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Adam's Song Lyrics: I never thought I'd die alone / I laughed the loudest, who'd have known? / I trace the cord back to the wall / No wonder it was never plugged​.
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More by blink-182

Now, though, after nearly a decade, the band is playing it again. You don't need subtlety to write an anthem; even the ones that are subversively tongue-in-cheek are pretty obvious about it. Most of the songs covered in this NPR series are huge: war songs , protest songs , songs that grace Super Bowl stages and national rallies.

But there is room for the anthemic in small moments, too — when you're alone in your room and a song is the only thing that's there for you. TJ Kennedy told me he never did get that tattoo of the opening notes of "Adam's Song": on the day he came up with the cash, the shop was too busy to take walk-ins. Now, though, he's says working with the artist to design an even better one.

Tomorrow holds such better days. If you or someone you know may be considering suicide, help is available online at suicidepreventionlifeline. In , the pop-punk band Blink had a certain reputation.

By Blink 182, Mark Hoppus, Tom DeLonge - digital sheet music to download

For starters, they named their big album that year "Enema Of The State. But the third single off the album was different. It was a song that dealt with depression, loneliness and, at its very core, suicide. It's called "Adam's Song," and it became a banner for the band's young fans to process feelings that they maybe didn't understand until they got older. But think smaller for a second. This is about you alone in your room.

And the only thing there for you is a song, one that begins with something as blunt as I never thought I'd die alone. I laughed the loudest. Who'd have known? I trace the cord back to the wall. No wonder it was never plugged in at all. He's a year-old second grade teacher who I found through a Blink fan message board. I'm going to get a tattoo. Another six months, I'll be unknown. Give all my things to all my friends.

You'll never step foot in my room again. But as he got older, the words started to cut through. He says he went through a period of deep depression and in college attempted suicide. KENNEDY: You'll be sorry when I'm gone I think is just a giant F-you to people because no one really takes mental illness as serious as they would if you, you know, broke a bone or had the flu or something. A lot of people are just like, oh, you know, just be happy, or think positive.

But until they experience it, until they go through it, they don't understand how hard that can actually be for a person. KENNEDY: I just wanted him to have the things that meant the most in the world to me, which were my instruments, because that's how I looked at our friendship. Like, it was such a great and beautiful thing, and I just wanted to make sure he always had a piece of that even if I wasn't around.

Adams Song Bass Tabs - Blink @

And I don't know. It just - it felt like I had too much good fortune to complain about anything. So I'm talking about my personal darkest times, and they're talking about their personal darkest times. And we're coming together about this song that kind of helped us both get through that. Sixteen just held such better days, days when I still felt alive. We couldn't wait to get outside.

She's a wellness blogger who lives in Brooklyn who's coped with suicide herself.


She's suffered depression, attempted to take her own life and then had to deal with the suicide of a friend who happened to be named Adam. And the song helped. And it also just, like, helped me feel everything. Like, you feel so many different emotions all at once.

  • OP-ED: On blink-182’s “Adam’s Song” and the night I decided to live;
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And then you feel bad for some of those emotions because some of them are really, really just ugly emotions. But that song just kind of - I felt like it was for Adam. Her vision for the video wasn't to just focus on the musicians but the people around them and what they might be going through - the couple having a fight backstage, the person on the payphone by the gas station. In people who we have relationships with we don't always know what's going on, but also in the people who you sit next to at a concert or pass on the street or these humans that you brush up against.

We all are dealing with our own stuff. And sometimes we don't look, and we don't see, and so then we don't notice.

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  7. A year after the mass shooting at his school, he took his own life. The stories at the time reported that "Adam's Song" was playing on repeat when his parents found him. But pinning suicide to one event or one cause oversimplifies a very complex issue. When I posted on that Blink message board, I got stories about bullying, breakups, all sorts of issues.

    But what nearly everyone mentioned was the turn the song takes after the bridge.

    Blink-182 - Adam's Song Lyrics

    Hoppus says he couldn't bring himself to sing it. Todos Rock Gospel Sertanejo Mais. Girassol part. Aplicativos e plugins. Mobile Android iPhone Windows Phone. Desktop Google Chrome Windows 8. Plugin W. Media Player Winamp. Meu perfil Enviar letra Mensagens Editar Sair. Editar playlist. Tem certeza que deseja excluir esta playlist?

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