Starting a family after 30

Flickr / Madanelu When a woman waits to start having kids for just an extra shows up even in women who started families at 35 instead of
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First Baby at 21

I hope that I dont get that but if I do I am already expecting it. I was 38 when I got married and my hubby was 39 first marriage for both of us! We were blessed to have our first baby boy 11 months later: Now I am 40 hubby 42 and we are trying for 2. Age is nothing but a number. Our son is now 15 months old and we'd love to get him some siblings soon!

I had none of the "age related" problems that you hear about. We think about two years is a great space between kids. I had my first girl at 37, took us a while to get pregnant again and had to do IVF. I'm now 40 and 28 weeks with twin girls. I would prob like another but will wait and see. I don't think it sounds crazy at all! I had my first at 39, and will have my second next month at My neighbor across the street just had her third at 44! We both conceived naturally. I did opt for a second c-section with this one, mainly because I know my family history of small pelvic openings and problems getting the head through.

I would rather not chance uterine rupture, but that is a personal decision one should make with their doctor. I am on number 3 and I am Number 1 is 9y delivered with an emergency c section , I miscarried 2y after; I was able to get pg again at 39 and now I'm less than 2 wks away from number 3. After this I am done. If I did not miscarried I would have had 4; it is possible, GL! I am 41, 9w2d and will be 42 when I deliver in May. First and only pregnancy.

If all goes well we will most likely go for Irish twins since I would like 2 kids but am pushing the now or never time frame.

  1. Around the world in one night... Santas secrets unwrapped!;
  2. Black Insolvency.
  3. Five Women's Stories: When to Have a Baby!
  4. Why Starting a Family After 35 Is A Good Thing - baby dot organic.
  5. Becoming a Resonant Leader: Develop Your Emotional Intelligence, Renew Your Relationships, Sustain Y.

Had my first at 30, 2nd at 33 and pregnant with 3 now. I'll be 35 when I deliver this one. Hubby is 45 though, so we don't know if we'll be having any more after this one. I would welcome as many more as we can have though! I will say that I was thankful that hubby and I had 10 years together before the first baby though!

First Start In Many Years

We are more mature and better equipped to handle parenthood in my opinion being slightly older than the 'norm'! I got married at 38, DS at 39, now due in 3 weeks with DD! Honestly, while I loathe pregnancy, if we had the funds, we'd have four! As a PP said, my husband was overweight and diabetic. Fast forward to having our son and he is revitalized to be healthy for our new family!

Why Starting a Family After 35 Is A Good Thing

He lost 50 lbs, got the diabetes totally controlled, revamped his diet, and is walking. I am overweight and have followed his diet, only gained 30 lbs first pregnancy, lost all but 10 lbs before getting knocked up again. We both work FT, and everyone says I run circles around them like a 20 year-old.

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  • Cross Cultural Psychiatry.
  • How can young people start families when their lives are so insecure?.
  • The Refractive Thinker®: Vol V: Strategy in Innovation; Ch 7: Assessing an Innovation: Student Outco.
  • Jothams Journey: A Storybook for Advent!
  • Go for it, girl!!!!! We are soooo in love with our DS and can't wait to meet our DD. Conceiving was no problem, and I had a false positive on Downs, so amnio for 1 and CVS for 2, but thankfully both kids are fine. Plus, your kids being close in age is great for playmates and getting rid of all the baby crapola all at once.

    Oldest Newest 22 Posts. But many Americans still aren't clear on the benefits — and there are many for women and families. Here's a look at A Big Age Difference Between Children What to Expect Once the memories of sleep-deprivation and diaper blowouts fade, many first-time parents start seriously mulling over when to turn their threesome into a foursome or more.

    1. Timelapse;
    2. Want 1, 2 or 3 Kids? Study Estimates When to Start Building Your Family.
    3. First Baby at 25;
    4. Spurlos verschwunden (German Edition)!
    5. Starting a big family in your 30's?.
    6. Want 1, 2 or 3 Kids? Study Estimates When to Start Building Your Family.
    7. Header Right.

    As inspired as they are to M Big family-- Please read! Am now 37 and thinking about fourth this year.

    Five Women Dish on When to Start a Family

    DH and I have both decided that if it doesn't happen this year that we will be ok if we have just three kids. We had or first three bac to bac bad the baby is almost two now. I feel like I shoul have a newborn. We needed to space the third and fourth a bit more as I had a very difficult pregnancy with the second and third. Half of the families on our street have four children. Most of the parents were almost 40 when their fourth and final came along. I want to be at the most I live in Frederick. Sorry for horrible spelling issues!! And yes, I was surprised at the large families here at first but now it seems normal.

    I had my three babies at 31, 33, and Hope to have one more, but not until I am at least I'm kinda overwhelmed with three little ones right now, hoping that when the first two are older and more independent, I will be ready to have 4. I do know a family with 4 kids who moved to Frederick last year. More bang for the buck.

    I'm going into 30 next year with 1 kid next year, so this thread is inspiring. I started mine at the age of Then we had a hard time conceiving. When I did it was triplets 3 girls! We had a son two years later. My mom had 4. First at 28, last just after she turned