Psychological and Educational Testing

Psychological and Education Testing. Provided by Michael P. Boyle, PhD. How Can We Help You? Academic Characteristics and Learning Disabilities.
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Psychological and Educational Testing

What does the fee cover? It also covers other routine communications with you, school, physician, etc. When do I pay for the testing? Unless other arrangements have been made prior to the testing, please pay at least one half of the total fee on or before the initial testing session with your child.

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The remainder must be paid before the written report will be submitted to you. Failure to comply with these procedures may result in a delay in the testing. Please make out checks to: Can I get my local school district to provide the testing my child needs?

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Sometimes they provide the testing directly. Other times they will pay the fee for an outside psychologist to do the testing. Parents have reported several potential problems with having the school do the testing.

An Introduction to the Psychoeducational Assessment

First, the school district has to agree that the child needs testing, and they are sometimes reluctant. Second, there may be a relatively long delay before they actually get to your child.

Government Resources

Testing includes pencil and paper tasks, puzzles, drawing, and games. The assessment covers many skill areas, such as general intellectual level, language, memory and learning, problem solving, planning and organization, fine motor skills, visual spatial skills, and academic skills reading, math, spelling and writing. It also includes an examination of behaviour and emotions. It is important to talk to children about what will happen before any procedure.

Children feel less anxious when they know what to expect.

Special Education Testing | School Psychologist Files

If possible, bring copies of recent report cards and any reports of previous assessments of any kind e. Some children are assessed by a psychologist alone, or along with a psychometrist. Rating scales are also used to measure and quantify emotional issues and behavior relative to other students.

  • School Psychologist Files.
  • Aspects of the Special Education Assessment.
  • Paying for testing ยป - Psychological Testing and Assessment.

Raters respond to a series of questions and the responses are compared to a standardized sample of other students the same age. Students, parents, and teachers may be asked to complete rating scales. Rating scales, interviews, and observations may be used to look at adaptive behavior.

Psychological and Education Testing

It looks at several areas within each major area. For example, in reading there will be a subtest measuring comprehension, recognizing site words, and speed of reading.

More Assessment Protocols

This test focuses on broad skills that a student should know, rather than testing exactly what is taught in class. For example, in class, a teacher will give a list of spelling words to study before the test. There is no way to study for an Educational Test, as it only measures the specific skill being tested. It is also a way to help the parents voice their opinions. Developmental history is reviewed, as home environment, access to educational resources, and important life changes are discussed.