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The definitive guide to adapting cosmetic procedures to skin of color A Doody's Core Title for ! "This book is informative about treating patients with darker skin and I would recommend it to any dermatologist who sees these patients. The.
Table of contents

In particular, the postinflammatory pigmentation chapter gives the reader an incredible amount of information in a very small amount of print. The cosmeceuticals chapter gives great background on many products being used by our patients and on how to best manage these products in the perioperative or periprocedural course. Dark brown or black raised plaques found on the skin of the face and neck dermatosis papulosa nigra are an extremely common issue in skin of color and are completely benign. They represent one of the more common requests for removal in my practice, often as an incidental treatment with other forms of facial rejuvenation or filler treatment.

The treatment is highly rewarding and straightforward with the principles described in the chapter on that topic. I commend the authors for providing such a concise breakdown of that particular condition.

Due to brevity, the treatment of fillers in the text is only cursory and much of the work that has been published on the subject was not included. Fillers in skin of color is a rapidly evolving field and it would have been wonderful if the authors had provided more depth. Overall, I enjoyed reading the text and felt it had much to offer, even in light of the limitations outlined above.

I applaud the authors and editors for their significant effort to expand the knowledge base for treatment of ethnically diverse skin types. There is no relevant conflict of interest or influence in the review of the text. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Sign In or Create an Account.

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Donald Lynn Bissett. Laser and photoepilation for unwanted hair growth.

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Paradoxical effects of hair removal systems: a review. Margarita S Lolis , Ellen S. Hall , H. Aloesin inhibits hyperpigmentation induced by UV radiation.

IMCAS Academy - Aesthetic Surgery & Cosmetic Dermatology

Modulation of melanogenesis by aloesin: a competitive inhibitor of tyrosinase. Ken Prichard Jones , Jennifer A. Related Papers. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy , Terms of Service , and Dataset License. Home Dermatology Skin of Color. Skin of Color. Laser hair reduction — Our PA Nirali Shah specializes in laser hair reduction on patients of color, which reduces daily shaving which can cause irritation, bumps and even hyperpigmentation. During your consult he will create a customized treatment plan to restore your hair density.

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