Soul Patrol

A celebration of Great Black Music From The Ancient To The Future. It's all about Soul, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Funk, and about the culture they have evolved.
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I thought Simon Cowell was a dick when he said that Hicks would never make it to the final round. Boy was he wrong. Hicks's first performance on American Idol for the voting public blew me away. When we went to Los Vegas in , I made sure my parents bought tickets to his show at Ballys'. It's been a long road so far. We have had to endure cranky judges and drunk ones, if the stories are to be believed , strange people remember the woman in her fifties who dressed up in a yellow chicken suit and lied about her age , ego trips two words: Ian Bernado , sad stories year old Matt Salvo, who was at the auditions by himself because his mom didn't approve of him going , and Sherman Pore it will be a tragedy if he is not allowed to sing on stage at the finale this year.

But the pool has been whittled down to And I already have my favorites. And no, Steff, this time there is no Ace Young on the list. Blake Lewis blew into the Seattle auditions looking like Ryan Seacrest. He then blew me and the judges away with his beat boxing skills. And while his singing wasn't as good, I was glad to see him make it through to Hollywood. During the group competition, I felt Blake's beat boxing skills were the reason why his group sounded so good.

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Like Simon said, this is a singing competition, and I do think Blake has a voice and the talent and maturity to make it. I'm looking forward to see whether Blake will be able to incorporate his beat boxing duirng the competition. In addition, I'm interested in seeing if he will continue wearing long-sleeve shirts or will allow his heavily tattooed arm to show. Sanjaya Malakar seems to already be an audience favorite with his 5,watt smile.

7 thoughts on ““The Greatest Defensive Backfield of all time! The Oakland Raiders Soul Patrol””

He is the youngest, and shyest, of my favorites. But the moment he belted out Stevie Wonder at his auditions, I knew he had the talent to make it this far. Only time will tell if he has the maturity needed to handle the songs thrown at him during the compeition. But his down-to-earth personality remind you of anyone should help him. And you can be sure that his sister will be in the audience the entire time.

Lakisha Jones sang Think by Arithia Franklin and blew everyone away. Based on just her audition alone, she deserves a recording contract. During her solo song in the Hollywood Round, she had much of the audience standing and cheering her on. Lakisha has the maturity and talent to make any song she sings her own. It will be a tragedy if she doesn't at least make the Final Melinda Doolittle walked into her audition with zero confidence and a lot of talent. She found some confidence along the way, and it showed during the Hollywood Round.

As long as Melinda doesn't lose her new-found confidence on the bigger stages, she will be tough to beat. My favorites of this season. I think all four for them will have a bright future no matter what happens to them during the competition. But I have to say that I hope all of them make it to the Top 4. Just in case you have been living under a rock with no electricity recently, below is a list of Top Is there someone else you like? Leave a comment and let me know.

I've debated for several days now about whether to write this blog entry or not and, if I did write it, how I would word it. Although, obviously, I've decided to write it, I haven't yet figured out the wording. So please forgive me in advance if something doesn't come out right.

Soul Patrol 10099 Deep Funk - Various Artists 1999

All Soul Patrollers, no matter which site or sites we belong to, have one thing in common: We are all fans of Taylor Hicks. If we weren't fans of Taylor, there would be no reason to be a Soul Patroller. We might still visit a Soul Patrol Website out of curiousity or even participate on one because of friends who belong, but you generally won't find someone calling themselves a Soul Patroller unless they are really a fan. But despite the fact that we all have our Taylor fandom in common, we are all different.

Like snowflakes, no two Soul Patrollers are alike. We all have our own opinions, ideas, and thoughts that, at any given point in time, may be different from a majority of the Soul Patrol. Take a look at any of the friends you have offline. I can say with confidence that in every friendship you have, you and your friend have at least one thing in common. It is these commonalities that helped to get the friendship started in the first place and, often times, helps to sustain the friendship.

I can also say, with just as much confidence, that in every friendship you have, you and your friend will have at least one thing you don't see eye-to-eye on. And it is these differences that can, at times, cause a disruption in the friendship. So where am I going with this? Well, everyone who calls themself a Soul Patroller have Taylor Hicks in common. We are all fans of his. However, not every Soul Patroller sees things regarding Taylor the same way.


