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Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri VETERINARY HERBAL MEDICINEISBN ISBN
Table of contents

This is part of what we mean by "holistic" or "complementary" medicine. Hopefully, more and more physicians are becoming educated in the use and value of such techniques, and are willing to work with non-conventional practitioners in a cooperative fashion. We hope that the 21st century will usher in a new era of integrative oncology rather than the competition between different medical paradigms that marked the 19th and 20th centuries. It is my hope that this book will play a role in bringing about this inte-. Finally, I want to address some words to the cancer patient who has picked up this book.

If you are fighting cancer now, I wish you success in your struggle. I know that cancer is a formidable foe. But in the course of my career I have also known individuals with extremely advanced cancers who have turned the tide in the most unpromising of situations. Of course, we both know that this is more than just a matter of taking a few herbs.

There has to be a skillful application of a number of approaches, orthodox, — experimental and unconventional, and of faith not just in a higher power, but in one's healers and their methods. If you are battling cancer, I hope that this book will contribute to your knowledge and lift your spirits.

I strongly urge you and your caregivers not to despair, but to keep searching, struggling and hoping. It is my firm belief that there are answers, if we use our intelligence, energy, and intuition to seek them out. Instead of assuming that the medieval pharmacist was a benighted fool, we might wonder whether there was not sometimes a justification for his strange procedure. Cancer is a disease of great antiquity. Some people have called cancer a "disease of civilization" and attribute its rise to industrialization and pollu- tion.

This definitely has something to do with it. However, there is evi- dence that animals, even in the wild, also develop cancer. Bone cancer was detected in a dinosaur bone discovered in Wyoming in There may even be a form of cancer in plants. How prevalent is cancer in animals? A survey found cancer in 2. Some wild animals also get cancer.

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For example, certain strains of wild Asian mice developed breast cancer with alarming frequency, 80 to 90 percent of the individuals. Malignant melanoma has been found in the eye of a wild penguin and hawk Wild kangaroos have been found with cancer a red-tailed in their livers Chondrosarcoma was discovered in the eye of a great white heron And as for wild skunks The evidence for thisis circumstantial, but intriguing.

Animals have long been known, anecdotally at least, to seek out healing herbs. As we shall see, the greatest American herb con- troversy centered on exactly such claims — that an ailing stallion discovered a complicated herbal remedy known as the Hoxsey formula. Primates, such as the Japanese macaques, eat mineral-rich earths, luxuri- ously bathe in hot springs on snowy winter days, and smear a honey-like substance on wounds.

They perform simple "surgery" on cuts and their bruises using sticks Crude toothpicks have been found dating back 1.

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A zoopharmacognosist who studies such behavior professionally humorously called this type of behavior "practicing medicine without a license. When they are ready to mate, however, they switch to plants with steroid compounds that promote fertility. Indigenous tribes in that part of South America employ identical compounds for their own birth control. In the mids, Harvard anthropologist Richard Wrangham observed chimpanzees in the Gombe National Park in Tanzania making special trips to find a type of sunflower called Aspilia.

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This is a virtually inedible plant, yet sometimes chimps chewed or even swallowed its leaves whole. Astonishingly, Aspilia was found to contain an oil called thiarubrine-A, which has the ability to kill many types of bacteria, fungi, and parasitic worms. This same leaf is also used by the local human population for many therapeutic purposes.

But that's not all. This combination of animal and human use led scien- tists to further explore the nature of thiarubrine-A.

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They found that it has "significant anticancer activity as well" It's an intriguing possibility. And this is not the only instance. Vemonia amygdalina is another plant eaten by wild chimpanzees. Certain bitter chemicals in the leaf called sesquiterpene lactones are now being investigated as both antimicrobial and antitumor agents A related species, Vemonia cinerea, called purple flea- bane, happens to be a folk remedy for cancer in India.

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Angelica sinensis, the famous Dong Quai, has a strong reputation in China as a treatment for can- cer of the cervix, esophagus, lung and nose And it also contains sesquiterpene lactones. It's a good guess that the use of plants with antitumor activity predates modern civilization by eons and may even indicate one way we could dis- cover useful plants in the future.

There is also cancer as far back in human history as we can look. British scientists reported signs of a similar kind of cancer osteochondroma in a Neolithic human skeleton Utah scientists found the telltale signs of a metastatic nasopharyngeal cancer in a prehistoric Great Basin hominid skele- ton. Five cases of malignant bone cancer have been identified among pre- historic skeletons in Japan. The from the "Jomon" period 5th oldest case, or 4th millennium BC to around BC on Honshu Island, showed clear signs of a metastatic malignant bone tumor in the skull In , archeologists found an isolated, calcified tumor among a group — of human remains a calcined uterine leiomyoma.

They dated it as 5, years old Signs of metastatic prostate cancer were found in a cremated pelvis dating from the 1st century AD Roman antiquity, medieval Canterbury, pre-Columbian Chile, "precontact" Hawaii wherever you — look you find signs of ancient cancer. Most of these are bone cancers or bone metastases, for the simple reason that skeletons are all that usually remain of prehistoric corpses.

