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Overcoming Evil in Prison: How to Be a Light in a Dark Place [Steven R. Cook] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Prison society is no better.
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But more often than not, cancelling it will be the best. Walking in darkness can also portend a road accident. If you are planning to travel, it is important you prayerfully ask God if He allows you to commence the journey or not. It is painful to see your loved ones in darkness. We can safely say that darkness dream also indicate a satanic bondage, slavery and suffering.

If you see someone in the dark it shows that a closer person is under satanic torment. As of the time you had the dream, if you eventually find out that someone is either sick or in sorrowful then the meaning of this dream is directed to the person in question. Dreaming that you or your loved ones is lost in dark means the spirit of loss and oppression has been fired into the person.

The spirit of darkness is one demon that swallow ones prosperity and blessing, and however, subject a person to a life of suffering and poverty. To run out from the cage of darkness, you need serious prayers, if not adequately deliverance in Mountain Of Fire. Groping in the dark means a voice from the grave is unholy attaching the spirit of sorrow and untimely into your life. I had cases of my brethren reporting the dream situation of police and animal pursuing them.

Listen and listen well, if you discovered that a police is pursuing you in the dark, that is a spiritual demon trying to place you in jail.

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In most cases, the demon make sure you have a serious conflict with someone that will force police to jail you. Do you experience a strange gunshot in the night? Wait no further my dear, rush down to deliverance. Because it portend a great loss is coming. May that not be your portion in Jesus name.

It means stubborn pursuers are planning to cause havoc in your life. In a government settings, you have violated the law of the land, and which is a serious offence.

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To experience darkness in a dream can bring some signs of marital problems and sick. Whenever darkness is strengthening, it then gives the devil the power to operate at will with no obstruction. A woman that dream about darkness will have some problems in getting the right man that will ask for her hands in marriage.

The essence of this post is let you know that dream of darkness is bad and keeping it in your life can cause several losses. As dedicated Christians, we should remain alert, watchful and vigilant as Bible put it in 1 Peter Dreaming about a missing person can be so dangerous. If you dream that you cannot find someone in darkness, it shows that the enemy is trying to feed you with the bread sorrow, and transferring problems into your life. It is an evil plan for a person not to find his loved ones in the dream.

If you dream that it is your close relatives, stand up and begin to rebuke the spirit of bad news and death in your life and on others. If you are coming from a bad foundation where there are perverse wickedness, you are bound to see darkness in your dream. When this dream is in place, there will be no fulfillment of destiny. Walking in darkness is a complete instance of subscribing to setbacks and regrets unconsciously. Light makes thing clear and chases away the evil spirit.

If you dream of falling into darkness , it shows that you have spiritually fallen into the trap set by your enemies. There are many today that are in one trap or the other. The works of the enemy is achieved when a person is fallen.

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Darkness in a dream can portend a turbulent situation. For example, if you have been experiencing some strange things in your life, it could interpret that you are being attacked by the devil. However, if you see a deep hole and you pass across it, it means a situation of total deliverance from stagnation and poverty. If you are going for deliverance or service, you will be delivered there.

Darkness is a situation where light is absent. You cannot walk in the dark. You cannot see your way out in darkness. You need to understand the fact that light rules the day and night rules the night. There are people that feel useless. The complain of trying many things without success is the reflection that you are in darkness. The introduction of darkness in dream can constitute some meanings such as depression, and weakness.

To some people, dreaming about darkness, spiritually signifies the state of hopelessness. If you discover night and light means he attributes of confusion. Feeling safe in the dark, it means that you are plagued by satanic authority. The strategy of the enemy has not been fully decoded by some Christians. The devil strike at you when you are in darkness. In addition, if God can open your eyes to see some evil things that flieth in the dark, you will surely open your mouth. You may expect tough battles when your life is exposed to the enemy of your soul. We work really hard to put a lot of efforts and resources in our content with original and highly quality articles.

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No right is given without my recognition. Contact us through this link: admin evangelistjoshua. Another insight for dealing with strongmen is given in 1 Timothy We are first exhorted to simply pray for all people—petitioning God for their needs, interceding for their situations, and even offering up prayers of thanks for them.

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Essentially, Paul is challenging Timothy to be continually alert in intercession, to surround people with prayer. This weakens the ability of strongmen to be able to deceive and attack people. Many years ago, in Toronto, Canada, each of 25, Christians meeting for city prayer received a page of the phone book to pray over, which resulted in intercession for just about everyone in the city. Perhaps prayer groups or churches in your city could come together to pray for the people who live there.

You could even walk around your neighborhood and pray over each home as you pass it. A second instruction given in 1 Timothy is to pray especially for kings and all who are in authority. Remember the above story about Noriega—strongmen who stand behind human structures particularly target leaders. I have heard more than one person remark on how a certain governmental leader went into his position with the best of intentions and the purest of hearts only to be corrupted and compromised. The invisible strongmen want this to happen for one main reason, and 1 Timothy explains it—God wants us to live quiet and peaceable lives in godliness and reverence because He desires all men to be saved.

It takes strategic spiritual warfare for this goal to be accomplished. Once the power of the strongman is broken off of an area, it clears the atmosphere for God to move freely, and tremendous revival breaks forth. I am convinced, if we were to study the awakenings, renewals and revivals of the past, we would see that before the move of God happened, strategic intercession took place. It is simply an incredible experience to witness in an area where the power of the strongman has been broken.

People are receptive, hungry and open. They have had the blindness removed from their eyes, and the light of Jesus Christ falls abundantly upon them in the transforming power of salvation. Dake, Finis Jennings. Dake Bible Sales, Inc. Wagner, C. Warfare Prayer. Regal Books: Ventura, CA, Kinzer, Stephen.

Enroll in Cindy Jacobs' foundational teaching on spiritual warfare. Nations all over the world have seen change by understanding and applying these principles. This online-video course will equip you to walk victoriously, activate your faith, and activate you as an agent of transformation. Enroll Today. Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike—her husband—co-founded Generals International in Forgot your password? Click here.

Spiritual Warfare. Daniel 9 Prayer There are various ways to pray which are useful in dealing with strongmen. Result: Revival Breaks Forth Once the power of the strongman is broken off of an area, it clears the atmosphere for God to move freely, and tremendous revival breaks forth. End Notes Dake, Finis Jennings.

Overcoming Evil in Prison: How to Be a Light in a Dark Place

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Cindy Jacobs Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts.