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Born in Buffalo, NY, the city of good neighbors and harsh winters, Kristin has recently published her debut short story; Un-Oiled Gears; A Life and Death Situation.
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This is a DPMS rifle too just to let you know. So anyway, even after rounds of dirty Russian ammo, which coats the entire bolt carrier group with a heavy layer of muck that resembles very wet mud, the wear on the rifle still isnt bad in my opinion. I dont mind buying a few new replacement parts now and then either. Im actually going to change the barrel out this weekend. Take all this for whatever its worth. Seriously, what with work and wife and kids, I can scarcely find time to go to the range 4 times a year, much less have time to clean guns.

I completely agree with those who said it was a relaxing way to spend some more time examining and learning about my guns. Always with the utmost care though!

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There was a story in the local news not too long ago about a father who accidentally shot and killed his 10 year old son while cleaning his rifle. As a routine, I clean my guns after every range visit. A Clean Gun is a Working gun. I also carry my 9mm gun everytime I leave the house…. I clean them every time I bring them home from the range…. I take the AR completely apart clean it good and reassemble it……. Since AR Uppers are made of Aluminum this would wear faster than normal. Personally I use a Dry Moly Lube on the underside of the carrier and the same Synthetic lube that the Army does where the bolt fits into the carrier.

As for Barrel maintenance, I keep it pretty simple, Solvent and a bore snake followed by a dry patch until the patch comes out clean. I finish with an oiled patch, except for my AR, since it has a chrome lined barrel I store it dry and ready to use. I work with a Army Reservist. I have to agree with both writers above.

What Will Happen if I Don’t Clean My Gun? - The Shooter's Log

A good cleaning after every outing and it will appreciate you. A forgotten firearm will soon forget you, and in no time you will lose your admiration and be wanting to get rid of it. I would wish to think that whoever inherits one of my guns has the same respect for it and me for doing so. I spend considerable more time cleaning than shooting.

I enjoy cleaning all and maybe the long guns not so much. But still a labor of enjoyment. I also love to know that they are going to work when I pull the trigger, especially because my life or significant loves life, could be on the line. My father taught me to clean my guns and keep them in tip top shape so that when you need them you can absolutely count on them to go bang, every time you pull the trigger. I have a Remington Rand I deer hunt with this pistol and have killed many a buck with it. It never malfunctions, mis- feeds, catches a spent cartridge or anything like that, because I keep it in tip top shape, because my life may depend on it someday.

It will also spit out hollow points just as well as round ball.

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I have one rule my father taught me about cleaning guns, and that is; If you shoot it, you clean it! Just like the rule my wife has about the dishes; you dirty it, you wash it!

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Both of those rules keep me out of more trouble, and in more ways than I could ever convey. Um, I think she was talking about your underwear. Thanks for commenting. Carbon buildup on the AR bolt happens after firing only 60 rounds, and I have had a failure of the bolt gas rings before. Besides, I like fooling with my guns and hope to do some gunsmithing in the future. When buying a new or used gun it should be cleaned and inspected before firing. Why not do the same before each future firing? I guess the military and my Dad governed my way of thinking.

I clean my weapons after every trip to the range. I do find it relaxing and I just enjoy time wih my weapons.

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  7. Am I strange? Maybe I am! For me it is a type of love affair as I truly am a weapon nut! I also like inspecting as I clean for possible future issues. I think of it the same way as washing my car. I also believe a clean weapon is a happy one and will preform flawlessly for you.

    As far as the comment of reliablilty when dirty I do believe a tighter tolerance semi auto is less forgiving and will FTF if not well maintained. That does not mean buy a cheaper one, it means take care of what you have. All in all, to each his own. Some drive nice clean cars and some drive junkyard limos. All a matter of taste I guess.

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    I know all my weapons will fire in a life threatening situation. Time limit exceeded. Leave a Comment Your discussions, feedback and comments are welcome here as long as they are relevant and insightful. Please be respectful of others. We reserve the right to edit as appropriate, delete profane, harassing, abusive and spam comments or posts, and block repeat offenders. On September 3, , the ton failed blowout preventer was removed from the well and a replacement blowout preventer was installed. In May , BP admitted they had "discovered things that were broken in the sub-surface" during the "top kill" effort.

    Oil slicks were reported in March [95] and August , [96] [97] in March [11] and October , [98] [99] [] and in January The USCG initially said the oil was too dispersed to recover and posed no threat to the coastline, [] but later warned BP and Transocean that they might be held financially responsible for cleaning up the new oil. In January , BP said that they were continuing to investigate possible sources of the oil sheen.

    Chemical data implied that the substance might be residual oil leaking from the wreckage.

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    If that proves to be the case, the sheen can be expected to eventually disappear. Another possibility is that it is formation oil escaping from the subsurface, using the Macondo well casing as flow conduit, possibly intersecting a naturally occurring fault, and then following that to escape at the surface some distance from the wellhead. If it proves to be oil from the subsurface, then that could indicate the possibility of an indefinite release of oil. The oil slick was comparable in size to naturally occurring oil seeps and was not large enough to pose an immediate threat to wildlife.

    The fundamental strategies for addressing the spill were containment, dispersal and removal. In May , a local native set up a network for people to volunteer their assistance in cleaning up beaches. Boat captains were given the opportunity to offer the use of their boat to help clean and prevent the oil from further spreading. To assist with the efforts the captains had to register their ships with the Vessels of Opportunity, however an issue arose when more boats registered than actually participated in the clean up efforts - only a third of the registered boats.

    This coalition gained significant influence in the clean up of the oil spill to try and gain some control over the situation.