The Bible, Story of a Book

The Story of the Bible [Larry Stone] on *FREE* shipping on The World's Greatest Book: The Story of How the Bible Came to Be. Lawrence H.
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As is evident from this quote, Maxwell also presupposes Young Earth Creationism with a literal six-day creation taking place six thousand years before the present, in accordance with Ussher chronology. The introductory chapter to the first volume encourages the reader to reflect on the origin of animals, humans and the earth itself, asking where everything came from. The reader is pointed to the Bible account as the only trustworthy source:. Many great men have tried to explain these things [i. They have come up with all sorts of strange ideas and suggestions, but most of them are far from the truth.

In only one place - the Bible - will you find the true story. If you will open this wonderful Book, you will find that the very first part is called Genesis, meaning "the book of beginnings. At the end of the chapter, Maxwell asserts that human lineages go back to God, thus explicitly dismissing the theory of evolution in favor of creationism. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from " https: Bibles for children Series of books Seventh-day Adventist media.

All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from August Mar 05, Keith Beasley-Topliffe rated it did not like it. It seemed like a good idea. Make an abridged Bible that emphasized the main story from creation to end of time and could be read as a novel. Of course a lot would have to be cut, but even a third of the bible is a lot of material and an amazing chronicle of God's interaction with people over a couple thousand years. Then I read it. I've read the entire bible in various translations several times. I've led groups through "The Bible in 90 Days" also by Zondervan.

And so I was more struck by what It seemed like a good idea. And so I was more struck by what was left out than what was kept. Gone are the begats. Also gone are almost all calls for God's people to take care of one another. No call in the Law to be mindful of widows, orphans, and strangers in the land. No prophetic denunciation of oppression of the weak by the powerful or of the poor by the rich. No call from Jesus to love one another though most of John 13 is included or to love our enemies most of the ethical content of the Sermon on the Mount is cut. One would never guess from "The Story" that the prophets denounced anything other than idolatry or that anyone but Paul wrote letters to early Christians.

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One wouldn't see the chaos that made the Israelite tribes long for a king. Of course some people would celebrate the cuts. Some would commend the near absence of calls for social justice. Others might applaud the removal of the book of James with its insistence that faith must be lived out in righteous action also cut is the call to bear fruit in John Still the pattern is disturbing.

And it makes "The Story" seem like a betrayal of The Bible. There was a lot of Bible in this relatively short book! I have never read a book about the Bible like this meaning reads like a story. This was a good big-picture type read of the Bible. I learned a lot and feel when I go back and study parts of the Bible it will make more sense since I have read a broad version.

I would recommend this to anyone that wants to know the story of Christ in a compact easy read. Oct 02, David Jones rated it did not like it. Just read the Bible. That way you won't get things left out. Jun 25, Michael Powe rated it liked it. This book is a useful tool for study of the Bible.

Bible Living

It is not , despite the cover, "selections from the New International Version. It's useful because it allows the student to follow the narrative lines of the Bible. Most of the historical annotations inserted by the original Biblical authors are stripped out. The book fails, in my opinion, in two important respects. First, it does not include annotations that parallel its te This book is a useful tool for study of the Bible. First, it does not include annotations that parallel its text with the originals.

Readers cannot go back to the original Bible and see for themselves what the original stories looked like. Second, it sometimes blurs together accounts that are quite distinct in the original. For example, it runs together chapters one and two of Genesis as though they combine for a single story. In fact, they're two distinct stories of the creation. That said, The Story enables non-theologians to get a clear picture of the Bible as a narrative.

This is a good step toward understanding the Bible as a holy book. Oct 05, Bonnie Garrett rated it it was amazing. I came into this book with only a fuzzy concept of the Old Testament. This seemed like just the right thing to give me a clear, chronological picture of events, and it certainly did the trick. However, I had already read much of the New Testament, so I could definitely tell when The Story left out large chunks of it. As a whole, I enjoyed it and I learned a lot. Not only did it read like a page-turner Imagine that - The Bible as a fast-paced novel!

The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People, NIV

This is not a replacement of the Bible by any means, but more of a synopsis to use before diving in to the real thing. I have no doubt that people with more Biblical knowledge than I will also find it useful and entertaining. This audio version helped me with my study of The Story. However, some of the readers were slow, the last disc had some sort of manufacturing defect, and certain parts--especially Revelation--could have been much more dramatic. As helpful as it was, I'm trading in my copy first chance I get. View all 3 comments. Smart idea, but it has the risk of being interpreted as a "substitute" for the Bible itself.

When its purpose is defined clearly, it could be a great evangelical tool.

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  4. Certain chapters might give great perspective and clarity to some of the lesser-known parts of the Scriptures. Yet other valuable parts of Scripture are taken out, and some of it feels incomplete. Some of the language in the commentary contained a little too much slang for my tastes you really wanna say they "just plain forget," i Smart idea, but it has the risk of being interpreted as a "substitute" for the Bible itself.

