Americas Disappeared: Secret Imprisonment, Detainees, and the War on Terror (Open Media Series)

Secret Imprisonment, Detainees, and the "War on Terror" “To read America's Disappeared is to be moved by the personal stories of human beings plucked out .
Table of contents

Some are tortured; others are shipped off to other countries to be tortured. This book brings together, for the first time, detainees own testimonies along with analysis by the leading constitutional attorneys and human rights advocates.

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To read these stories is to be shocked by the way our constitutional rights have been violated again and again, with the government justifying this as a 'war on terrorism'. The essays in this collection not only confront us with the human reality of the detentions at Guantnamo and the tortures of Abu Ghraib. They also scrutinize and dissect the legal arguments of the government, as it tries to defend the indefensible. This volume informs us as it angers us, and provokes us to act in whatever way we can to bring democracy alive in our country.

Other books by Barbara Olshansky

She was one of the lead attorneys in the landmark U. The term was first used by the…. Human rights , rights that belong to an individual or group of individuals simply for being human, or as a consequence of inherent human vulnerability, or because they are requisite to the possibility of a just society. Whatever their theoretical justification, human rights refer to a wide continuum of values or….

International law , the body of legal rules, norms, and standards that apply between sovereign states and other entities that are legally recognized as international actors. The term was coined by the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham — More About War on terrorism 1 reference found in Britannica articles Assorted References guerrilla warfare In guerrilla warfare: Help us improve this article! Contact our editors with your feedback. You may find it helpful to search within the site to see how similar or related subjects are covered.

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US detention policy: Exposing the dark side | USA | Al Jazeera

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Please try again later. Khadr was transferred to Guantanamo in October where his abusive and degrading treatment continued. According to Khadr's affidavit, at Bagram he was beaten, hung by his wrists for hours In , Khadr's main Bagram interrogator, who had been court-martialed in connection with the beating death of Dilawar, was called as a government witness to testify that he was not "unlawfully" abused. The former interrogator acknowledged threatening the thenyear-old with gang rape and death. Although military judges in some commissions cases decided to exclude statements from Bagram because of the commonplace brutality in that facility, Khadr's judge did not.

In October , he pled guilty to all charges in exchange for a plea agreement that will release him to Canada in late His military lawyer, Maj. David Frakt, moved to have the charges dismissed on the grounds of torture and outrageous government conduct. The prosecutor assigned to the case, Lt.

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Darrel Vandeveld, resigned in protest. Frakt and Vandeveld cooperated to expose the extent of the "frequent flier program" i. Although the military judge hearing the motion refused to dismiss Jawad's charges on those grounds, paradoxically, he did recommend that those directly involved in Jawad's abuse be disciplined. In , charges against Jawad were dismissed because the only government evidence to support the allegation that he threw the grenade was tortured statements he had made to interrogators at Bagram.

When he was repatriated to Afghanistan in August , he would have been transferred to Afghan custody in Pul-e-Charki prison, but one of his military lawyers flew there to precede his arrival and intervened with the Karzai government to prevent that. Six military commission prosecutors quit because they refused to participate in a system that relies on tortured evidence.

In an attempt to overcome the problem of prosecuting people who had been brutalised and degraded, "clean teams" of FBI and military interrogators were sent to "reinterview" prisoners to generate confessions and other forms of evidence untainted by previous abuse.

War on terrorism

Of the total population of people ever confined at this facility, over of these ostensibly "worst of the worst" men had been released or transferred by the time President Bush left office. Her research and writing focus on the laws of war and conflict, human rights, and torture. She is the author of Courting Conflict: Hajjar is currently working on a book about anti-torture lawyering in the US.

The views expressed in this article are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy. Her research and writing focus on the laws of war and conflict, human rights and torture. She is the author of Torture: A Sociology of Violence and Human Rights. What obstacles do young women in technology have to overcome to achieve their dreams? Play this retro game to find out.

About homes in one of Ottawa's most diverse and affordable communities are expected to be torn down in coming months. In , a year before Nigeria's independence, a year-old student helped colour the country's identity. Exposing the dark side For the first two years of the "war on terror", the American public knew little about the Bush administration's interrogation and detention policies because wartime decision making was clandestine and even memoranda from the Justice Department were classified.

Birth of a debacle. The US detention policy: Exposing the dark side. The 'War on Terror' goes to court. Obama inherits and embraces a 'legal mess'. America's detention policy debacle turns ten.