The Demon Of Hode

"The Daemon Lover", also known as "James Harris", "James Herries", or "The House Carpenter" (Roud 14, Child ) is a popular Scottish ballad.
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I saw Chase grab a demon and ripped it in half!!

We all saw a turquoise glow in the distance then we saw Rocky stand and conjor a Sword Of Heaven and strike three demons point blank then I head Skye say "Cover your ears!! I screamed so loud I killed fourteen demons and K. Everest was near the clouds before she shot back down faster than lightning!! She struck the ground with the force of one hundred meteorites destroying any thing within a ninety-five mile radius!!!!

We couldn't get past Mr. Porters that is until we saw holding the city hostage in city hall!!! Then we all ran like lightning towards city hall leaving a trail of flames and magma behind us. When we got to city hall we saw EXE we all fought bravley but what we didn't know was we combine our powers with our blaze of furry to cause our poowers extremely powerful and leathal!! Marshall made a water sword and it steamed up and when the steam cleared the water sword was now an obsidian sword he slashed at EXE and delt a lot of damage. Obviously they could not gain their powers in the same way Illidan did, but they discovered other means.

In the millennia since, other night elves, and a few creatures of other races, have made the same pact, binding demonic essence in their bodies and using it to destroy the Legion's minions. Demon hunters have a variety of abilities that assist them in destroying demons, though the power coursing through their bodies also allows them to prevail over lesser foes. Demon hunters eschew heavy armor, valuing mobility and speed. As a demon hunter grows in power, they undergo a gradual evolution, becoming more and more demonic in appearance.

The changes are cosmetic and can take many different forms, from burning eyes to black blood. By the time demon hunters reaches the pinnacle of their development, they are a twisted and dark version of their former selves.

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Though the chaotic energy in their body does not affect their personality or allegiance so the demon hunters claim , it wreaks great changes on their physical form. Their gradual evolution achieves its pinnacle as they become a demonic entity.

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Their appearance has changed to something frightening: The demon hunter becomes an outsider. They mainly use fel and shadow energy. They can channel the chaos energy within them into a melee weapon to increase its powers. In time they become more proficient in channeling demonic energy into their weapons, and highly skilled demon hunters are adept at this technique.


Demon hunters have shown the ability to cover their bodies in a shell of flame. They can also unleash the demon in them and temporarily turn themselves into something more. Playable demon hunters are immortal. They cannot be permanently killed. Illidan revealed this during the demon hunter starting experience; their soul will make its way to the Twisting Nether.

Demon Hunter

There, they will wait until they find a suitable body to inhabit. It is unknown if this pertains to all demon hunters or just playable demon hunters, although there is one who was revived by Kil'jaeden in the Twisting Nether which suggests that not just playable demon hunters are immortal. Though equipment obviously varies between them, one universal element of the order seems to be the blindfold.

Used to conceal the remains of the demon hunters' mutilated eye sockets, the demon hunter blindfold is usually some dark but mundane-looking fabric. Blindfolds are occasionally neglected, perhaps to make the demon hunter appear more frightening and intimidating. A second common occurrence among demon hunters is the tendency for males to be stripped to the waist, which is just one display of the demon hunters' emphasis on the importance of agility and general rejection of heavier armor.

Those female demon hunters that have surfaced have been similarly garbed, wearing only the bare minimum of clothing on their upper bodies, sometimes even nothing at all. Demon hunters further tend to wear what appears to be cloth or leather, favoring greater speed and agility on the battlefield. Demon hunters carry large, curved warglaives in the style of Illidan Stormrage's Twin Blades of Azzinoth. Though the exact reason for this tendency isn't explained, there are several possible reasons. One is that this kind of weapon has simply become a tradition over the years, later demon hunters mimicking the first of their kind.

Another is that this style of curved warglaives is common among the kind of demons that demon hunters have to kill as part of their basic initiation process. A third explanation is that the dual-bladed nature of their large, curved weapons allows them to deal the most damage with the least amount of effort, allowing them to focus on their agility and speed. A final explanation is that this kind of weapon is somehow easier to magically charge or channel through.

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These blades appear as a strange cross between a small buckler and a sharp-looking, curved, two-bladed short sword. The demon hunters of the night elves wear these blades while they hunt the minions of the Scourge , the Burning Legion, or other dark adversaries.

While many demon hunters rely on non-magic weapons, eventually most have either one of these double blades or a matching pair. The use of such weapons tells a lot about the individual wielding them. The inwardly-curving nature of the blades means that demon hunters must get extremely close to their opponent in order to get maximum use of the blades. The glaives would be swung in wide arcs at extreme speed, viciously lacerating the foe. More often than not, the warglaives will have intricate serrations on the outer edge of the blade near the central buckle, adding yet another facet to the brutal nature of the weapons.

Night elf society shuns demon hunters. Most night elves don't understand the noble sacrifice that demon hunters make; therefore, they make another sacrifice: Other cultures share the night elves' distrust of demon hunters, and the shadowy individuals are not welcome in cities throughout the Alliance or Horde-controlled lands. Citizens and soldiers may allow a demon hunter to stay at an inn or take a brief rest at a tavern, but they watch them warily and breathe sighs of relief when they leave.

These people do not see demon hunters for the heroes and martyrs they are; they see them as dangerous individuals who consort with dark powers, almost as bad as warlocks. Such ignorance embitters many demon hunters, and most are solitary souls. Some are fortunate enough to find the company of a few individuals who appreciate them, or at least show them little ill will.

Recently, knowledge of a secret order of demon hunters has come to light. Little is known of who they are, but they call themselves the Dark Embrace.

The Battle

Hints of their path have surfaced in the days following the Cataclysm, rumored to be found in the bleak lands of Darkshore and the tainted glades of Felwood. In World of Warcraft: Legion , only night elves and blood elves have the ability to become demon hunters. Illidari Demon Hunter training on top of the Ruins of Karabor. In lore, any race can become a demon hunter, though almost all demon hunters today are night elves, with a minority of blood elves. Humans can also be demon hunters.

Unlike other classes, demon hunters have unique character customization features that include the following:. Demon hunters can command chaotic energies to inflict havoc on enemies, or they can focus their powers to resist damage and fuel vengeful attacks. Demon hunters heal using the souls of those they've slain.

As Demon Hunters may only wear up to Leather armor, Leatherworking and Skinning may be a good choice. It is unknown at this time if Blacksmithing will receive plans for new Demon Hunter weapons, so this may be a sub-optimal choice. Lore wise, Enchanting would be a decent choice as well, as they would have an implicit understanding of the magic involved in destroying or imbuing an object with arcane energy.

Metamorphosized demon hunter players are able communicate ' Demonic ' cross-faction. Sign In Don't have an account? This enhanced awareness, together with their great agility and magical prowess, makes demon hunters unpredictable adversaries. Contents [ show ]. A demon hunter's double jump and glide abilities in use. Night Elf Demon Hunter using a Warglaive covered in fel fire magic.