    Some of the language in the commentary contained a little too much slang for my tastes you really wanna say they "just plain forget," instead of "simply forget"? Once I got used to the things that bothered me see "first impressions" below , it wasn't too bad. I still wish it had been more than the NIV, more descriptive, more "current," but it's obviously a Zondervan thing, so I'll have to wish for Tyndale or Eugene Peterson to copy the idea if they haven't already, I honestly have no idea. I'm glad I listened to the whole thing and got a glimpse of the entire Bible as a story. It's not a foreign concept by any means, but since it's so long, it was nice Once I got used to the things that bothered me see "first impressions" below , it wasn't too bad.

    It's not a foreign concept by any means, but since it's so long, it was nice to go through a shorter, condensed version.

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    That said, it definitely didn't cover the entire Bible as in every single book or chapter, but I think it was a good overview. I should've listened to a sample. I listened to it a bit, but it is dramatized, which I thought would be a good thing at the time. It has music in the background, and everything is read very epically. But it just felt over-the-top, although I guess maybe that is appropriate for the reading of the Bible. So I saw this book and got it thinking that it would read more like something written now sort of like The Message except better. It's just chunks of the NIV with short segments that help one story segue to the next or summary of a story that they aren't using the NIV for.

    And it's read with the background music and epic voices, and it just sounds kind of ridiculous sometimes. I kid you not, there were laughable background sounds of a woman giving birth that I could've done without. And like I said, it's just the NIV. So at the risk of sounding like a terrible Christian, I wish they would've taken the liberty to fill in gaps with descriptions of emotions, thoughts, intentions, and setting, and made the dialogue more relatable.

    I'm not listening to this to do a study; I'm listening it for the story which is the title of the book. So maybe I'm terrible, but I wish it read more like a story written within the last thirty years. It turns out that this wasn't really what I was looking for at all, but I'll keep going for the remaining 14 hours or so I hope I can get more into it as I get used to it and as I get to stories that I'm not as familiar with.

    I went into this expecting it to be a novel-ish version of the bible because I had heard it was, but it wasn't - actually, it's the bible rewritten so it's in chronological order and more easily understandable. So it wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but it was still very interesting and good to read. However, I felt that the authors comments in italics were - at least to me - more distracting than helpful and so I quickly started skimming over them or skipping them altogether. May 01, Ntombezinhle Nzama rated it really liked it. This book weaved together the story of the bible so beautifully.

    Although it was not a word for word account of the bible we would just read the bible if that were the case , it puts the story together. I actually learnt a lot about the bible and how some things fit together. I tool a while to finish this book and read other books in between, but every time I cam back to it I felt so enlightened I must say though, the old testament was A LOT of history but I actually got to understand how ev This book weaved together the story of the bible so beautifully. I must say though, the old testament was A LOT of history but I actually got to understand how everything fits together!!

    The new testament really brought it all together. This book promised to show "the bible as one continuing story of God and his people" and that it did!! The Story is a somewhat compact version of the stories in the Bible. Of course it starts with Adam and Eve and goes all the way through to Revelations. Although it covers the main points it does leave out a few stories and passages. But that was okay with me because I read this book with the intention that I was only going to get the "meat and potatoes" out of it.

    I had already planned to get the "gravy" directly from the Bible KJV after reading this.

    The Book of Numbers

    In summation, this book gives you a prett The Story is a somewhat compact version of the stories in the Bible. In summation, this book gives you a pretty good understanding of what happens in the Bible. It's the story-like Cliff Notes version of the Bible. That said, I would recommend it to those who want a general knowledge of what's in the Bible. I gave it 4 stars because it gave me what I needed to know from the Bible without the irrelevant details. Now when I read the actual Bible, I can read it not for a story but for a deeper meaning and understanding of the passages.

    There are some parts that are a little dragged out, boring, Judges, Kings, and the letters Paul wrote to the church and redundant so be aware of that. Dec 23, Cathryn Conroy rated it it was amazing.

    Stories and Subjects in the Books of the Bible

    If you have ever wanted to read the Bible from start to finish but found the length daunting and the "begats" boring, this is the book for you. When parts are skipped, the author summarizes in italics what happened. I read "The Story" as part of a nine-month Episcopal church Bible study group, and it's ideal for this if you're looking for such a resource. But If you have ever wanted to read the Bible from start to finish but found the length daunting and the "begats" boring, this is the book for you.

    But you can also read this on your own, and at the end you will have a sound overview of the Bible. If you decide to read the Bible cover to cover, including all the "begats," it will take you about three years if you read one chapter a day. My church just finished going through this book together in the worship services and in weekly small group discussions.

    The Book of God: The Bible as a Novel by Walter Wangerin Jr.

    It's not a replacement for the Bible, it's simply meant as a tool to encourage fuller engagement with the Bible. And it was extremely effective in our community -- it raised biblical literacy, encouraged deeper worship, and allowed us a venue for asking some really tough and wonderful questions. If you're someone who has always been interested in the Bible but for one reason or My church just finished going through this book together in the worship services and in weekly small group discussions. If you're someone who has always been interested in the Bible but for one reason or another felt a little intimidated by the Bible or by church , then this is a great series to try out.

    You'll learn a ton and have the opportunity to grow closer to God, if you'd like. I read this book to go along with on ongoing sermon series at our church. Between the book itself and the sermons that accompanied it, I learned a lot and understand parts of the Bible that were foreign to me beforehand.