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Album Notes. These twelve strong, personal songs of love, family, birth, life, death, and peace are written and sung with great passion and integrity. I am blessed with friends and collaborators who inspire me, and help me invent in ways that I would never come to by myself. The evening of the day we wrote it we sang it for 20, people who were all New Yorkers that night. John and Michael share lead vocals with me.


Clinton: Hearts On The Road. Pass the music on. Log in to write a review. Paul Kranz Great lyrics to go with beautiful tunes Tom Chapin and his co-writers are wonderful lyricists and tunesmiths. Several songs in this album touch the heart with great wisdom. There are wonderful tributes to his parents, his brothers, and the song "Lamentation" beautifully expresses hope as it deals with the paradox of lamentation and celebration of the loss of a loved one. It's an album that grows on the listener.

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Like a good poem, it needs to be listened to more than once! Listening to this cd, I imagine sitting on a blanket under the stars at an outdoor concert stage--surrounded by the warmth of honest songs from the heart. Thanks to Tom and his family of musicians. Songwriting is alive and well in the 21st Century. Thank you Tom! Tom Chapin records another Chapin Music masterpiece. From the title track to the collaboration of "Follow The Light" Tom's best song ever!

Turning of the tide?

Thanks for another great work!! In a world filled with so much garbage, it's a treat to find something worthwhile and thoughtful. Tom Chapin and his family never cease to amaze me. Log in. Paul Kranz. Great lyrics to go with beautiful tunes Tom Chapin and his co-writers are wonderful lyricists and tunesmiths. Read more CLW, Portland, Oregon. Heartfelt and beautiful--a folksinger's delight.

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Barb Steinberg. A gem Songwriting is alive and well in the 21st Century.

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Hopefully nothing as dramatic will happen to us when the time comes Rose thought to herself. Rose sighed as she sat on the bench on the back porch, and looked out at the orchard. The late-afternoon summer sun gave everything an orange glow. Rose spotted their tabby cat Nala ambling over to The Doctor, and then curling up on his lap. He remained as still as a statue.

Rose stroked her bump again, making a mental list of things she still had to do today. Even with the jobs she gave herself, Rose found herself to be at a loose end for the majority of the day. Rose took an apple from the basket beside her. She had filled it up earlier, as she did every morning.

She took a bite out of the shiny red fruit, instantly realising something was wrong with it. A maggot hole appeared, and she immediately spat out the contents of her mouth.

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Rose looked around. Who had said that? Rose glanced at the ground, mostly convinced that she was hearing things. Finally, Rose looked at the apple she held in her hand. Rose glanced over at The Doctor, who was still fast asleep. The worm snorted. Rose glanced over at the man under the tree, suspicion brewing. What did this worm want with her husband? Under the tree. The worm waved his head around.

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Rose let out a shout and dropped the apple. The Doctor sat bolt upright. He quickly registered that he was in the orchard, that it was around 5.

Turning the Tide on Homelessness in New York City

He frowned and squinted as he noticed something metallic sticking out of the apple. Rose picked it up, leaving the apple on the ground. He did as he was told, sitting down next to Rose on the bench and sliding his arm around her. Are you a worm? She had no idea where that confidence had come from.

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She looked back up and saw a glimmer of mischief in his eye. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to her, casually sliding his arm around her shoulders, not wanting to go any further in case he pushed her away. They sat in silence for a few minutes, both knowing the next few words they said mattered.

With you. She leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. She felt a tear slide down her cheek. They decided to spend a few weeks in Norway, neither of them ready for the world of paperwork, formalities and work waiting for them in London. They moved from the hotel to a small cabin in the woods, the privacy giving them a chance to get to know each other again.

Rose quickly discovered that he was still the man she loved, with an added dash of sass and an ability to express emotions. They spent their days walking together, sharing stories of their time apart, reliving memories of their time travelling together, and laughing at inside jokes both old and new. About 2 weeks in, Rose woke up to find his side of the bed vacant.

She panicked, leaping out of bed, to see the door to the cabin open. She found him outside sitting on a rock, just looking up at the stars.