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Apr 1, - "In my view, it's irreverence, foolish confidence and naivety combined with "The greatest fools are ofttimes more clever than the men who laugh at them. "If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid. .. animals as a technology" sounds insanely ambitious, or just plain insane.
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So, I figure I needed resources and then it hit me … Human Resources.

Why Being Naive Can Make Your Fortune - Copyblogger

I asked human resources and needless to say the whole place turned upside down because I asked a question. Besides all that, in our test runs we have had a higher standard of living than we did at home. Nicer kitchens to cook in man I love a good kitchen. Nice houses in nice neighborhoods.

Posh stereos and luxurious baths. Most folks who need a house-sitter live in nicer houses than we do. And some of them, oddly enough, go on vacation during the nicest weather of the year can you say Vancouver BC in August, instead of being at home in NorCal, at degrees? And this is one of the many reasons why I love your work, Sonia. Thing is, I expect the most out of me. Sonia, what a great article. Then her had a change of opinion when he saw the plan work. I now employ a similar strategy in my own business…and it still works. Funny how one can go from being clueless to genius in a short span of years.

I want to touch one! Thanks for this great perspective! The corporation I used to work for used The Art of Possibility as part of a leadership training course that I taught there. I also recently left my corporate job during difficult economic times to pursue my passion! Naive means being able to see the possibilities and believe that you can make it happen. When you look at it, a lot of those that are successful would have been called naive when they started. It is just once they proved that they were right to the skeptics, everyone then thinks it is just common sense.

New goal for myself — try to be naive. James I agree common sense is what we call it naive. Naive nature allows us to see things differently and more clear even. We must act like kids. Have a child within us.. They naive and belief system is so much stronger than we adults do have.. Utterly loved this. It took me back to a place I remember far too well, and then shot me forward hopefully to my not too distant future as I embark on my own.

Thanks for all of it! Excellent article!

For those who want to accomplish extraordinary things, April Fool's Day is a day to celebrate.

Being naive in this sense means thinking outside of the realm of acceptable business practices or dinosaur thinking depending on how you look at it. I also liked the fact that the importance of treating your employees well was included. Good managers and owners know that this is hardly naive behavior. But, compassion, kindness and employee appreciation do often get overlooked if it perceived to interfere somehow with the bottom line.

Is Your Kindness Viewed As Weakness?

One of my fondest memories from a past life in Corporate America is a time when my boss called me into his office and told me I was being too customer oriented. You are always good for an uplifting post. I think being naive is one of the big reasons that people become so successful with their entrepreneurial ventures. I love my day job. And my new wife. And the role I have in my church.

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The Richard Branson references brought back some memories — as the band I run were one of the first suppliers that his Virgin Bride company put on their recommended suppliers list. So she took the idea to Richard Branson. Not only did he run with the idea, he made her VP of Virgin Bride, or an equally senior position. Thanks Paul! And you know what?

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It worked! When we were bought by another company and I was no longer allowed to do it my way, I jumped and now do my thing my way. You said a great deal. I would throw one word into the mix that has helped me more than any other over the last 30 years in business — Balance! Like You, I understand the corporate world; but 30 years of experience has shown me the things I have done right and what I would have done differently.

Balance is the Key — easy to say…hard to do. Thanks again…. How did we miss each other in the hallway? I love this post.

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  5. It reminded me of all the people who lined up to feed me my dose of practical, mature advice on leaving Corporate Money World to become an independent artist. Is it hard? Hell yeah. But the thing I could never give up now is the flexibility I have to try new things.

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    He was a weird, weird dude. My own joy at work, and the beginning of the expansion of my business came when I started to write about things that I really, truly wanted to say but was too afraid to in the corporate setting. I say, please run the world. Thank you for lifting the curtain of false perceptions and providing a brilliant and intelligent explanation of the benefits in being naive.

    For example, in a cut-throat business environment, caring emotionally and personally for another human being is considered naive and a sign of weakness. However, I believe caring is powerful. In my opinion, you will be able to see the situation from their point of view. You are now listening really listening and being proactive and able to meet and exceed their expectations.

    Yes, you can, but you have to care. You get your work done so much quicker. You waste your time. In regards to business tactics, legal strategies and negotiations you need to take caring a step further. You need to love in order to remove yourself emotionally from the situation and put yourself in the other person shoes.


    This will allow you to recognize legal strategies, deception and tactics so much quicker, which you will need in order to be proactive. I think the only truly naive people are the ones who think their stories are already written. Following your own path is brave, not naive. Inspiring story, its always uplifting to stumple upon a post that lifts you up and and carries you forward, thanks. Great post, also I was just thinking about reading The Art of Possibility again, its a wonderful book.

    Very inspiring to someone who has just left the world and is looking at opportunities to fly solo. Interesting how the universe works — my blog takes a similar point of view. People are what matter and we need to be in control of our thoughts, actions and activities and not have them dictated by the PTBs Powers that be Why are they in Power anyway — because they said? Thanks for the great blogs. I enjoy reading them. Love to hear any comments on it, or how people have created teams that ask the naive and curious questions that so often lead to gold!

    Game over for me too. While there is some built in redundancy, you use most of the thing, just not all at the same time! Several times, in fact it hit me in the face yesterday after reading some old emails when I was thrown into a scuba business and had no clue what the 2nd stage was at the time. Well I prevailed then and try to swim above water now. No harm in that, right? Great post, Sonia, by the way. I spent years in a corporate environment thinking they actually wanted to get it done right!

    What was I thinking?! But somehow we had the manpower to answer the complaint call, forward it to 3 different people, have a meeting about what we should do about it, then fix it only half right, then get another complaint about it only being fixed half right, foward to 3 … and round and round. That is why I am doing as you are and throwing in the corporate towel and starting my own thing…. This is awesome. My friends all called me Naive for leaving everything behind to move to a new country on the complete opposite side of the world with no plans or anything.

    Now they are jealous of the life I have. Now who are the naive ones? Perfect, Sonia. I would never have lived in paradise. I would never have lived my dream.