Translingual[edit]. Alternative forms[edit]. xvi. Numeral[edit]. XVI. A Roman numeral representing the number sixteen (16). Coordinate terms[edit]. Previous: XV.
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The Assembly declared that the king was suspended from office and ordered that he and his family should be imprisoned. They then called a new assembly, the Convention, to decide whether France should continue to be a monarchy. The Convention brought Louis XVI to trial on the charge of conspiring with foreign countries for the invasion of France.

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He was declared guilty and sentenced to death. His execution had important consequences for France, because it increased the prejudice against the Revolution in other countries, which were also monarchies. Louis is first mentioned in The Kingdom of This World in the opening chapter page 5 , though he is referred to only as the King of France, not by name.

Ti Noel is browsing the shop-windows while he waits for his owner, Lenormand de Mezy, to get his shave. He sees four pictures of the King of France in the window of the booksellers, prints recently imported from Paris. This demonstrated that France still ruled Haiti at this point and that there was still monarchist support amongst the plantation owners for Louis XVI.

Louis XVI of France

On page 71 Louis is first mentioned by name, as his portrait adorns the wall of the office of Governor Blancheland when M. Lenormand de Mezy goes to him to plead for the lives of his remaining slaves, including Ti Noel. For additional pictures of Louis, as well as the rest of his family and events from his life, go to:.

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Learn More in these related Britannica articles: Tradition seemed to them an increasingly inadequate principle to follow in such matters. Meliorism, gauged especially by the progress of the sciences, was one of the cardinal beliefs of…. For the deputies to the National Convention, now regicides, there could be no turning back.

Louis XVI (1754-1793)

Laws to deport the refractory clergy, to bar the…. They reached the French border town of Varennes, where they….

The precious metals were…. Three days afterward Louis XVI appeared on the balcony wearing a tricolour cockade blue, white, and red; a symbol of the Revolution and was cheered by the crowd.

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Attempt to flee the country

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The Kingdom of This World

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  • Xvi - definition of xvi by The Free Dictionary;
  • Execution of Louis XVI.
  • Louis XVI of France - Wikipedia.
  • Battle of Britain.
  • Kennedy, 35th president of the United States —63 , who faced a number of foreign crises,…. Donald Trump, 45th president of the United States —.