Guide Breaking the bonds of the devil: Our struggle is not against flesh and blood learn to beat your enemy

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Results 33 - 48 of 55 - Breaking the bonds of the devil: Our struggle is not against flesh and blood learn to beat your enemy. by Eric Roman Rosary. Kindle Edition.
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For instance, Paul's letter to the Romans indicates not a literal, but a figurative, application of the concept Romans —14 , New International Version :. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. In terms of the parts of the Armor of God, the various pieces the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit are correlated to what Paul would have witnessed firsthand as the arms and armor of Roman legionaries during his life in the Roman Empire.

In biblical exegesis , the vast majority of biblical scholars, Catholic , Protestant , and otherwise , agree that Paul used the concept as a reference to spiritual battle with the Devil. This armor seems to be in direct correlation of that of the Roman Empire 's soldiers. The biblical text of Ephesians chapter 6 mentions six pieces of armor:.

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The helmet of Salvation and the breastplate of Righteousness also appear in Isaiah [6] [7]. Going to exmormon. Is this depiction fair? I gave some accurate info but that a lot of misleading info as well. The mix in false ino with some truth and those without knowledge of true LDS doctrine and practice are deceived. They lie in wait to deceive Eph. I like your post Ken.

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I see where everyone is coming from who has replied to your post. So now I am going to give my opinion. I do not vote for a politician based on their religion preference, I vote for what they stand for in helping this country. I do not like Obama, never have and never will. I think this man has led America in to the depths of hell and if he is re-elected will just continue that journey.

I feel he is the better candidate for presidency. We have had Christian presidents in our history and I am pretty sure not every American voting for them were thrilled about that, but they probably voted for that person because of the stand that person took for America; and that is what is important. I wish people would quit focusing on a candidates religion and the negative media the opposite candidate puts out there on them.

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I want to know what a candidate is going to do to help this country, especially now. Read and Learn what The Mormon religion is all about! Before you all making any remarks about it…. Thank you for this remarkably perceptive analysis.

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The basis for prejudice against Mormons is ignorance. Most people regard the Mormons as a blank slate on which they project their favorite fears about religious minorities. Liberals think that any dedicated religioys believers are mindless robots. Conservative Evangelicals think Mormons are faux Christians conducting a vast conspiracy to drag real Christians to hell. Neither group gives Mormons credit for individual intelligence or moral reflection, and assume Mormon animosity toward themselves.

The fact that Mormons are a bit betterneducated than average, that they are overrepresented in academia, that Mormons with more education tend to be even more loyal to their religion, that Mormons have a more positive view toward people of other faiths—that is, are less religioysly prejudiced—than any other denomination, are simple facts of which their critics are totally ignorant.

The criticsnat both extremes of the religioys spectrum only know one or two things about Mormons, and then extrapolate an entire bogeyman out of that. The most severe anti-Mormons at both ends are willing to invest vast amounts of time and rhetoric attacking Mormonism, but very little actually learning how Mormons themselves think. Their shared rationale is, this one thing I know about Mormons is so hateful to me, I do not want to waste any of my time gaining a sympathetic understanding of them.

Armor of God

And the bottom line at both extremes is the determination to obliterate Mormons and their beliefs from society, to deny them the opportunity to participate in discussions about religion or public polucy in any forum controlled by the critics, and thus create a vicioys circle of prejudice reinforcing ignorance, which feeds prejudice. I know very little about Mormonism but if people are discussing their beliefs and practices and how they have or have not evolved over time we would be remiss not to mention one of their recent practices that has lately emerged, namely that the Mormons have been obtaining lists of deceased Jews and posthumously baptising them.

Specifically, the practice has been discouraged, condemned, and can even lead to negative consequences for the members involved. Church officials also said the church would remove the names of Holocaust victims placed on the lists before Michel evidence that the Mormon lists still included the names of at least 20, Jews, many of them Holocaust victims and prominent figures like the philosopher Theodor Herzl and David Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel. Radkey also provided Mr.

