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The Young Person's Guide to the Modern World [Richard Daniel Curtis] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Finding your way in the 21st​.
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By the s networking technology had advanced rapidly and in a company called UseNet gave their subscribers the tools needed to communicate to each other via an electronic newsletter.

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In the s home computers were becoming more common and sophisticated and this applied to Social Media too. The first blogging websites became available in the late s and still remain popular today. By popular Social Media websites such as Facebook and Twitter had become available and these websites still remain some of the most popular social networking tools today. Because of the faster Broadband connections now available, social networking sites are easier and more interesting to use. A faster connection enables more inventive use of the site, such as streaming video and music.

Basic tasks, such as uploading photos, can be done quickly and easily. There is a huge variety of social networking websites available. Many of them can even be linked or connected to other social media websites to allow multiple or cross-posting. This enables users to easily reach more people without sacrificing the personal touch.

Social Networks — These websites allow people to connect with other people of similar interests and background and they generally consist of a user profile, various ways to interact with other users, and the ability to setup groups. Bookmarking Sites — These websites allow people to save, organise and manage links to favourite websites and resources around the internet.

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Most allow people to save these links to make them easy to search and share. The voting on these posts is the social aspect of the website and it is usually the posts that get the most votes that are most prominently displayed. Media Sharing —These websites allow people to upload and share various media such as pictures and video.

Microblogging —These websites focus on short messages or updates that are available to the subscribed reader. Forums - Online forums allow members to hold conversations by posting and replying to messages usually on a specific subject. Parents need to also teach their child to be aware that Social Media websites frequently change their default privacy settings unsystematically and without giving their members prior notice.

When this happens private information and details are publicly available to find via search engines such as Google, enabling people to easily find your child! Cyberbullying is the most common risk for children when using Social Media. It is important therefore for you to teach your child not to post any messages or chat to someone online in anger or on impulse and to always think before they post anything as these messages are extremely difficult to take back.

It is also very important your child knows to come to you if they themselves feel bullied or harassed in any way. Money transfer scams on Social Media websites are increasing. This is the term given when a seemingly harmless post with a link to enticing content redirects the user to a site that installs malware or spyware on their device. Fake applications can also put the child at risk so parents should also be vigilant against these.

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Parents will be given the technical support of someone who can help them. Most Social Media websites these days will explain about Social Reporting and how to use it in their help section. Remember that as a parent you also have the option of reporting the incident to the relevant authorities or police. Remember to print out evidence if necessary to accompany your report. Although there are many risks, parents should remember that Social Media can be a valuable parental tool - it can give you a view into your child's social life and the knowledge of what they are doing when online.

Your child needs to be aware of the type of information that is visible in the room they are in not just their bedroom and remove anything that could make them vulnerable, such as names on certificates hanging on the wall or pieces of work from school that may have their name on it.

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Make sure your child knows to turn the Webcam away from the room when it is not being used or switched it off. Again make sure you have installed good security software to stop any potential risks.

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She has designed and presented online safety courses to children with autism and ADHD at schools. Empower the next generation of Catholic leaders by supporting an orthodox Catholic education. Phone: Fax: Contact via email.

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