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A tale of passion and restraint, trust and betrayal, heroics and revenge, SAILING AWAY FROM THE MOON sets young Maggie Johnson on a journey of.
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Harnessing sunlight in this way is not a new idea. Clarke wrote about a solar-sailing spaceship race a century later, in the short story "Sunjammer.

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But it took a long time for solar sails to go from concept to reality. The first successful demonstration of the propulsion system didn't come until , when Japan's Ikaros probe deployed its foot-wide 14 m sail and became the first craft ever to cruise through space on the backs of photons. NanoSail-D unfurled its sail in January , then circled the planet for eight months before burning up in the atmosphere.

Other projects now loom on the horizon, building momentum for the technology. A big milestone should come in early , when NASA plans to launch the largest-ever solar sail to space. Clarke story, will use a sail built by California-based company L'Garde that measures feet 38 m on a side. The sail, made of an advanced material called Kapton, is just 5 microns about 0. It weighs less than 70 pounds 32 kilograms and packs down to the size of a dishwasher, NASA officials have said.

The current plan calls for outfitting Sunjammer with some sun-monitoring instruments and sending it out to a spot about 1. Wayfinders fell into a wordless meditative state so that they could detect even the subtlest of navigational clues. They watched the sun, the moon, and the stars very closely. They had to memorize how the sky looked when they first set sail, and how it changed each day after, keeping continuous mental notes.

They remembered the changing positions of over stars, along with the locations of the sun and moon for the entire trip.

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They used songs to help them remember the names of the stars. Without pens or paper, they tracked speed, direction, and time, storing it all in their heads. They had to clear their minds of all other distractions, and focus, focus, focus.

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They slept less than two hours a night for weeks on end. Now, Wayfinders have all but disappeared. Recall that new moon is the name when the moon and sun are aligned, so the moon looks dark. Also, the name full moon is when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun, so the moon looks bright.

Quarter moon is the name when the sun and moon are at right angles to each other, causing half of the moon to be illuminated as viewed from Earth. When the sun and moon line up i. These are known as spring tides Do not be fooled by the name! Several days of Spring tides occur roughly twice every month. When the sun and moon are at right angles to each other i. The graph at the top of this page is centered on 26 Feb , which was when there was a "quarter moon".

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Namely, the sun and moon were at right angles to each other, so the resulting neap tides had a small tidal range. Namey, the high tides were not very high and the low tides were not very low.

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Compare this with the next figure, also for Vancouver, but showing tides for the whole month of February As you can see, there were two spans of "spring tides" with large tidal range, and two spans of "neap tides" with reduced tidal range. The "spring tides" tidal range was approximately double the range of the "neap tides". A month of tides at Vancouver.

Sailing away from the Moon

The vertical size of the brown box outlines the tidal range of spring tides, and the purple box outlines the tidal range of neap tides. The last 5 days in this graph correspond to the figure at the top of this web page. The position of the moon and sun relative to the earth can be calculated well into the future, allowing us to also predict the strength and timing of the tides into the future. In fact, most countries publish annual tide tables at the beginning of the year.

All sailors should be familiar with the tide tables for the waters they will be sailing in. There are lots of online resources for getting tidal information, as well as printed versions.

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We will go over how to read the tide tables in Section 11e. You will typically see two full tide cycles per day, meaning two high tides and two low tides. It is important to time your journey with the tide to avoid any limitations to passage. The difference between the highest and lowest tide experienced in an area is called its tidal range and can give you a good indication of what the tides are like in one area relative to the next.

The point on the opposite side of the Earth is then experiencing the least amount of pull from the moon than anywhere else, and so it is able to bulge in the opposite direction, away from the moon. The rising or falling of the tides creates currents, known as flood currents for the incoming tide and ebb currents for the outgoing tide. The currents are the horizontal movement of water, while the tide itself is the vertical movement of water.