They speak to us eloquently about human suffering 6, We can also assume that our distant ancestors were seeking cures among the herbs, just as, we are. Tyler, "probably began with the earliest stirrings of thought and reason in the brains of humanoid creatures the forerunners of — Homo sapiens" Discoveries made at Shanidar in the Zagros mountains give a strong indication that even Neanderthal man practiced some form of herbal medicine Humans turned to plants initially for food, of course, but while some of these were rejected as unpalatable, they "were found nevertheless to exert interesting physiological effects on those who consumed them," says Tyler Some of the obvious plants of this sort were coffee beans Coffea spp.

Here we are on shaky ground, of course, but it is likely that some plants were similarly found which seemed to suppress the growth of tumors, or at least. Others, like bloodroot, when smeared on a strange skin growth, were proba- bly found to eat away and destroy it. It might have taken centuries, millennia, eons before such crude observations were systematized into the powerful oral traditions of folk medicine. About 4, years ago this folk tradition began to be written down, in China and Egypt at first, and later in Babylonia, Coffea arabica Israel, Africa, Greece and Rome.

Shamans, the magic coffee workers who still exist in many cultures, gradually evolved into medical herbalists. In the last few hundred years these herbal- ists have evolved into medical botanists, pharmacognosists, and molecular biologists. As back as we go in the written medical records as well, we find men- far.

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Indeed, as Dr. Jonathan Hartwell wrote, to study the history of cancer is to study not just the history of med- icine but of humanity itself. Every ancient culture except, for inexplicable. We often speak glibly of "Western medicine," but this type of medicine has its roots in Western Asia and Africa, especially among the ancient Sumerians, Assyrians, and Egyptians.

Wallis Budge , the great Egyptologist, has said that an official School of Herbalists probably existed in Egypt as early as 3, BC. These are among the oldest and most important historical documents in the world. They reveal that the ancient Egyptians had an advanced medical system as well as a Materia Medica, or descriptive list of healing substances.

About five-sixths of the ingredients in their formulas were of herbal ori- gin. Nevertheless, popular attention has focused on some of the more "dis- gusting" elements. These included the dung of asses, dogs, pigs, gazelles, and crocodiles, as well as other evil-smelling and evil-tasting stuff The same type of ingredients have been found in Babylon, Greek, Syrian, and even some more modern European Herbals.

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You can even find bat dung and equally strange ingredients in some Chinese formulas that have been sold on the American market. Such "weirdness" has been used to smear herbal medicine in general. We also know that cancer existed in ancient Egypt. There is a possible histiocytoma in the skin of the heel and a squamous papilloma of the hand of an Egyptian mummy , In fact, the Ebers Papyrus discusses can- cer and makes a number of recommendations for its treatment.

This includ- ed precursors of most of today's methods, including surgery, cautery, min- erals, and herbs. The Egyptians even knew about photosensitizing agents,. Some of the diagnoses in the Ebers Papyrus have been proven right over the years —they are "surprisingly accurate," according to the Encyclopedia Britannica I am particularly intrigued by a recent development that confirms how astute the Egyptians could be.

In cancer, the Egyptians relied upon an ointment made up of arsenic trioxide and vinegar. In fact this became known as Unguentum Aegypticum, or the Egyptian ointment. It remained in use until the 16th century ad , The Renaissance surgeon Fabricius Hildanus is said to have been the first to -reject the use of this treatment. But Benjamin Rush, MD, signer of the Declaration of Independence and first US Army surgeon gen- eral, was still using an arsenic paste for external cancers and it remained in. The Eclectic physicians used arsenic iodide form of Fowler's solution to treat the burning pain internally in the of stomach cancer, three drops once every three hours So prevalent was the use of arsenic that in a historian stated that ancient cancer remedies "have invariably been found to consist of arsenic, zinc or the alkaline caustics" Even pathologist James Ewing, MD, stated in that in cases of Kaposi's sarcoma "arsenic is believed to be of some value" Coming from him that was high praise indeed.

Arsenic-containing Fowler's solution was still being used to treat cancer at Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center in the s.

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Fast forward to Leading scientists in Shanghai, China announce that they have discovered a startling new cure for a form of leukemia — arsenic. It turned out that this historic treatment never died out in rural China. In , Chinese scientist Z. Fifteen APL patients who had relapsed after standard treat- ment were given arsenic intravenously. There was a complete response in nine out of ten of the patients treated with arsenic alone.

The remaining five had complete responses with a combination of arsenic and standard chemotherapy. Essentially, this is the same prescription an Egyptian doctor would have made 5, years ago. Of course, it needs to be stated that herbs were never the totality of any cancer doctor's repertoire. In ancient times they also believed in a multi- modality approach, including magic, witchcraft, and astrology.

The Egyptians were a highly religious people and they held definite views about the religious or what we would term the psychosomatic origin of illnesses. They thought that sickness was brought about by the intervention of evil spirits. Knowledge of healing herbs and of medicine in general was. In fact, the intertwined serpents that eventually became the Caduceus, symbol of the medical profession, had its origin as the emblem of the Sumerian god Ningishzida, son of Ninazu, Master-physician. The pharmacopoeia of the Greeks and Romans consisted mainly of plants.

But starting in the Greco-Roman world there was a struggle between herbal and mineral treatments. In general, botanical treatment was seen as democratic, since herbs are available to all for the picking. Mineral or chemical treatments required more specialized skills and usually involved more side effects. It was thus seen as elitist. Greco-Roman physicians knew a great deal about cancer.