While one Soul Patroller may think the two songs released as singles so far were the best choices, another Soul Patroller may think that the choice of songs are partially responsible for the lack of radio airplay. While one Soul Patroller may enjoy watching Taylor from a distance, another Soul Patroller may feel that the best way to express her love for Taylor is to throw her panties on stage. Though, and I'm sure all Soul Patrollers can agree on this one, I hope those panties were new or, at least, clean. Lately, though, it seems that some Soul Patrollers are having a lot of difficulty getting past the fact that not every other Taylor fan out there sees things they same way they do.

Instead of discussing their differences, though, they put that person down for having those opinions. Worse, sometimes they follow up with their own opinions in such a way that they act like theirs is the only opinion that matters. Even worse still, I've seen cases where one member has accussed another member of not being a true fan because they didn't like everything that Taylor has done.

Even though we all have Taylor in common, we have to work at not allowing our differing thoughts, ideas, and opinions to break us apart. We have to remember that each person is different and that their opinions may not always match our own when it comes to Taylor. We also have to remember to respect each other's opinions even when we disagree with them. We have to work at not putting each other down while, simultaneously, fostering healthy discussion on those differences. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Soul Patrollers are some of the best fans out there.

And I know we can all work together to get past our differences in order to ensure that that statement is always true. September 29, 7: You hit the nail in the head. You are so right- just because we don't show our fanship towards Taylor the same way, it doesn't make us any less his fans, and we need the freedom to express ourselves without fear of retribution.

“The Greatest Defensive Backfield of all time! The Oakland Raiders Soul Patrol”

Everything that you said is true and correct. There is no argument in my part. But there is a difference between having strong convictions and having disparagement. These are two totally different things. Taylor is the reason why we are all here, and then it should stay that way. Great blog, Alan, thanks. September 29, 8: Alan, I think you have displayed a trait that other moderators on any website should exhibit in trying to keep the peace when you have a large population of women with a lot of opinions.

Ultimately, I believe that it shows that you have a good heart. Don't take this too personally, I am still mad at you. LOL kidding posted by Anonymous: September 29, 9: Taylor is our focus here at TOSP I believe we all want him to be flourish and become more successful and let the world hear his music I love being a member of the Soul Patrol and especially this board.

There are some wonderful people here. Thanks, Alan Jonnelle posted by Anonymous: September 30, To the poor man who is trying to lead a herd of felines I still haven't figured out how you came to this position with the TOSP not having seen TH perform "live" until recently. You have such placid acceptance of our foibles-- you must be a natural born peacemaker. In any event thank you for your generous acceptance of the variety of the personalities you so well described. On behalf of my fellow fans, I submit we will TRY to behave in our fandom. Dinah posted by maryann1: We were all brought to this site because of Taylor who looks at the positive in life.

We are all individuals with our own thoughts and opinions about many different things. I have met many wonderful people and made many friends. We can learn from each other. Thank you for your wonderful blog. September 30, 8: Alan I also agree that we are all fans in our own way and should not be fighting with each other. Alan- This is a very important point and a great time to bring this up. We are all Soul Patrol - but we are all different. He is going to need us more than ever in the next few months.

I would hate to be part of a fan base that has a reputation of being divided and difficult to deal with. Think about it before you respond, think about it before you pm someone with gossip and think about it before you go to a concert. Work together and promote. Don't call yourself just a fan - become a supporter! Taylor needs this board. It is the biggest and the most visiable.

Let's work to continue making it the BEST! Teri cydter posted by Bofizzz: While every CD in the series is packed with superlative examples of the gritty country- and blues-spiced music that made Southern soul famous, volume one is probably the best. But there are also some relatively obscure and hard-to-find wonders many of which happen to be about adultery, a subject that's almost as big in soul as it is in country.

That's more than what's available on Vol. AllMusic relies heavily on JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to use the site fully. Jazz Latin New Age. Sexy Trippy All Moods. Drinking Hanging Out In Love. Introspection Late Night Partying. Rainy Day Relaxation Road Trip. Romantic Evening Sex All Themes. Streams Videos All Posts. Stream or buy on: Release Date October 11,