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Among the short stories collected in the book are Love for $, about a man named Robert whose infatuation with a mannequin in a junk shop leads him but I can't really tell you want draws me so to reading his books and poems, Hemingway like, and who was Buk's idol, another staccato-talking tough guy, and all.
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When the Noise suddenly stops, Cade learns she is the product of an experiment and has been entangled since birth with a boy named Xan, now held captive in an area of space infested with black holes. With the help of a human smuggler, an alien captain, and his sentient ship, Cade sets out to rescue Xan. Rigg 13 lives a quiet life with his father in the backwoods, using his ability to see the trails left by animals and people anywhere from minutes to thousands of years earlier.

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The second story is that of starship captain Ram Odin, whose interspacial jump to a new colony planet causes a paradox with far-reaching consequences. The twin stories stretch across centuries in this fascinating series opener. Heap House by Edward Carey Ages 10—up The Iremonger family of Filching has made a fortune from junk, and the extensive family lives in a mansion constructed from salvaged materials.

Each Iremonger possesses a birth object like a sink plug or mustache cup that they must always keep close or face death or transformation. Clod is considered strange because he can hear the birth objects speak. Orphaned Lucy Pennant comes to Heap House as a servant, and Clod finds himself falling in love as he and Lucy uncover dark Iremonger family secrets.

Carleson Ages 12—up Laila 15 grew up believing she was a princess. When her father is killed in a coup and Laila and her mother escape from the war-torn middle east to the United States, she learns the rest of the world viewed her father as a cruel dictator. But Sophronia quickly realizes that the school, a giant dirigible floating above the moors, is not quite what her mother envisioned. Along with the other young ladies, Sophronia learns the skills of deceit, espionage, and assissination along with etiquette.

This skillful blend of paranormal and steampunk is the first in the Finishing School series. The floating school travels to London to witness a technological breakthrough: a new guidance valve that makes travel through the aetherosphere possible. She is plain, overweight, and has never done anything remarkable, though she does hold the rare and mysterious Godstone embedded in her stomach. Offered a safe marriage with a handsome neighboring king, Elisa agrees, but is surprised when she arrives to her new home and discovers that her husband wants to keep their marriage a secret.

Then Elisa is kidnapped by an invading army and realizes she is also being hunted by dark magicians. Instead of crumbling in the face of danger, Elisa grows in strength and resourcefulness. This engaging fantasy is the first in a planned trilogy.

The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson Ages 13—up Queen Elisa 17 fears there is a possible traitor in her palace and is being pressured by her council to either marry or give up her power to a regent. Evading assassination and kidnapping, Elisa is guided by the mysterious Godstone embedded in her navel to search for the zafira — the soul of the world and the source of all magic. This gripping romantic novel is the sequel to The Girl of Fire and Thorns. The Bitter Kingdom by Rae Carson Ages 13—up Queen Elisa 17 heads off to enemy territory with her companions to rescue the man she loves.

Meanwhile, a traitor at home plots to overthrow her. The journey takes the young sorcerer queen through the bitterly cold land of Invierne, where she she hopes to destroy the source of their magic and win peace, and to the Basajuan desert where peace will be even more difficult to attain. Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson Ages 13—up Leah 15 lives in an isolated part of Georgia with her ailing parents in the early s.

Leah has the ability to know when gold is near, and uses her talent to support her parents. When a gold rush hits Dahlonega, her parents are murdered, and Leah flees her uncle who wants to utilize her talents. Disguised as a boy, Leah joins a wagon train headed to California with her friend Jefferson, who is half-white and half-Cherokee. This exciting adventure is the first in the Gold Seer trilogy. Graceling by Kristin Cashore Ages 14—up People with special talents, called Gracelings, are identified by their unusual eyes.

Katsa has one green and one blue eye, but it is not until she is eight that her special talent is discovered—killing. By age 18 she is henchwoman to the king.

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Instigations, by Ezra Pound.

Hating her job, Katsa creates a secret council to work against corrupt power. Teens and adults struggling to put their own talents to good use will enjoy this riveting novel. Fire by Kristin Cashore Ages 14—up Fire, an orphan with hair as red as her name, can control the minds of everyone around her. Young King Nash is barely holding on to his throne, while rebel lords in the north and south build armies in hopes of taking over the throne. This suspenseful and romantic companion volume prequel to Graceling , shares one pivotal character. The house is build into a green hillside, and has a yew tree as one wall.