Michel with evidence that many of these Jews had been baptized after the agreement. But Mormon officials say they remain in full compliance with the agreement. Ken, this is the first thing I thought of after reading this article. Regardless of the official policy, it seems to have still gone on after the agreement. Seems like Ken did check his facts Carl.

In terms of history and religion, 17 years ago would still be recent. Are we supposed to discount an event just because it happened 15, 20, or 50 years ago? It still reflects on the organization. Todd Christofferson, a church official involved with the negotiations. The church removed the names of Holocaust victims listed before and continues to instruct its members to avoid baptizing Jews who are not directly related to living Mormons or whose immediate family has not given written consent, Mr.

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Christofferson said. And the official response to Mr. There appears to be some disagreement on the interpretation of the agreement between the Mormons and the Jews. Perhaps an additional agreement is needed to clarify. One thing, however, is clear. The church does not condone such actions and can and does revoke database rights from those who violate the policies.

Should the church do more to prevent it? Probably yes. There could be some form of filter that detects prohibitted names and at a minimum flags them for review before they are allowed to proceed. Is the church obligated to do such? There is no honest way I could say yes or no, but it appears to me that the answer is no. A clarifying agreement would be needed to make it certain one way or the other.

As a member, I would not be against the idea of a filter like I described. Did they check to make sure there was or was not consent from the those who have decended from them?

If there was relational consent, then they were in agreement…. OMG, maybe some day thay will baptise Baptists as well…. Oh yeah, they already are. The Mormon practice of proxy ordinances for deceased individuals is keeping with their desire and value to see all of humanity receive every blessing God has in store for them. They are not closing doors on the past identities of those they do proxy work for, they open the door of opportunity to others.

It is a selfless kindness that is unbelievably being used as a political pawn of contention to drive a wedge where none should exist.

Renunciation Prayers

If anyone from any religion wants to go out of their way to perform some rite on my behalf so that I can get access to all that God has for me, I would never complain! Even if that website were sincere, I think most Mormons would feel that it could have no impact on them. There are several reasons for this:. Power: Again, most people would contend that they have no power to actually cause a change even if they somehow had the authority.

The power behind Mormon baptisms is also questioned. Agency: Even with both authority and power, Mormons believe strongly in agency i. The same idea applies to Mormon proxy baptisms. The same three ideas apply to any group attempting to postumously convert any other group. If they are trying to help you reach heaven or send you to a significantly hotter place, it will make no difference.

This is one reason why the church has any agreement at all with any Jews. If you think about it, the church is under no legal or other obligations to care about offending anyone. If they wanted to, they could simply continue without caring what anyone else thinks of them. However, they work out agreements like the one in instead. John and Carl- first of all Carl whether the Mormon church has followed its agreement with Jewish organizations is bad enough—the point is that they baptized deceased jews who of course could not defend themselves and they baptized Holocaust jewish victims who were destroyed for being jewish, many of whom enjoyed and believed in their religion and culture and you would imagine after suffering horrible atrocities for their identities and beliefs and paying the ultimate price for them, do not want to be listed in some Mormon genealogy as baptized Mormons.

The point is that as recently as jewish organizations had to point out to the Mormon church that this practice was wrong and offensive otherwise they never would have got it or stopped it or even thought about it. I have to agree with Carl about this topic. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has no legal obligation to change its policies about baptism for the dead but do so out of respect and at the request of those who feel their rights of religion are being imposed upon. There are two practices of the church that should be made aware to those who are having a problem with baptisms for the dead.

Before a baptism for the dead is to be submitted. A deceased person is supposed to have been deceased for more than 90 years, or the submitter should get permission from kin before a baptism is submitted. The Church practices a policy that it teaches the members the rules that they should follow and then let the people mostly govern themselves. This means that rule 1 is in place, members of the church have been told about it, and should follow it.

So I think we need to clear something up here. Baptisms for the dead are indeed a service, and a service that is not considered by anyone to be binding upon an unwilling individual. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that baptisms for the dead, just like baptisms of the living, are only of force when the individual in question accepts the ordinance. The record that is kept simply shows that their work has been done. That is, as a church. The church is made of individuals.