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Interactive guide to the most popular gemstones. Welcome to the mobile gemstone detail pages. Please select a gemstone from the list below.
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Generally, gemstones with clear, medium-tone, intense and saturated primary colors are most preferred. Of course, gemstones come in many different shades and colors, so it's possible to find one that perfectly matches what you're looking for. The appearance of inclusions in the gem.

Gem Encyclopedia

Inclusions can look like small spots or imperfections within the actual stone. Some gems, such as emeralds, are more likely to have inclusions. Other gemstones, such as aquamarine and topaz, generally have very few inclusions, or even none at all. The weight of the gemstone. It's important to recognize that some gems are more dense than others. This means different types of gems that are similar in size may still differ greatly in value. For example, a one carat ruby very dense is going to be smaller than a one carat emerald less dense.

Guide to Diamonds - Sheila Fleet Jewellery

The best and safest way to keep your gemstone jewelry clean is to bring it in to your local Helzberg Diamonds store, any time, for a complimentary cleaning and inspection. We're happy to keep your jewelry shining bright. And if your jewelry or stone is vintage or antique, damaged, cracked, or broken, or of very high value, it's best to let the professionals take care of it for you. For cleaning at home, it's best to start with the most mild treatments first. Using a jewelry polishing cloth, wipe lightly over the areas that need a polish. If you don't have a polishing cloth, svelte fabric will work.

But make sure you don't use facial tissue or paper towels, as the fibers in these kinds of materials can actually cause scratches and degrade the quality of your jewelry.

For best results, use lukewarm water, as hot water may react with cleaning fluids or otherwise cause discoloration. And never use cleaning agents! According to many legends, gemstones and birthstones are said to possess mystical healing powers. While in modern times we often wear our birthstone all year long, in the old days it was recommended that you own all twelve stones and alternate them monthly so you were always getting the full effect of that month's magic. Not all gemstones are birthstones. Helzberg Diamonds also has collections of other gemstones, including popular moissanite.

If you have more questions about gemstones and caring for your gemstone jewelry, stop by your local Helzberg store. And this is what gives the gems, apart from their exquisite beauty and appearance, their powers. Gemstones have been believed to hold metaphysical properties, alter our moods, increase positive energy in your home , and remedy a spectrum of ailments for thousands of years.

If you want to benefit from the powers of the gem, it is important that you choose the right stone. Do you want your heart to be more open? Or do you feel like you want to be calmer or attract abundance, success, protection, health, and happiness? Also, you need to recognize which crystals you naturally gravitate toward. Chakras, symbolic of our sacred energy centers within , link to the healing properties of specific gemstones for time immemorial. Consulting a healing guide is a great way to figure out which crystals to use. It resonates with Crown Chakra , as well as Third Eye Chakra , which opens up the gateway to divine consciousness , and higher intuition , and let you connect to your spirituality.

It also helps to relieve stress and anxiety and can help with mood swings, and immunity. The Amethyst Crystal can be especially great for people with the following zodiac signs: Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, and Capricorn. These heart-healing qualities are the most prominent energy associated with rose quartz. No other gem has the same powers to help you to dissolve painful memories related to love.

Yet, rose quartz is not just a healing stone, it also attracts and keeps love as well as protects relationships. Besides, Green Jade is a protective stone and will ward off negative energies that surround you. It can also show you how you can enhance your creativity and how you can be more resourceful. It will encourage you to not listen to your self-imposed limitations and will support you in achieving your goals and manifest your dreams into reality.

The Green Jade is the traditional zodiac stone for those born in the heart of spring under the zodiac sign Taurus. It is used for anything and everything. Clear Quartz is translucent and clear and can heal issues at your physical, mental, emotional or soul level. It brings in divine white light and connection to higher-self, higher consciousness, higher wisdom, and unconditional pure love.

There are no zodiac signs directly related to the Clear Quartz. Nonetheless, this crystal can temper the stubbornness of Capricorns and the power lust of Leo. Everything about this stone emanates optimistic energy and joy and this gem will help to fend off any negative energy that comes your way. It will give you inspiration and increase your energy and drive.

So, if you want to feel joyful and sunny, carry your citrine gem with you! It heals physically, spiritually, and emotionally and repels lower harmful frequencies by creating an electrical force field around your aura. It will absorb negativity and transmute it into positive energy. Calling all drama queens! As soon as you touch a hematite gem, you will feel more grounded and calm. It will remove any negative feelings caused by stress or anxiety and will make you feel calm and centered again.

In addition, you can use Hematite to cleanse the blood and supports circulation. The warm and energizing vibes of this stone will jumpstart a slow nervous system and will give a boost to your energy centers. The Hematite Crystal can be especially great for people with the following zodiac signs: Aries and Aquarius. Moonstone is a soft, feminine stone that increases intuition , promotes inspiration , success and good fortune. It helps you to unlock the energy of the Moon that resides within you, thereby soothing emotional instability and stress, and stabilizing the emotions , providing calmness.

Aquamarine is a very empowering crystal. It will strengthen the energies between your heart and throat, which enhances clarity, a better understanding of yourself and your inner truth.

  1. Gemstone Guides | Astley Clarke?
  2. Gemstone: Comprehensive guide to Gemstones.
  3. 9 Most Famous Gemstones and How to Use Them.
  4. Gemstone Guide.
  5. What are Gemstones?.
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As the gems emit energetic vibrations that impact your mood and feelings, you have to work with them. Another way to work with your stones is by adding your favorite gem to your drinking water. Please keep in mind that some gems are unsafe to use in elixirs malachite, for example. Therefore it is important that you do your homework first.

GIA’s Guide to Gemstones: Gem Encyclopedia

But there are gemstones that are actually used to purify water, like Shungite. You can also use your gems to decorate and increase positive energy in your home. Make a healing tray, a prayer tray, or an alignment tray, with flowers gems or candles.

I also use my gem s tones to boost my yoga practice. Just place your crystals and gems around your mat as you practice or on an altar in your practice room. Have fun and enjoy the process of using what you have and collecting. Based on the above, we can conclude that gemstones are not just exquisite pieces of jewelry, they also contain an abundance of healing powers. When it comes to choosing your gemstone, find out which gem has the powers that fit your needs, but also you need to recognize which crystals you naturally gravitate toward.

Just choose the gem that resonates with you and use it along with your healing journey toward a happier, healthier life!