Shadows In The Dark

Shadows in the Dark Lyrics: Momma tried to make this house a home / Daddy drove a truck, somebody always told him where to go / We only.
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Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Shadows in the Dark by L. Shadows in the Dark Shadows in the Dark 1 by L. Shadows in the Dark Shadows in the Dark, 1 4. What dark things lie in wait for you when you least expect it? Avangeline used to think they weren't real, till she was told that her best friend has been one for years now as well as her fiancee, and most of the other people she knew. Later she find's out what she really is The heir to a Vampire clan, and the only thing that can stop a war between good and ev What dark things lie in wait for you when you least expect it?

The heir to a Vampire clan, and the only thing that can stop a war between good and evil Published April 13th by Midnight Hour Publishing. Shadows in the Dark 1.

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To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Shadows in the Dark , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. May 06, N. Shadows in the Dark is LD Hutchinson's debut novella, the first of a series encompassing a novel. LD Hutchinson has an intriguing concept with Shadows in the Dark.

Shadows in the Dark

She's combined vampires and witches in a very novel way to my knowledge thus far, though we don't know much more than that. Well, I was hoping this book wouldn't be only the first part of a bigger novel, given its price, but it was at just under 16 thousand words, which makes for a disappointing ending simply for the fact that I c Shadows in the Dark is LD Hutchinson's debut novella, the first of a series encompassing a novel.

Well, I was hoping this book wouldn't be only the first part of a bigger novel, given its price, but it was at just under 16 thousand words, which makes for a disappointing ending simply for the fact that I can't continue reading until the next book is released in July.

The author has told me there will be approximately five to six books in the series.

The Shadows in the Dark

Avangeline is a young woman without much of a past, but is destined for something far greater than she ever possibly imagined. She's not a very strong heroine, at least, not yet, save for a brief moment, but the potential is there. This first part of the series shows us the very beginnings of what she learns about herself and her fate.

Phoenix is the vampire sent to protect her, and he's not real thrilled about the job. He starts out interesting and then suddenly turns into a jerk shortly after Sarah, Avangeline's best friend, mentions that he's. He seemed very childish in nature after that point and made me almost not care about him, yet I'm intrigued to learn more. The prologue is intended to be read as a letter from one character to another, though I wish it had been clearer about its intent before the end of the letter. The second person point-of-view threw me at first. A salutation at the beginning, or italicizing the text would have been helpful.

The rest of the story is in first person POV. I am, however, very curious about the history involved with this story—the vampire clan history. I really liked what was mentioned of it and expect to learn more in the future releases. As a reader, I liked the novella, which is why I'm giving it 3 stars my star rating system: It's a difficult feat with me. As a writer, it holds a few similarities to my own vampire book series, but only a few, and reminded me of a few things I need to clarify down the road.

Shadows in the Dark

I thank the author for that. But, as I said, I really liked the concept, but think it could be so much better overall.

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If grammatical and punctuation errors don't bother you as a reader, then you'll enjoy this short novel. If you're an editor like me, be warned because you'll want to get out your red pen too. I do believe that, much like the storyline, this author has a lot of potential to grow into a wonderful writer. I wish her the best of luck and look forward to reading the rest of this series. This is the first book I read for Leah, and I have to say that I'm amazed by the imagination she has.

Shadows in the Dark | Alba Ecstasy

Its bit short, but it still caught my attention from the beginning. I like how it all turned out. And there's alot of mystery in it and of course romance xD. I don't wanna spoil much, but basically its about Vamps and Demons as far as I know. And so, I would recommend this book to anyone. It's worth a read. This is a short story just giving us the basics of maybe an upcoming novel that will take us thru the changes that Angie must endure.

She learns that not everyone around her is as they seem. First let me say I love paranormal books. There is something about them that really gets me into reading them. Now I got this book for free to read and review. I gave this book 4 stars I so wanted to give 5 stars. But the story was way too short, it is an excellent story one that I would have finished last night.

But of course I was way to tired to finish it so I finished this morning. I hope this book would be part of a series, because the ending leaves you hanging and wanting more. Will Angie b First let me say I love paranormal books. Will Angie become what she is suppose to become? The story had action and was overall a wonderful read. I just hope the author has more of this story and is hoping to write about it soon.

Because I can see myself reading more! Sungod deliver vast, exploratory, synth-based songs that feel as wide and as fascinating as the galaxy.

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Nick Wilson - Shadows In The Dark (Lyrics)

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