Pastoral Care Companion

This expansive resource provides the pastor with a wealth of materials in his work of caring for souls in times of sickness and distress.
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Valid December 15, CST only. This expansive resource provides the pastor with a wealth of materials in his work of caring for souls in times of sickness and distress. For each topic, resources include: This edition is no longer offered in burgundy soft bonded leather.

Common Worship: Pastoral Ministry Companion by Church House Publishing - Leather / fine binding

It is available in classic black bonded leather only. Go back to main content Go back to main navigation.

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Please refer to the grid below:. Your shipping options include:. Skip main content and go to side navigation. Be the first to review this product. Item Added to Your View Cart. Checkout Now Secure checkout at cph. May we also recommend The personal use discount applies for one of an item for you or your immediate family members where applicable. Any purchase s beyond the one item personal use will be processed at the current sale price. Recently, I had a shared group project outside of my regular professional duties and outside my role as a priest.

The group of 25 had worked closely together for three months, and my colleagues knew that I was a priest. As the project concluded, one of my colleagues approached and asked if she could speak with me. She went on to describe a period of isolation from the Church following the revelations of sexual abuse in her local church. On the night one of her parents died, the hospital sought a priest to come in and minister to this family.

The priest declined to come in because the patient had already died and, therefore, the Sacrament of the Annointing of the Sick was not an option. The hospital chaplain could offer the prayers following death.

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The way this situation was handled deepened and emphasized the experience of alienation rather than healing and reconciling the alienation. Divorced and remarried individuals and those who identify as gay or lesbian can describe similar experiences in which the sense of alienation has been reinforced where compassion could have been expressed as easily. A relational approach to ministry suggests an alternative. In the hospital where I work, we have been working with the chaplains to decrease the number of calls to the priest.

Common Worship: Pastoral Ministry Companion

Instead, we train them to say: Anyone can offer these prayers, but if you still want me to call the priest when we are finished I will. Likewise, the experience of divorced and remarried or LGBTQ Catholics can be one where the alienation is emphasized and reinforced to the detriment of responding to the human need present. The relational approach advocated here does demand that we be open to encountering others with a nonanxious, nonjudgmental presence. The relational paradigm suggested here requires a stance of humility on the part of the pastoral caregiver.

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A stance of humility frees the pastoral caregiver from needing to have all answers while recognizing the value of the professional skills and training acquired through years of study and hard work. A stance of humility would recognize that laypeople have similar skills and training, allowing priests to work collaboratively with others to meet the needs of both those to whom we minister and the institutions we serve. A stance of humility would require that we are open to learn from others. The relational paradigm recognizes that an area of shared knowledge exists in the space between the person giving help and the person receiving help.

The one receiving help is an expert on their own history, their own questions and the answers that resonate with them in response to these questions. The pastoral caregiver brings knowledge of a long history of others who have struggled with similar questions and found satisfactory answers.

Rather than abandoning the knowledge and skill acquired over years of training, this stance of humility requires that the caregiver hold authority lightly, allowing room for the other. Openness to the experience of the other is crucial if we are to respond in a way that is emotionally resonant with the situation. In the helper-as-expert paradigm, professional training is seen as a way to gain the status of expert. This ongoing consultation will also help the professional caregiver take the natural projections we receive from others less personally.

For example, when I meet a patient who responds with distrust or skepticism as to why I am there, I know that the person has a legitimate reason to be skeptical based on their previous experiences while holding on to my own sense that I am trustworthy. More formal ongoing professional training may take the form of conferences, workshops, classes or reading. In a relational paradigm, this form of ongoing professional training helps the caregiver to stay curious about new developments and how age-old questions are being asked and answered in a new way.

The attention to our own experience requires a renewed attention to self-care in our lives. Cooper-White suggests that we utilize a variety of resources to build community for ourselves, including individual psychotherapy, spiritual direction and professional consultation. She also suggests making time for theological reflection in which we set aside space to consider the theological implications of our encounters and engage in an imaginative process where we can make meaning of our experiences.

This is the ground, finally, from which all genuine pastoral care springs.

  • Pastoral Care Companion - bonded leather black.
  • Common Worship: Pastoral Ministry Companion.
  • Pastoral Care Companion - bonded leather black: -
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  • Our job is not to make the healing happen, but our own role in helping will be strengthened by making ourselves available through daily prayer to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Professional caregivers, including priests, bring a wealth of knowledge, skill, training and experience to this relationship, and these gifts find their place within the relational paradigm.

    The relational approach will lead the caregiver to greater self-knowledge and more nuanced use of self in service of the one receiving our care by providing resonant emotional experiences that allow for deeper mutual exploration or discordant emotional experiences that may help us to guide others to reflect on areas that have received less attention.

    Confessions of a Catholic Dad Editor's Notebook. Pastoral Care of the Sick: These words remind us of something essential.

    All pastoral ministry is born of love. All pastoral ministry is born of love! Let us learn to look at things more deeply. What is missing is someone to warm their heart. For more information, visit nacc. Laying on of hands.