Clare discovers that the tree has a door, and Finn, a sort-of-human boy, lives on the other side. This luminous fantasy is often quite scary. She is invisible and helpless. Then Anke makes the volleyball team at school and her confidence builds until she begins to hope that her voice will soon be loud enough to rescue everyone at home, including herself.

This powerful novel in poems is devastating yet offers empowerment and hope. Narrated by the nameless elderly author, this engaging examination of love and the art of storytelling is intricately told. The Testing is an intensive mental and physical trials to choose the best and the brightest youth to attend the university and work to repair the damage to their world by the Seven Stages of War. Fat Angie by E. Charlton-Trujillo Ages 14—up Angie, a high school freshman, is bullied at school and belittled by her mother and adopted brother. When KC Romance, a beautiful new transfer student dressed in bad girl clothes arrives in Dryfalls, Ohio, the unlikely pair bonds over shared broken homes, troubled pasts, and love for classic TV shows.

The friendship blooms into romance between the two girls who have learned to look beneath the surface to the true person hidden inside. When We Was Fierce by E. Charlton-Trujillo Ages 14—up Theo 15 lives in a bad neighborhood full of drugs and rival gangs. When he witnesses the brutal attack on a mentally-impaired young man he tries to help and is badly beaten up. Along with his friends, T is in the spotlight of both the police and the gangs. This unflinching novel of survival is narrated mainly in street dialect. When Sefia is 15, Nin is kidnapped, leaving her completely alone.

None of her survival skills help her discover where Nin has been taken. The only clue is the strange rectangular object her father left behind. She learns that the strange object, bound paper covered with symbols, is called a book. Reading and writing are unheard of in the land of Kelanna, but Sefia is determined to decipher the hidden secrets of the book. He sets off with Carl Sagan to the Southwest High-Altitude Rocket Festival in New Mexico, where he meets other space fanatics and persuades two new adult friends to take him to Las Vegas in search of his perhaps-dead father, where he learns the truth about his family.

Ror never attended high school, but she learned about art and literature from her father and longs to be an artist.

When her father burns down their home and himself in , Ror and her mother are left homeless and nearly penniless. Ror meets Trey, a street artist, and becomes fascinated with graffiti.

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She finds the art form a perfect channel for expressing her grief, but worries about being caught. With the help of classmate Clancy Crew, Ruby ventures out to prevent the theft of a priceless jade Buddha. This clever novel packed with puzzles is the first in a new adventure series.

Ruby Redfort is the fictional heroine of Clarice Bean. The twist is that the school caters to the descendents of the Greek gods and goddesses, cleverly mixing mythology into the usual high school cliques.

  • Inuyashiki #4.
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  • Forbidden Worlds #46.
  • the Licking River - a paddlers journal;
  • See a Problem??

Stolen by Lucy Christopher Ages 14—up This intense psychological thriller begins when Gemma 16 , steps away from her British parents for a moment at a layover in the Bangkok Airport, to get a cup of coffee. Ty, the handsome young Australian who pays for her coffee seems oddly familiar. After drugging the coffee, Ty whisks Gemma away to the home he has built in the isolated Australian outback, believing he is rescuing her from her shallow parents and a city life in London where she could never be happy.

At first repelled by both her kidnapper and her new environment, Gemma slowly warms to both as she realizes she must either come to terms with her new reality or die trying to fight it. The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco Ages 12—up When Tea accidentally resurrects her brother from the dead, Tea learns she is a bone witch, able to raise and control the dead. Her fearful power cause her to be ostracized by her community.

An older bone witch takes Tea and her brother to another land for training. This dark fantasy is the first in the Bone Witch series. The Girl from the Well by Rin Chupeco Ages 14—up Okiku, a vengeful spirit, wanders the world in search of those who abuse and murder children, killing them in order to free the souls of the tormented children. Okiku discovers that Tark Halloway 15 is possessed by a violent spirit. Okiku feels an unexpected fondness for Tark and his cousin Callie, and their journey to Japan allows Okiku to confront her own tragic origin. This scary tale is based on a Japanese legend.

But Brendan secretly struggles with his desire to sometimes be a girl. Then Brendan meets transgendered Angel, who introduces Brendan to terms like gender identity.


As the two grow older, Clementine feels guilty about her own luck and financial security. Clementine goes to university while the ever more depressed Fan suffers through an unhappy teenaged marriage and children before she is ready for them. This heart-felt novel captures the powerlessness of children to change their circumstances while celebrating the power of friendship illustrated by the bond between the cousins despite their different situations.