority of electronic, small press literary arts journals.

Integrated circuit of Atmel Diopsis system c. This image bears a striking resemblance to the ubiquitous floor plan for a variety of buildings, including a library. John W. Roudiez, Critical Theory Since Plato , ed. Analog artifacts, of course, should be celebrated not only as partners, but as exemplars in the production of such co-creative fields of experience. All of our publications at Reconfigurations include two-way functionality and we encourage our readers to post their comments and questions, which we lightly moderate.

Image source: Tom Murphy; reproduced with permission. Kilby Circuit c.

Eichendorff, verlaine and the secularization of symbolist poetics

We welcome simultaneous submissions at Reconfigurations and have, in a few instances, arranged for simultaneous publication. Skip to main content Skip to quick search Skip to global navigation.

Poetics in a sentence

Quick search:. About Editors Subscribe Submit Contact. Current Archive About Editors Submit. Scott Howard. Volume 14 , Issue 2 , Fall Figure 1 [3].

naive advice for paisley rekdal by Stephanie Burt | Poetry Foundation

Figure 2 [5]. Figure 3 [6]. The phrase itself could be a line from one of his mature poems: matter-of-fact and bleakly funny, like the recoil from some inconclusive blow in a verbal joust. Aimlessly It pounds the shore. White and aimless signals. No One listens to poetry. Spicer wrote from that pounded shore, a site as geographic as it was Orphic. In bars and in his beloved Aquatic Park, Spicer actively and fractiously cultivated a highly social circle of poets and artists and influenced writers like Jack Gilbert and Richard Brautigan, who dedicated Trout Fishing in America to the poet.

Spicer was so committed to the local that he insisted on limiting the distribution of his publications to the Bay Area, as if poetry were a kind of community-supported agriculture. He also, presciently, refused copyright. Though his early lyrics are well wrought and often disarmingly beautiful, his mature writing is a vexed threshold of sense and nonsense, a jagged, pun-strewn, and sometimes harrowing crossroads of romance and straight talk, machines and the voices of the dead.

Beauty is so rare a th— Sing a new song Real Music A busted flush. A pain in the eyebrows. A Visiting card. Much of this difficulty is both explained and illuminated by his peculiar poetics. Unlike his Beat peers, Spicer did not believe that poetry should be the expression of an inspired and uncorked self. At the same time, the Vancouver lectures make clear that Spicer approached poetry as an effectively spiritual practice, one that demanded both an ascetic erasure of the personal and a practical engagement with the tradition of spiritualist poetics.

Spicer begins his first lecture with a description of the spirits that, in addition to inspiring W.

Spicer is probably bullshitting here—there is no evidence for the claim—but his desire to establish a West Coast tradition of oracular aesthetics is palpable. A native Californian whose adoptive parents belonged to a theosophical order, the older Duncan introduced Spicer to a nuanced but overtly magic approach to poetry—a literate and deeply aesthetic hermeticism that also cast a glamorous light on the gay demimonde that surrounded Duncan and drew the awkward Spicer out of his shell.

Linguistically sophisticated, a lover of puzzles, Spicer was content to treat the occult as another game, a contest of signs playing hide-and-seek with meaning. This fluctuation is fundamental to his poetry and accounts for much of its relevance and power.