Guide Fire on the Horizon: A Meditation on the Endowment and Love of Atonement

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Fire on the Horizon and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle.​ Fire on the Horizon: A Meditation on the Endowment and Love of Atonement Paperback – June 11, ​ Book Description: Blake Ostler, author of the groundbreaking Exploring Mormon Thought series.
Table of contents

Needs arise only when you deprive yourself.

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You act according to the particular order of needs you establish. This, in turn, depends on your perception of what you are. A sense of separation from God is the only lack you really need correct. This sense of separation would never have arisen if you had not distorted your perception of truth, and had thus perceived yourself as lacking. The idea of order of needs arose because, having made this fundamental error, you had already fragmented yourself into levels with different needs.

As you integrate you become one, and your needs become one accordingly. Unified needs lead to unified action, because this produces a lack of conflict. Jesus speaking in the Text. The idea of orders of need, which follows from the original error that one can be separated from God, requires correction at its own level before the error of perceiving levels at all can be corrected.

You cannot behave effectively while you function on different levels. However, while you do, correction must be introduced vertically from the bottom up. Ultimately, space is as meaningless as time. Both are merely beliefs.

The real purpose of this world is to use it to correct your unbelief. You can never control the effects of fear yourself, because you made fear, and you believe in what you made. In attitude, then, though not in content, you resemble your Creator, Who has perfect faith in His creations because He created them. Belief produces the acceptance of existence. That is why you can believe what no one else thinks is true. It is true for you because it was made by you. All aspects of fear are untrue because they do not exist at the creative level, and therefore do not exist at all.

To whatever extent you are willing to submit your beliefs to this test, to that extent are your perceptions corrected.

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In sorting out the false from the true, the miracle proceeds along these lines:. Perfect love casts out fear. If fear exists, Then there is not perfect love. Only perfect love exists. If there is fear, It produces a state that does not exist. Believe this and you will be free. Only God can establish this solution, and this faith is His gift. When you have been restored to the recognition of your original state, you naturally become part of the Atonement yourself.

As you share my unwillingness to accept error in yourself and others, you must join the great crusade to correct it; listen to my voice, learn to undo error and act to correct it. The power to work miracles belongs to you. I will provide the opportunities to do them, but you must be ready and willing. Doing them will bring conviction in the ability, because conviction comes through accomplishment. The ability is the potential, the achievement is its expression, and the Atonement, which is the natural profession of the children of God, is the purpose.

The forgiven are the means of the Atonement. Being filled with spirit, they forgive in return. Those who are released must join in releasing their brothers, for this is the plan of the Atonement. The miracle is a learning device that lessens the need for time.

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It establishes an out-of-pattern time interval not under the usual laws of time. In this sense it is timeless. The miracle is the only device at your immediate disposal for controlling time. Only revelation transcends it, having nothing to do with time at all. The miracle minimizes the need for time.

Journal of Book of Mormon Studies; - Vol. 2 - Num. 1

In the longitudinal or horizontal plane the recognition of the equality of the members of the Sonship appears to involve almost endless time. However, the miracle entails a sudden shift from horizontal to vertical perception. This introduces an interval from which the giver and receiver both emerge farther along in time than they would otherwise have been. The miracle thus has the unique property of abolishing time to the extent that it renders the interval of time it spans unnecessary.

There is no relationship between the time a miracle takes and the time it covers. The miracle substitutes for learning that might have taken thousands of years. It does so by the underlying recognition of perfect equality of giver and receiver on which the miracle rests.

The miracle shortens time by collapsing it, thus eliminating certain intervals within it. It does this, however, within the larger temporal sequence. There is nothing about me that you cannot attain. I have nothing that does not come from God. The difference between us now is that I have nothing else. This leaves me in a state which is only potential in you. The statement is more meaningful in terms of a vertical rather than a horizontal axis.

Fire on the Horizon: A Meditation on the Endowment and Love of Atonement - eBook

You stand below me and I stand below God. I bridge the distance as an elder brother to you on the one hand, and as a Son of God on the other. My devotion to my brothers has placed me in charge of the Sonship, which I render complete because I share it. Revelations are indirectly inspired by me because I am close to the Holy Spirit, and alert to the revelation-readiness of my brothers. I can thus bring down to them more than they can draw down to themselves.

The Holy Spirit mediates higher to lower communication, keeping the direct channel from God to you open for revelation. Revelation is not reciprocal. It proceeds from God to you, but not from you to God. It is very difficult to become convinced that it is insanity not to see what is there, and to see what is not there instead.

You do not doubt the images they show you are reality. Your faith lies in the darkness, not the light.


How can this be reversed? For you it is impossible, but you are not alone in this. Your awakening procedure, as you advance through the curriculum, must emphasize the fact that you are not alone. As long as you continue to try to organize, manage your affairs and make decisions by yourself, on your own terms, you will be frustrated and peace will elude you.