If you live alone, It can happen to you too.

Sure, when you're alone for a long time you can certainly begin to exhibit some strange Loneliness is a feeling that one can get regardless of whether they are in or out of the Bear and mind that this decision doesn't happen overnight.
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So, it looks like either way living alone leaves you with a few quirks that make you believe that unacceptable faux pas have a place in the real world. Being fearful is a natural reaction. However, being fearful when you live alone crosses a very fine line. That fine line between actually being scared and being unbelievably paranoid. Have you ever been lying in your bed late at night contemplating every horrible life decision you made that day? All of a sudden you hear a creak of a door or a scratch coming from the hallway and everything horrible that could happen to you is racing through your mind.

Even if you wanted to sleep at this point you can't you are too afraid that death is quite literally knocking at your door.

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A bad dream is so common and is usually meant to bring something to your attention or help you solve a crisis in your life. You know that someone is in the next room or down the hall and nothing bad could happen I mean if you scream someone will most likely hear you. Living alone and having a nightmare is a totally different ball game. You would swear up and down that your dream is going to become reality. You hate coming home after work and probably actively avoid your home as much as you can. Once you have lived alone for a while it sucks to say it but you get used to a few less than desirable habits.

A lot of those skills your parents taught you to value when you were younger go right out the door. Sadly, one of the first to go is your sharing skills. Living alone means everything belongs to you, you are not obligated to leave a portion of food for someone, give anyone their space or endure someone wanting to share your clothing. So why not let those sharing skills slide out of your life? Chances are once you live alone it is rare that you will go back to living with a roommate unless you plan to marry.

When you live alone there is no one to push you to do anything. Everything relies on your self-motivation. If you choose to cook that day or if you choose to leave your house or if you choose to leave your bed. In addition to someone constantly checking on you, you are forced to make nice and converse when all you want to do is lay around.

When you finally live on your own you think nothing of staying in bed all day hibernating and avoiding the world. There is no way you can go back to living with a roommate or family because what is now normal to you is worrisome to them. For some people living alone really brings out the loner in you.

#2 You have no inhibitions

However, sometimes people get a little too comfortable being alone they tend to throw socialization out the window. The most you can offer is showing up to a family gathering and that is mainly because you know that food will be there and leftovers are what you are living off these days. You would have been just as happy at home with takeout and a few good films loaded up to stream. Being messy is a trait that most people have and embrace. A surface clean is probably the best you will get from someone living a messy lifestyle.

Being alone tends to bring out the more relaxed side of people their sense of urgency is almost non-existent.

  1. TheThings.com.
  2. 5 Weird Personality Changes That Happen When You Live Alone.
  3. 2. You’ll reflect more often.?
  4. When You Start to Enjoy Being Alone, These 10 Things Will Happen.
  5. 16 Reasons Why Living Alone Will F You Up | TheThings.
  6. Public Health Behind Bars: From Prisons to Communities?
  7. When it comes to cleaning the house you will be lucky if it gets done at all. Living alone means there is no one you can argue with. No fights over dirty dishes and no passive aggressive notes left on the kitchen counters. The only person you have to argue with is yourself…if you really want to. Hell, you can decorate your apartment to match the interior of your local Urban Outfitters or just stick weird photos and postcards all over the wall.

    With no sharing, you will be able to use the bathroom for how long you need, you can spread your makeup all over the place and film your very own amateur YouTube beauty videos. Say goodbye to quick showers and super quick make up application and give yourself a big round of applause: You can make and follow you own timetable and this is such a bonus!

    If you decide to stay up all night to catch up on the last ten episodes of The Originals you are more than welcome to do so. How long would it take for your body to be discovered before anyone knew you were dead? These are the thoughts that go away by increased contact.

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    It doesn't have to be running after children or laughing with a spouse. It could be yelling at your roommate to do the dishes or fantasizing about murdering your roommate for not doing the dishes. It's just that when you throw more people into the mix, it creates a buzz, a hum, and that noise often helps to drown out the stupid, stupid, stupid voice that is you. For someone who hates everyone all the time, I sure do enjoy other people, and I like working with others. But hey, some people are loners.

    And in truth, sometimes that's me, too.

    When You Start to Enjoy Being Alone, These 10 Things Will Happen

    I can write my novel or edit videos with very little interaction for hours. But there are such things as two-person jobs, and when you live alone, you're just not getting that helping hand. On my first day in the apartment, I was met with such a challenge.

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    I decided to make an omelet, and you know the old expression: Funny, because that's exactly what happened. I still don't understand it.

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    I did half a swish, and one of the two eggs achieved liftoff before turning my counter into a slip 'n' slide and making its way to freedom. Squirmed to freedom through this tiny space, brave little guy. I couldn't image a worse smell than a festering raw egg, so I acted quickly.

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    With the strength of 10 Cracked columnists or five normal-bodied men , I pulled the stove from the wall, grabbed a sponge, and then squirreled my body into the crawl space like an X-Men. Here's the thing, though. Once I took the first stab at cleaning, I needed to keep rinsing out the sponge in the sink, and I couldn't get to the sink without finding a way out of the crawl space each time, like some sort of X-Men.

    So something that would have taken three minutes to clean took like 15 because I didn't have a buddy by the sink, rinsing the sponge and complimenting me on my cleaning agility. Without a doubt the biggest thing about living alone that you need to get used to is the absence of surprises. When you live with other people, nothing stays the same.

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    The number of eggs in the fridge goes down. Things get better and things get worse. Someone is cooking something special that night, or someone is a friggin' slob who couldn't even microwave a chicken pot pie without getting that viscous goo all over the place. But when you live alone, for good or bad, everything is exactly as you left it. No one did the dishes you left, but no one made new dishes either. That little tiny bread twist tie that you dropped on the floor on the way to work is still there. No one has either picked it up or dropped another one next to it. No one stole that frozen Snickers you were leaving in the fridge for a treat, and no one brought home ice cream on a whim either.

    There is an insane sameness that I have never ever experienced in my life. I'm not used to no surprises. I have three children and many roles to play in life. One world has always been precariously balanced on the other, and typically a small child would bump into it, scattering it to the floor.