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Sep 1, - I have never heard of any foolproof way of stealing (but if it was foolproof, it wouldn't be commonly Originally Answered: How can you get away with stealing?How do people not get caught shoplifting?
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When it is the first time, the focus should be on the reason for the theft rather than on the deed itself.

How To Get Away With Stealing - VICE Video: Documentaries, Films, News Videos

Remain calm. Deal with the situation in a straightforward manner. Show your disapproval, but do not interrogate, lecture or humiliate the child. If you are sure who took an item, talk to the child privately. I am disappointed because I thought I could trust you. One teacher reported that she talks discreetly with a child who has been caught stealing. She said that she points out that as a class everyone depends on everyone else.

Security Officer Reveals How To Get Away With Shoplifting

Then she expresses confidence that the student will not steal again. The teacher also makes it a policy at an unrelated time to put the child in the role of being responsible so that she can compliment him in front of his peers.

How To Shoplift Without Getting Caught Using a "Thief Book"

Students who steal need to experience a consequence such as apologizing, returning or replacing the item or making restitution in some other way, as well as losing a privilege. You need to decide what will happen if the child steals again and let him or her know what the consequence will be.

The most common ways employees get away with stealing money

Limit the opportunity for theft to occur by locking up valuable items and by closely observing the child. What if the above methods are ineffective, and the student does not express remorse, continues to steal, or has other behavioral problems? Habitual stealing in children and youth is a major social problem because it can lead to other unlawful behaviors. However, if the underlying problems of frequent offenders can be addressed at an early age, further anti-social behaviors will be less likely to occur.

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Teachers have a responsibility to deal constructively with the child who steals, to follow the school rules regarding theft, and to seek assistance from other professionals when considered necessary. Used by permission of the author, Leah Davies, and selected from the Kelly Bear website [www. Children may steal because: They have poor impulse control and want instant gratification.

They have not been taught that stealing is wrong. They have observed the adults in their life take and keep things that did not belong to them -- for example, dad bringing home office supplies or mom keeping incorrect change when the store clerk made a mistake. They lack family closeness and feel neglected; a stolen object might serve as a substitute for love. They are suffering a form of abuse and need help. They are expressing displaced feelings of anxiety, anger, or alienation resulting from a major life change such as parental divorce, moving to a new school, or being rejected by peers.

They want revenge for the pain they feel others have inflicted on them so they steal to get even or to hurt someone. They crave what others have but they cannot buy -- for example: food treats, popular name-brand clothing or electronic equipment. They want to appear tough, bold, and important.

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They desire to fit in with a peer group that steals. They like the thrill that comes from stealing.

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They think they can get away with it. Diaper bags are another way shoplifters steal, as they can easily hide items under diapers, bottles, and other miscellaneous items. Coats - A professional shoplifter will wear oversized or specially manufactured coats with slits in the pocket lining so that they can reach for items without being seen.

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Shoplifters will typically inspect an item with their exposed hand while the hidden pocket hand slips out and grabs another item. Pulling the desired item back through the lining of the coat, it is then stored in a separate pocket inside of the coat. Shopping Bags - Many shoplifters will bring in a grocery bag from another store and fill it up with items that they hide under items that are already in their bag. In an effort to prevent this method of shoplifting from occurring, many stores will ask you to leave your bag at the customer service desk or will staple the bag shut.

Leaving the Store Without Being Caught

Fitting Rooms — Occasionally, shoplifters will utilize fitting rooms to layer on clothing they wish to steal. Shoplifters will also wear worn out clothing so that they can put on the new clothes, discarding their grubby garments and leaving them behind. The employee then searches the back room, leaving the shoplifter to rip off the store, unseen.

Crotch Walking — This is a theft tactic that is cleverly performed by women. They will wear a full dress or skirt into a store; place an item between their thighs, and walk out of the business undetected. Women with stronger thighs have been known to shoplift larger ticket items, including electronics.