Earn It: Empower Yourself for Love

"I've been hurt one to many times, you have to earn my trust back from now on! There are ways to Empower Yourself by NOT giving your power to others, but by viewing It kills relationships and puts “conditions” on love.
Table of contents

I had a very needy mindset and I derived way too much of my self-worth from how men responded to me. As empowered women, we all have all the resources we need to survive available to us within ourselves. This is our deep, inner power. Be Emotionally Whole Being emotionally independent means that you take responsibility for your own happiness. The other person is not responsible for making you happy. YOU are, and when you follow and stay in control of your own happiness, then your life is empowered.

You do not have to put up with any bad behavior. Next time he calls or texts, you can let him know. If he is a gentleman, then he will honor the commitment and meet you there. If he flakes and cancels then he is not honoring the commitment and you do not want to reward his behavior. Be confident and see yourself as the prize that your man has to work hard for to win. Being the prize is all about inner confidence and knowing that you are worthy of being loved, adored, and worshipped.

Men are just as intuitive as women! When you treat him like the prize and work hard to win him over, you are valuing him much more than you are valuing yourself. He has to feel like he won the prize. I know, it can be scary to see and accept the real you.

  1. Bildung als Entwicklungsaufgabe (German Edition).
  2. Snake Dance.
  3. Introduction to Design for Civil Engineers.
  4. American History of the 20th Century (Instant History).
  5. Rabbits Dont Make Deals: With a superstate gone bad.
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But you have to be vulnerable enough to be who you really are and feel comfortable that other people will like you for your real self as well. How do you become vulnerable? By connecting to the beautiful and unique YOU; as in coming into alignment with our higher-self or true-self. This is the part of you that wants you to be the master of your own direction.

Only you can truly see you, and only you can truly know what you need. When we put the responsibility on someone to provide for us, we have created a situation that is set up to fail.

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A lot of women get caught up in the fantasy of having a boyfriend. Be comfortable with being alone and honor yourself with daily, weekly and monthly rituals. Acknowledge and appreciate yourself. When you recognize your best qualities and show your sincere appreciation for the gorgeous Goddess you are, you will raise your self-confidence and fall in love with you. Return To Old-Fashioned Values If you were raised with old-fashioned values then dating apps and casual sex may feel uncomfortable to you.

On the other hand, you may feel completely empowered dating multiple men.

4 Reasons Why Trust Is NOT Earned

Whatever the case, own your sexual power. Your sexuality is a gift and a treasure. When you save yourself after getting to know another person and connect with them emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physical in an organic way you build intimacy, trust, friendship and connection. Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. Quotes tagged as "self-empowerment" showing of A Memoir of the Craft. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future.

Reflections on Life and the Human Experience. Take trains by yourself to places you have never been. Sleep out alone under the stars. Learn how to drive a stick shift. Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back. Say yes if your instincts are strong, even if everyone around you disagrees.

Decide whether you want to be liked or admired.

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Your beauty, just like your capacity for life, happiness, and success, is immeasurable. Day after day, countless people across the globe get on a scale in search of validation of beauty and social acceptance. Get off the scale! I have yet to see a scale that can tell you how enchanting your eyes are. I have yet to see a scale that can show you how wonderful your hair looks when the sun shines its glorious rays on it.

I have yet to see a scale that can thank you for your compassion, sense of humor, and contagious smile. Bob Quinlan is giving men a chance to get it right.

Empower Yourself for Love" is a clear demonstration of how the 'happily ever after' story cannot stop with the bride and groom kissing at the end of the ceremony and the prince carrying the girl off to his castle. It take personal attention, patience, humility, self-searching, generosity; all those things many men tend to phase out after they've gotten their girl.

If the anti-Neanderthal approach were put into practice by everyone, the divorce rate would surely plummet and the happiness rate would soar. To learn is not always simple. To learn and remember what you've learned is a talent. Through Bob Quinlan's book, Earn it: Empower Yourself for Love, the main feature of personal relationships is explored and simplified. This book conjures ideas of hope towards happiness with certain individuals in a person's life.

Self Empowerment Quotes

I recommend it for young adult readers as they "try to figure out the whats and whys" of a relationship to those wanting and needing to further enhance themselves, grow, in a relationship. This book is not just about building and nurturing relationships. More importantly, it is about adopting a philosophy of life. Having read the book, I now carry the philosophy of "Earn It" into every life situation, whether it deals with my business, family, friends or acquaintances. Among the recent generations when so many have expected life to give them so much, this book takes us back to the good old fashion American value that no one is going to give us anything unless we earn it.

Self Empowerment Quotes ( quotes)

The lesson learned is that children, spouses, business associates, and others are not entitled. They need to earn love, support and loyalty. At first glance, the cover may imply that this is a book for women, which is the furthest thing from the truth. The unique writing style of this book is that much of it is written in familiar terms that are used in the business world by both men and women.

Relationships, values, benefits and detriments are described in terms such as contract, partnership, balance sheet, tangible and intangible assets, short-term and long-term liabilities, and return on investment. Finally, a book that most men can relate to their everyday experiences. Relationships can be scary once you start feeling vulnerable, as there are no guarantees in life - but Earn It taught me that the best way to keep my partner is to constantly try to Earn his love every day.

I love the comparisons to business relationships If you love your partner, you'll be interested in their needs as they change and adjust to keep them happy. Even in my young 20s - this book has seriously helped reassure that my standards are not unrealistic - coming from a male author is what fuels that reassurance. Bob Quinlan has written a very cogent book on how to make love work.

You EARN your partner's love by making love a priority, and by continually reinvesting in your relationship. The book is simple, easy to understand, and VERY practical.

Bob has the background in medical sales to show people a new way to look at love. By showing love as a choice, Bob teaches us how to add value to our relationship s , and how to make them more meaningful. The book is one to come back to, and to use a blueprint for relationship success. Earn it is a must read. Recently my girlfriend and I have been reading Earn It book together in what we call "reading dates.

It has become fun for us to continually look for and create opportunities to earn each others affection. I think it's important to note that many relationship books are geared toward one sex or the other male or female.